Faction Identity

Faction exclusive content in WoW brings a lot of cool benefits that make the game more interesting and keep players interested.
Makes You Want to Replay: Since certain content is locked to each faction, players will often make characters on both sides to check out all the quests, stories, and rewards. This keeps the game feeling fresh and gives players more to do.
Builds Faction Identity: The different storylines and quests for each faction make you feel more connected to your side, whether you’re part of the Alliance or Horde. It helps create a stronger bond with the faction you pick and makes the game world more immersive.
Variety in How You Play: Each faction has its own vibe whether you’re into the Alliance’s noble feel or the Horde’s rebellious attitude. This variety lets players enjoy the game from different perspectives and adds more depth to the experience.
Different Narratives for Each Faction: When content is exclusive to either the Alliance or Horde, the storylines can be tailored to match each faction’s values, culture, and goals. The Alliance might focus on honor, order, and diplomacy, while the Horde might deal with survival, and strength. This gives each faction a distinct flavor to its quests and story arcs.


No. Factions are a relic of a bygone era. It is well past time both mechanically and narratively to merge the factions. I suggest we call the new political entity “The Mortals’ Accord of Greater Azeroth”.


Merging the factions in WoW would mess with a lot of what makes the game great. The Alliance and Horde each have their own deep stories and beliefs that drive the plot. If you merged them, that would take away a lot of the conflict and make the story feel less exciting. Faction-exclusive content also gives players a reason to try both sides and get different experiences. If you got rid of that, the game would feel less varied and less fun to replay. Plus, WoW has always been about the tension between the factions. It’s World of Warcraft, not World of Peacecraft.


I agree with what ChatGPT has given us.


That we should merge everything? Well, believe it or not, some people actually have a plan when they write.

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No no, that there is still faction identity and we can’t just toss it aside. There’s still cultural differences and whatnot.

Not to mention, we’d have to delete most of the expansions.

I was attempting a joke that clearly failed. Sorry about the confusion. I agree with you.


Respectfully disagree


I’d much rather see race or class specific content that deepens the lore around things that are real and enduring. Factions are a thing of the past, and not really relevant anymore.


:: sighs::


I don’t agree! Not long ago, the Alliance killed the king of Zandalar. In the real world, people don’t just forget about something like that. It is bad for the story to forget things like that.


Let’s be real. Reasons like this are why they are trying to streamline our gaming experience. It’s a lot less work for them.


We could have real faction identity if the narratives were written by someone who could make it more than a 1 dimensional race war

We need to go back to individual races stories. Do some catching up. Feel out their conflicts and past relationships and tie them to the horde and Alliance

More politics. Much how the nightborne story and Tyrande played out. I miss the two path expansions followed by a centralized area that followed.

I could work with that formula. Like how Jaina and Lor’themar Theron interaction on Throne of Thunder

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Don’t play a game called World of Warcraft unless you want war.


“Factions are a thing of the past”

Last time I checked the Horde banner still flies in Orgrimmar and any Gnome that visits can look forward to being ganked by giddy opposing faction members.

As it always has been and as it always should be.

People should stop giving Blizz excuses to be lazy. Give us two separate stories again.


I agree. That does not mean the players should except that.


“in the real world” factors in a lot here. Its just a game, bub.


Faction identity consumes racial identity, which is more interesting. When we focus on factions, we lose all the nuance available. The game just becomes “Humans and friends” vs “Orcs and friends”.


A good narrative draws inspiration from life.


I think the reality of what merged factions would bring is more of what we see already. Lots of human and elf usage, because those have always been the “relatable stand-ins” for fantasy. Except then former horde players would then be expected to see those normal humans as “representing” them by Blizzard, despite the whole original point of the faction being to exist outside of that framework.

It already sucks to be “repped” by two species of elf if you liked the horde for its monster races, but I think combining or removing factions would just make it worse.


While I agree to a degree, it’s also bad for the story to let a contrived premise run on too long. Watching Blizzard continually bringing the Horde and Alliance together, then trying to find some excuse to split them up again was like watching the writers for Friends trying to keep the Ross and Racheal "Will they? Won’t they?"story going. At a certain point it got old and tired, and you just wanted it to move on.