Faerin - i fear for her

I find Faerin funny because as far as I can tell, she’s the only severely scarred and maimed Arathi, which means that either they’re all so incompetent that she’s been single handedly keeping them all afloat this entire time or she’s so incompetent that she gets maimed every time she picks up her sword and the rest of them are hoping she’ll finally kick the bucket and stop wasting resources. Either way, Blizzard’s attempt to make her unique just makes her look like a bad character.


Well they killed Devos… who was awesome… hopefully they don’t do that here…

This expac ain’t over. Thrall has story left to tell so he lasts at least until next expansion. Lorthemar looks like the next man up since his story arc seems complete, but we haven’t met a viable replacement yet, have we?

I would argue that there is no reason to consider her an “important” female character.

I mean obviously they WANT us to. But they have given zero reason to.

Anyhow though. Here is to hoping they off her. :beers:



She needs to be gone


Funny how you didn’t mention her dumb af Shield Arm.


She will be fine.
You know why she’ll be fine but we can’t talk about that here.


lol you know this isn’t happening.



She was injured as a child in the event that brought the Arathi there.

She’s a leader because she’s still competent despite those injuries.

I realize that reality is inconvenient to your little attempt at humor, sorry.


Probably the only time I’ll ever agree with anything you say.

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The cope from these players. They just cannot accept a strong female character with rich storyline and character.

Why are you all like this ?

What’s so strong and rich about her?


Luuba is trolling. Don’t take the bait.

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For one she was an Orphan.

She is strong willed despite being physically challenged. SHe has 1 arm and 1 eye. Yet she wields a shield ?

She believes in the light unlike Anduin. Who is lost.

What I really liked about her was. Being an orphan she carries herself very well around a king and guides him on how he should deal with his trauma.

When during the shadow void cut scene. You could see that Anduin was truly moved by her when light was emanating from her hand and passing onto him.

She also showed Aleria, that when time comes they have to stand their ground and fight.

So yes those are some pretty good attributes of a strong character.

Just because I think your boy king is weak does not mean I am trolling. I appreciate character and strength.

I put thrall and your boy king in the same box.

Garosh had character & displayed superior leadership qualities. Thrall threw him under the bus.

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People in the negative opinion crowd have a weird fixation on Faerin. I wasn’t a fan of first impressions of this character but after seeing her in game I think she’s fine.


They are clearly setting up a romance between her and Aundin. Hopefully Aundin doesnt like 12 year olds

Can you keep your nonsense of my thread please.

After hearing what she said about dragons, I hope she DOES die, and in a terrible way, too.

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Anduin and Faerin are spending some good time in Mereldar playing board games.

They let every character grow into demented senile old age, tf you talking about. She already looks about 50 too so we’re not far off. She looks like a citizen of Revendreth.

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