It was that campaign where you had blue vs red mountain dew cans 10 years ago wasnt it??
Story aside, lets not get things mixed.
You build a game upon a premise, you can’t change that, not without damaging your game
There are game I don’t like, and I never will, trying to convince devs of those games to change things until the game becomes good for me is insane.
If the premise of the game is not my thing I just move on. The premise of WOW is faction war. Sure, for the sake of gameplay, it’s easier to get both Alliance and Horde to fight the same enemy, because they can’t afford to build different raid for both factions every expansion, That’s why we are always fighting a common foe, it’s now up the story to make it work somehow. But gameplay comes first, if you want story first, then you should watch movies, not play a game.
Waiting on that cross faction guild next year. It’s about to get good.
I still have my LK 7/11 cup from that I miss those.
I’m not going to say war isn’t competition of a sort, but calling it that and referring to warring factions riven with hatreds that have inflicted devastating losses upon one another over long years of war frenemies just smacks of modernity’s banal reductionism. Never mind what emotions might lie behind the conflict, nor any other extenuating circumstances that drive it, it’s dumb because we end up killing worldly threats regularly, and that even despite said ongoing conflict.
And that usually doesn’t quell the enmity between said heroes and villains thereafter as I’m aware, but I don’t read many comics and given the current ruinous trends of the industry I can’t imagine that will be changing any time soon.
I think I just turned 18 or 19 around that time and its a genuine miracle I never got a Horde symbol tattooed anywhere back then.
i agree i have had ENOUGH of being forced to endure grouping with draenei.
Just think about class halls. That had members of horde and alliance and nuetral factions. We are multifaceted individuals in the game.
We have made war frenemies in our many fights to save the world.
Think about how many human races there are.
Stormwind, gilnean, kul tiran, lordaeron. 3 of those are alliance 1 horde.
Bloodelves - void elves for example.
Both those groups could have families on the opposite sides.
Night elves and tauren have had close ties.
Nightborne and night elves have a kinship, probably foreign family on both sides. Tyrande is from Surumar for example.
Goblins and gnomes show frenemies at the extreme level too.
We also have emmisaries of nuetral classes like evokers, demonhunters, the ebon blade on both sides. Why we dont have horde night elf demon hunters, or alliance blood elf demon hunters when its a nuetral order?
The game is more grey then black and white. We have reasons to hate each other in the army. But we are also have civilians points of views they may not care as much of that stuff unless they were personally impacted.
Think of how sentiments go toward russians right now and the war on ukraine. But not necessarily hating russian americans or civilians. They don’t all think the same, nor do they all agree with there leaders actions.
Having people to play an MMO with > The story (esp since the story isn’t even that enjoyable anymore)
I do think about that, but I also think about how many bitter widowers must exist that would rather see the other side’s entirety burn, or the legions that will have lost other family, many likely even their own children, to the blades of their foes, and I cannot fathom how anybody of sound mind can believe things are as simple as, “lol we fight bigger bads together all the time we should just drop it and be best buds”.
Well the good thing is you can rp/head canon that all you want.
I think of it like in FFX. If you see Wakka. He grows up in this religion that hates the al bhed. He grows up in the religion and doesnt question it.
But its hate. He never realizes that his basically adopted orphan younger sister figure is al bhed. Nor another character Rikku, yunas cousin. They get along just great. He never thinks shes al bhed or think twice about it until it becomes relevant to the plot.
Getting back to Wow I helped Jaina in shadowlands after she led an assault that killed my king and innocent civilians in Shadowlands. Because I had to forsake personal animosities as champion of Azeroth and save the world from the Jailer.
I group up with whoever can help faces down these new threats.
We can fight about it later on Azeroth after we still have a world to fight on or for.
It’s neither of those things to presume that of the measureless casualties many had families and loved ones of their own, and those families and loved ones who lost their kin to the opposing faction in the war would want less than nothing to do with if not be outright hostile toward them, it’s just what any reasonable person would assume. And it’s reasonable because every body was once a child, and every child had to have come from somewhere; marriages, close friendships, battlefield trysts and so on. Presuming these wars had an appreciable number of casualties, enough to stoke either side to consider armistice, and given the number of conflicts that we’ve been through, the replacement rate must be almost as impressive, hence romance and hence more children, hence more heartbroken and likely ireful proles.
But if you want to dismiss it as headcanon go right ahead, no shot I’m going to be turning any deaf ears to reason here.
Yeah why would we fight after the Horde burned down our beloved great tree and slaughtered thousands of our people.
Im not letting that go.
It is how the night elves and tauren can be so friendly to each other with there druidic societies.
And be on opposite factions. Do the night elves blame the tauren for what Slyvanas did? Does malfurion kill them for being part of the horde and leader of druids?
Everyone’s character is not on the same boat, they dont share the same opinions.
My shaman might hate the kul tirans for what they did to my king. But still work with them as they have known good humans such as the undead, or fogsail kul tirans. Or my work helping nuetral factions such as the explorers league in Uldum. Heck nesingwary was right there in Zandalar where I could help him kill some dinos and save him from a head hunter.
I’m not saying everyone is in the same boat, I’m saying that enmity doesn’t vanish just because you had to set aside your differences to kill something bigger.
Enmity may be there but so is regret. You may see some regret like you saw in Jaina when Thrall and her made peace.
Alot of horde in the story regretted what they did in War of Thorns.
Alliance to do some questonable things. And can be haunted from PTSD as well.
Is this another “It’s World of WARCraft” topic?
Like yeah, we get it. We can all read also…
100% this. Make warmode you opting into FFA PVP and then faction balance wont mean anything anymore. You can still party up and that will stop friendly fire but would make world pvp more intersting and engaging.
Like I said, doubt I’ll change anyone’s mind on this and I know mine won’t. It’s like people these days have just forgotten or refuse to acknowledge how powerful a motivator hatred and spite can be, and how readily one is wont to place the killer of their kith and kin squarely, oft eternally, in box that is the object of those two primal emotions.
You can choose to cling to hate. Not everyone wants to choose that path. Even irl. Especially after you get through some therapy and have a chance to process your thoughts and experiences.
Enemies uniting under shared threats is natural especially in wow.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
In Azeroth lots of things want to kill us so we unite forces commonly in history.