Faction Identity

People keep forgetting how close the Forest Trolls are to the elves. Not to mention Kith’ix is buried under Zul’Aman. I think they will play a role in Midnight.


I’m probably the only one hoping we face the Amani again merely because that’s Vol’jin’s best opportunity. Also the potential threat of Trolls fused with an immortal Phoenix god. :robot::sweat_drops:

Why are they infused with Al’ar? Kith’ix is a C’Thraxxi. They are beings of the Void.

I don’t mind cross-faction for gameplay, but once it started getting into we all have the same story (most of it Alliance related) and then people wanted all cities made neutral, I was out. That’s too far and makes everything boring.

I want to feel like my choice of faction meant something and that I’m actually playing in the faction of my choosing.


Everything has become so homogenized it is not fun.


Well, for some baffling reason, players wanted this since Cataclysm…


Some did… Many people left when this happened. My brother and I were the only ones in our friend group who played Cataclysm and later expansions. Everyone else quit. Cataclysm to Mist of Pandaria lost over 2 million subscribers.


Since Burning Crusade, the Amani Tribe have been using dark magic to fuse Loa into their greatest warriors. :robot::magic_wand:

…and supposedly their Hex Lord has kept a Dark Loa. The perfect scenario for Vol’jin and his Light Loa. :flashlight::dragon_face:

Rumored to be the most feared witch doctor of the Amani tribe in decades, Hex Lord Malacrass has done the unthinkable and sealed the essences of several mighty troll animal gods in their strongest champions … keeping the darkest one for himself.

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Al’ar is not a Loa. I would like to see more of Hex Lord Malacrass.


True but the Amani Tribe need to accomplish something against their elven foe. Otherwise they’d remain WoW’s most pathetic enemy (even when the elves were weakened by the scourge, the trolls gained no progress and lost a hero). :robot::sweat_drops:

If it’s dark fusion magic, possible it can work on magical beings. :8ball::robot:

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I mean, I do think they need to figure out how to recapture faction and race identity, yeah. That doesn’t mean I want them to rehash the same storyline of a genocidal warchief of course, but right now the game feels samey and boring, and the cosmic stakes are just really hard to get invested in.

Any future faction conflict should at the very least involve a significant portion of non-participants or outright deserters to a third faction on each side. Dragonflight realized the potential for interfaction friendships, which should be addressed and tied into the story. I don’t want another faction conflict where a leader is blindly followed by a reluctant army that only chooses to push back at the very last minute. The “honor vs loyalty” thing has been done to death.

I also want Blizzard to embrace class and race identity. The former practically doesn’t exist at all since Legion, and the latter was streamlined through a hilariously inept tutorial zone – which sort of had different faction experiences, but were so mirrored to each other in tone and direction that you don’t actually get a sense of what makes Horde and Alliance different other than “Horde are slightly meaner” and “Alliance are cornballs”.


If anything there should exist even more cultural divide. You have distinct races and their leaders in both factions. I wish there were more political scheming in this game, at least lore-wise


Alliance Content: Follow humans around where other races are just side kicks and Anduin whines a bunch.

Neutral Content: Follow humans around where other races are just side kicks and Anduin whines a bunch.

I’m not seeing the difference.


Horde players complain why the writers always makes their faction the bad guys in the faction conflict. It’s because you don’t accept “war is bad” as the message of the setting unless you’re beaten over the head with the shame of it. Even then the lesson only takes for a few years before y’all are chomping at the bit for more pointless genocide.

They need to go all in and either merge them, or make them really distinct, not this half-baked in between. That said, merging them is probably the better option of the two for most players for a long list of reasons.

Wanting faction related stories does not mean wanting genocide. It’s not have BFA story or follow Anduin around while he mopes.


Couldn’t agree more with this.

So much of what made this game great is either taken away or diluted to appease the small and loud minority on the forums who want a bit of everything.

Not everybody plays to jump through hoops, kill dragons, and make the mythic timers. Some play because they love what the story had to offer and were drawn in to their favorite race and faction. But knowing blizz, they’ll continue listening to terrible feedback until nothing of this game remains original and interesting.


Says the knockoff dwarf race.

That could make things really interesting. But far more complicated, and so it sadly won’t happen. But it WOULD be cool.

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I have been saying the same thing for the last couple of months. Without faction wars, there is no World of Warcraft.