Faerin - i fear for her

This is hilarious, and something a friend of mine likes to call Rethuglican Dumbspeak.

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Then Anduin is gonna kill himself I think. Or blind himself cause she actually has a really nice voice. But the sight of her. Not what I’d expect to see next to a pretty boy like Anduin.

Sounds awesome can’t wait till my computer is fixed and I can play actually find out what the characters like. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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You two need to get a room or something lol

And? Look at the Warbringers and Harbingers shorts and see how well they compare to which characters were actually important to that expansion. They even tried to build up Azshara that way just to completely waste her. Promotions don’t mean anything.

Genetically, she is less closely related to Anduin than any of his previous human love interests.

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Man I never looked at his love interests geneology since I never dug into lore but come on. That’d just be weird. The fan fic community need to keep that within their circles :sweat_smile:
[Yes I know in medieval times or whatever they’d marry within their lineage or whatever but still, weird]

That doesn’t disprove what I just said. She’s not just some standard quest giver was my point.

They won’t kill her, It’s Anduin’s future wife



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What love interests? Anduin’s? He had any? I remember reading way back he had a thing for some dwarf girl but I’m not even sure that was legit or some fan fiction I heard somewhere. Was there someone else?

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Can we call her Eyefu?

We’ve got Knaifu already.

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She ain’t gonna die, least not yet, i don’t think they’re gonna kill of lothar’s daughter that quick, if at all.

While i do agree with you to a point i still think it’s important to point out characters that do come across as well written. While i would love Anduin to get past his 10 year story locked in his crying/emotions already and man up Blizzard seems stuck in having him go through his emotions EVERY SINGLE EXPANSION he is in. I don’t think that should take away from a well written new character.

I’m not a big fan of just going the opposite direction and saying all new female characters are bad because Blizzard are writing SO MANY of them and trying to flood lore with them.

However you are right, it’s not just WoW either. Don’t need to look any further than OW2 to see that since the games launch it has implemented 7 NEW female characters, 1 male, 1 robot and 1 other/whatever (very feminine male or however you want to say it). It’s laughable but we are where we are and it shouldn’t take away if a character is introduced and well written imo. But it is laughable at the ridiculous bend toward all female all the time which is completely unrealistic and immersion breaking.

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She’s gonna reawaken Anduin, Anduin will thank her, will offer her a place in stormwind, she’ll decline as she wants to go lead the arathi or whatever and that’s it. She ain’t dying. They want new characters IN GAME to keep moving forward.

Actually she’s not. She’s the only real connection between the Arathi kingdom and the rest of the Alliance. If that kingdom were to become part of the Alliance, properly, she’ll be present at least to the degree of, let’s say the elf chick from Suramar. But I hope she gets abandoned and forgotten by the new writing team.

i dont think they would spend so much time gearing her and finding such a good voice actor for her, only to kill her off. she has all the markings of being a long lasting character. also, a twist, wrathion ends up liking her too so now its anduin and wrathion trying to court her. /sinister laugh


Nah they’d just end up falling in love with each other while she runs off with a real man. :stuck_out_tongue:

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she looks like a real man.


OMG :nauseated_face:
:newspaper_roll: bad fan fic people
 you know what you did wrong

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More than either Anduin or Wrathion. I’ll give ya that.

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