Faerin - i fear for her

As a paladin, her whole job is to sacrifice herself fighting some great evil and then be forgotten about immediately thereafter. See also: Uther, Turalyon (albeit he got better), Tirion, Maraad.

Alternatively, she could become a vengeful, whacked-out nutcase and descend into full-on villainy, like Arthas or Yrel.

These are your two paladin options, there are no others. Her parents were right, she should’ve gone into economics instead.

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i like her. she isnt gonna die, she’s too important to the story.

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Yes it does and context says if you have no good reasons for why she’s a bad character other then how she looks then you are 100% a racist.

She’ll go full turalyon when X’era had control !? :fearful:

The Light also are a shady group.

I did not say everything you see is true, but it is in fact reality. The people who think things are normal and seeing other people call it out is a much broader picture with the internet and social media.

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That isn’t currently the case and will only become the case by design. Just saying.

Faerin did not accidentally fall into this role lol. That’s part of what people are pointing out about the character.

they arent gonna kill off anduin’s half elf/black lothar/ amputee/ sight impared girlfriend.

christ, you guys gotta give it a rest.

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I believe you meant to say “handicapable” there.

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omg get outta here lmao


Says who? She’s just a standard zone quest giver, nothing more.

Oh yes. Paladins are bad news.

Amputee isn’t a dirty word just like disabled isn’t.

You will very quickly change your mind when I tell you that Vulpera will squeak like a squeaky toy upon being mauled by dogs.

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george carlin for the win :sweat_smile:

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A stand quest giver who happens to have a full rendered cinematic trailer feature her and multple cgi promotion material.

Which btw is strangely absent from their front-facing promotion material, including to international audiences. I WONDER WHY.

well she’s

  1. our pathfinder host for arathi empire
  2. she’s anduin’s counsellor,
  3. she’s an expert on nerubians
  4. she’s got great gear
  5. she’s our first poc female leader
  6. her voice actor is great
  7. i think shes gonna end up being anduin’s wife

who, Faerin Half-orcen?

I doubt it. Of the new characters i have seen so far i think she is the most interesting and well written character. I like her and hope she becomes one of the major lore characters. She comes across as an excellent leader and very inspirational. Her story and helping Anduin was very well written and well made. She is everything Anduin isn’t and never was.

Oh for heaven’s sake, you lot and the head cannon… fan fic…

She’s related to him.

I agree on that part. This is the only part you mentioned that involved any luck though.

The rest is entirely by design and is a part of the problem with this character being forced into such prominence. :slight_smile:

They created the character and worked backward from there to make her into all of the things you mentioned.

That’s not hard to do. She’s a woman. Women get special status in World of Women.