Faerin - i fear for her

Atm, any female is more manly than anduin at this point :laughing:


A one legged caucasian orc? No, still not man enough for her. Cut off his ears and the other leg. And make it a south asian orc.

Royal families are weird!

But in this case I mean to emphasize that it’s really not weird. Like, there’s probably a minor Greymane in living memory who married a Wrynn so Tess and Anduin are technically like, sixth cousins, but you’d have to sit down with a genealogy chart to actually prove it, it’s not weird.

Same thing with the Lothar family line. Yes theoretically they’re related, but so distantly that it’s not really worth talking about.

He and Taelia definitely had a moment that looked like it might go somewhere, and people have talked about him and Tess Greymane.

I could’ve sworn there was a third but this knowledge has vanished back into the underworld where it came (and frankly good riddance) so :dracthyr_shrug:

The dwarf thing was real, it was in one of the books, but it was pretty much limited to him checking her out. Just a reminder that Anduin was in fact a normal teenager and not weirdly celibate or something.

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So there were some options. Okay. Taelia is Crispy Lich King’s daughter right? And Tess, I remember Tess, I like her. Good options. Why marry him off to the really ugly chick? I can’t stand the guy and but even I don’t hate him that much.

no anduin cant have wrathion. hes way too snarky. anduin would be mad all the time lol

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Oh, just the image of how much backlash Blizzard would receive if they killed her. She has too much backing her up.

Plus he’s a giant reptile. Creepy.

I’m glad it made you laugh at least. :stuck_out_tongue:

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No I get that. I’m sure a lot of how wow was constructed was based on older times, fantasy medieval setting
 usually the predictable way to go since that is were the inspiration is drawn from at most times for such settings.

Still weird ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I don’t think Faerin and Anduin will marry or whatever
 I think she was used more as that break out point in Anduins arc to find his light again and perhaps teach him once again to be a fearless leader.

He is definitely now going to go through that and hopefully by late midnight, last titan, he’ll be like his dad was in terms of leadership and back at the throne.

I can appreciate what they are finally trying to do here.

CGI image. Better believe she’s sticking around all expansion at the very least.

oh yeah, forgot that. would be funny if she was too but shed pick a visage with all its limbs and eyes

With the change of the writing team, Anduin’s story can go in any direction. So expect the unexpected.

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Sure but I look at the creative leads.
They want Anduin back at the throne. Just have this arc where he is battle hardened and a better leader. BFA he was very naive, and timid
 Shadowlands broke h im
 now he’ll come back to be a better leader.

Showing already moves and signs as his dad.

All intentional.

Anduin is all over the place. The shadowlands deal is so stupid it makes my butt itch. It’s cheap writing in my opinion. An overreaction to a stupid plot. The guy has been through worse. Much worse. He got messed up by Garrosh, lost his dad, saw his people killed to the point where he ran out of bodies to throw at the enemy.

But somehow a mind control spell broke him. A mind control spell. A spell which he knows and used on other people as a priest.

He was Christine Golden’s pet. That’s the truth. She used every excuse to feature him everywhere.

The only silver lining is that the old writing team is gone and Anduin might just take a break and I for one think it’s about time.

varian. varian. varian. not saying they should bring him back from the dead, but 
okay yeah they should bring him back from the dead

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yea but she isnt.

I dunno, normally I’d be all over an arc like that, but I kind of don’t care any more. I just wish they’d get Anduin out of the way and focus on somebody more interesting. Maybe someone other than the humans and elves for once.

When did he mind control someone? Unless it is in the books I don’t think Anduin had ever taken a life and being forced to do so is what broke him. The whole making him become something he hates. Shadowlands story was pretty crazy but we still se Anduin slowly progressing as a character. Weak and imperfect but that is what makes his growth better. We really don’t get to see all the ugly stages of a characters growth in WoW. They come pretty much done or close to perfect.

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In Jade Forest, he mind controlled Sully for about thirty seconds to get him to let Anduin run off on his own. They’re not really comparable situations.


He did it to his bodyguards in MoP to get away from them. And I would much rather have seen him crying over his dad than this, now that’s relatable.