Faerin - i fear for her

My dude, there is no way in the nine hells they would kill her.

She is the safest character with the thickest plot armor in the game, Thrall would die before her.

So you have nothing to fear about

It’s probably sad how true this could be one day. Depends on the direction of the writing going forward.

How? /10chars

she likes anduin. he likes her. this is interesting. we havent seen a hollywood-esque romance develop, other than flynn and his bud. and if they tossed wrathion in, for a love triangle, itd be worthy of luke, han and leia, with wrathion as han, the scoundrel. but then she’s so enamored with the light, she’s like a warrior nun and would likely tell them their just friends lol. oh man, the memes, the memes

fixed that for ya.

I just wish they’d giver her a more attractive haircut. Not this turbo-masculine one. Doesn’t match her soft tone at all.

Name 3 female characters that they’ve introduced since Legion that they’ve killed.

I hope they do not kill Anduin. My fav female char by far.


No! You MUST like her


Men die younger than women

That’s a joke right? Plz tell me that’s a joke lol

Elisande, Skyja, Kyra, Signe, Brynja, Arthura, Aradne, Agatha, Daschla, Ysera, Delaryn, Lyaxa, Ashvane, Willowblossom, Devos

I hope they elevate her to queen of Stormwind or something to further drive you weirdos away from the game and you don’t come back to continue subjecting us to your incessant whining about her.

Same, i want her to be a position of power, not because it upsets the community but I think she would do well and connect with a lot of players.

She has a good vibe around her.

One thing i would suggest is, as she matures in her journey. We need to find a powerful voice actor for her. She needs to get out of this soft hero design and actually unleash the power of light.

I would not mind it, if they give her something in the lines of ‘‘For the Alliance’’

And then they tried to include a daily quest where you need to kill Amber Kearnen to “save the timeline” in a way that makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. No blood trail leading to Agents Jones and Smith means timeline is still broken.

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they could have just put in a coma, not dead yet, from damage, message delivered
comes back at the end.

Nope, they needed her in sl. to be the npc not even easy to find. and only rouges if they complete the order get special lines.

and made her a spider. Meanwhile
several other characters got to keep original form. Amber was a sniper. Kind of hard to shoot rifles as a spider.

What they did to her as a character was shameful.

How has this topic out of all the ones that were 404ed still going

Because this is a legit topic. I am not a Bait.

My only request is not to kill her. She is a good leader, she is young at heart, she is not scared to fight enemies.

We need to build her character design.

and she is a black woman - represent ! She needs more of the Wakanda energy in her. I am so in love with her. She has my most renown, she also has my heart.

Hope she wins, and the fate of Blizz gods is with her :heart:

I doubt she is gonna die. She’s the catalyst for Anduin getting through his faux trauma and regaining his light powers if not flat out becoming his girlfriend/queen (a good way to bring a lost kingdom into the fold).

Killing her just triggers the extreme woke types into REEEEEEEEEEEEing that Blizzard hates disabled people. She also happens to tick a LOT of diversity buckets that Blizzard can showcase to those same folks and, at most, they gain some kind of potential noble death which ALSO likely will get twisted in why does a major diversity bucket NPC have to die for a priviledged cis white male.

kind of mean, i am neither woke nor disabled. But i stand for equality, maybe because i was raised by a single mother.

Anyways, I really hope Anduin, is not crafting. Humans are always crafting. They always have a motive and an agenda.

His mouth was drolling when he saw the star, i knew then. he is planning something and his eyes lighting up when she held his hand and he felt the energy. He is sus asf.

Yea finally. This is a good step. We need more black representations.

I am waiting for her to have a meaningful story and I will roll Alliance.

As a writer (at least in spirit), I believe in equality which means diversity characters can also die/be bad/get screwed/etc. I 100% believe that Blizzard has been through so much over the last few years and is desperate for social wins that they won’t dare take out what literally can be their poster diversity/woke character irregardless of how it may look if it made sense to the narrative.

I can literally see the headlines now: Activision Blizzard proves their allegiance to the right wing by mercilessly killing off their newly created female black disabled feminist/girl power character
EPSECIALLY if it was indeed to save Anduin which just makes it super duper hella worse with him being, like I said, a cishet priviledged af white male with a crapton of linked articles about their recent corporate scandals involving a SA women who committed suicide and the insane amount of backlash leading to the uncovering and mass dismissals of a very toxic dudebro corporate culture at their foundation.