Faerin - i fear for her

Nothing funnier than a loud savior whose only retort is “nah u”

We don’t need your help boy.

Don’t worry.

When we get to Avaloren and overthrow the corrupt Emperor, she’ll take his place as Empress.


I hope she has a totally unceremonious, pointless death. Like she’s just sitting in a tavern and a stray Hunter bullet comes through the window and tags her. Instant permadeath.

Dang. I wonder what you’re reaction is gonna be like when that doesn’t happen.

The death of a parent just hit different. I have lost both of my parents and grief is different from person to person. But I can count on one hand how many times I cried. I don’t like crying so I am not a big crier.

And before you ask I still miss them everyday.

I hope they kill her off, she’s ugly and I hate her


Oh, it won’t.

I hope they do, her voice actor is great but her character model is hideous.

Haha you have the worst takes on every thread and you always get ratio’d be people who hate Faerin, priceless

If we have learnt anything from The War Within, it is one thing.

Our community is very close minded and backwards.

They cannot accept an NPC that is different, that is how backward this old generation of wow players are.

Now, I really really hope Blizzard gives us more out of box heroes that we are not used to.

Replace stereotypes like Anduin or Jaina. Maybe it is time for a new dynamic.

Has nothing to do whit that.

I’m curious, how many people would have an issue with her if she was,

  1. whole, or accepted actual prosthetics.
  2. attractive.

How very astute of you. Kudos for calling attention to it I suppose?

Not a fan of her character but maybe it’s because of Anduin. Feels like a corny Hallmark movie and I do believe I’d like her character more without sad Anduin moping around.

And that’s why I tend to hate faction related debates when it comes to Warcraft. Doesn’t matter if it’s Horde or Alliance. Both sides have those types of folks. My personal favorite is “WTF?! Horde/Alliance ALWAYS win every battleground!” with the side winning being whatever the opposite faction to your current character is at any given moment.

I grew out of my rabid Alliance fanboy phase by the time I was 25 (which is more years ago than I care to admit at this point), but didn’t fully take the plunge into Horde until 2016 as I really wanted a clean break and a change of pace for Legion. Frankly, it was eye opening to see all the usual Alliance complaints mirrored in some manner on the Horde.

Honestly, I wish Blizzard would just totally rip the cross faction bandage off at this point rather than introduce things piecemeal or add ridiculous restrictions such as not being able to queue for LFD in a cross faction group unless you already have a group of five.

What? Was a toggle for that too hard to program?

At this point, it’s the rabid faction fanboys that can’t have a thought more complex than “KILL RED/BLUE!” that are really slowing down the pace for things that should have been options both from a gameplay and a story standpoint years ago.

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…like what?

Even if she wasn’t checking the DEI boxes, she’s still checking some of the common Mary Sue boxes:

  • Mixed race (human/elf)
  • Related to a famous character/family

The thing currently holding her back from full blown Sue status is the fact that so far it would seem she’s reprimanded quite a bit for her recklessness. That said, if the likes of Jaina, Thrall, and Anduin start praising every little thing she does, then we’ve likely got
the makings of a full blown Sue on our hands.

That’ll go double if she winds up always being right, even in situations where logic would dictate that whatever plan she comes up with would be the worse tactical choice imaginable, situations where she acts without all the info, situations where she’s right for the wrong reason, etc.

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Lol who are you again? I don’t think you know what any of that means.

I wouldn’t worry about it OP, blizzard seems to only want to kill/replace every male leader so they can replace them with strong girlbosses so she should be safe.

I like her. She reminds me of Tirion Fordring.