Faerin - i fear for her

I don’t know what that means but I’ll give it a like for creativity and effort.

I would argue that they’re simply introducing characters to kill. We’ve already been told like 12 characters are going to die in this saga. No way in hell are they killing 12 old characters. We don’t even have 12 notable ones. So a large percentage of that 12 is gonna end up being newly-introduced characters like her.

Horde players are still pretty pissed off at the inequity, I assure you.

Okay. And how many gut punches has Blizzard delivered by killing a prominent female WoW lore character?

They won’t kill Faerin. Not without significant staff turnover. But we can always hope.


Zero? I can not recall one.


Faerin is perfectly safe. At least with Blizzard’s current “writing” team.


They don’t like her because she isn’t a large busted, blond High Elf who needs saving and they can have inappropriate thoughts about.


Yes, i figured that part.


As someone that’s played both sides for a significant number of years at various points in my WoW life, that “WHAT ABOUT US!?” stuff you’re running isn’t going to work on me, especially as I myself mained a blood elf starting in 2016 up until vulpera were introduced, at which point I spent nearly three years as one. Despite being back to a gnome, my primary alts are still majority goblin or vulpera.

That said, it seems like Horde are more prone to the villain bat, but don’t deny Alliance have taken pretty heavy losses over the years.

And honestly, after the intro of The War Within, I don’t think Horde can really say Alliance haven’t had major deaths outside of Varian. THEY LITERALLY JUST KILLED KHADGAR IN THE INTRO!
Dude was for a long time the most visible Alliance character that actually pre-dated Warcraft 3. That one hurt.

Now, for what it’s worth? I’ve personally felt Turalyon has been being set up to finally give Alliance a major hero turned villain as the only real examples we’ve had for years are Arthas over the course of WC3 (which is a bit of a weak one as it happened in the same game he was introduced and was somewhat of a mirror of Anakin Skywalker/Vader) and Benedictus in Cata (which even if you were Alliance then, that was a case of “Who?” for many folks)

The real question however will be how that goes over with the players. To me, he’s the most logical choice for an Alliance character going off the rails, but I really don’t think that’d go over well with the old school fans. Let’s just say I see him turning as being a non-zero chance.

Should they finally hit the dangling plot thread that is the Lightforged on Alternate Draenor and bring Yrel back, all bets are off on Turalyon at that point IMO. Plus, it’d be another former Alliance character for your guys to kill :+1:

Faerin is a DEI wet dream. They ain’t killing her.
Your best hope for a female character death is either a returning Yrel that has gone full zealot with a firm grasp on the villain ball, or a returning Sylvanas (please no…) coming back and making a heroic sacrifice to atone for past misdeeds in a scene that SHOULD have been written for Arthas had they not fumbled Shadowlands so badly after teasing an Illidan style return in very early interviews.

And on that note, I see Jaina as safe. They just killed Khadgar, so she’s now the most significant mage within the lore by default. I really don’t see them pulling the trigger on another lore significant mage unless they want to go for pure shock value at potential expense of the overall story.
And if I’m wrong on that? That means she’s the sacrificial lamb to drive home the point of NO lore characters being safe until the end of the Worldsoul Saga.


I will absolutely deny it.

Don’t try and pull that stunt when you write crap like what I just quoted.

You know, if you’re going to act like a child and talk like that when I’m trying to have a civil debate on the lore with you, then I suppose we have nothing more to discuss.

Enjoy the expansion. Or don’t. Makes no difference to me.


You haven’t been paying attention to the datamining have you?

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No, I apparently haven’t, but absolutely stellar job on quoting blurred out SPOILER TEXT and revealing it to everyone.

Bravo. Maybe think that one through next time? :face_exhaling:

Nobody can have a “civil debate” with somebody who tries to both sides the slaughter of the Horde over the last 20 years with the light slap on the wrist that Blizzard occasionally delivers to the Alliance.

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This isn’t news to anyone here. Anybody seriously trying to avoid spoilers that have been around for months now are avoiding this place like the plague.


Not like it will last anyway.

There’s not much point talking faction with Brewa, he’s made the Horde his entire personality, specifically the victim complex part of it.


she’s gonna be the face of the nice, friendly ones when we go wipe out her entire fanatical idiot civilization.


Fearin lol


Calling this the best expansion is a lot of cope.

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Coping what ?