God above, it’s not me clinging to hate it’s us talking about a story in a video game. This moralizing is enough to make me retch.
Yes its a story. You get to choose your characters motivations. You can choose hate. Doesnt mean its everyone’s choice.
how does anyone have a single complaint about this crossfaction nonsense
Like it’s not a direct parallel, but what about Japan and Americas relationship?
They dropped some big ol bombs on civilians, devastating a whole generation and yet these days Japan is apparently pretty pro America.
Or how everyone is pretty buddy buddy with Germany now and backing off or fighting Russia by proxy.
Or what always amazes me; the stories about armistices during the wars. Just dudes who were killing each other one day playing soccer and sharing food the next day because “heck it, it’s Christmas”
Did you miss the context there, bud? That it wasn’t about if the bombing was justified or not?
Are you still mad about a failed attack? They hit the wrong targets, barely gave America a limp and caused the woken bear to bomb their cities into dust and cancer.
Its apparent, most of us could care less about the “lore”, in the end of the day, we just want our tendies.
I’m enjoying this, but cross faction rated PvP battlegrounds is just silly…
guys idk if u remember but there was like 10 keys at midnight back in the day if u were alliance lmao
cross faction was needed. now there’s like 30 keys available.
Mad about what failed attack? What are you implying here?
That you’re still upset about an event that was a huge blunder for Japan and that mostly everyone else has got over?
They hit the wrong targets, screwed around and found out. They definitely came off worse for that dumb decision.
Doesn’t answer my question. Why are you asking me if I’m still mad about it. Again, what are you implying there?
We live close to eighty years after those events. Most of the people that faced their horrors directly are dead, and their ramifications have had a long time to burn into the public consciousness as mere facts of life, to many even seeming distant and detached from reality, as if their like could not happen again given the appropriate circumstances, as if the same had not been presumed before with the formerly titled Great War.
As I’m aware, these two factions have had all of like three years to deal with it, and this off the heels of yet another warchief being allowed to make of themselves an existential threat, this time to reality itself, by the horde. I don’t think they’re comparable at this point.
Didn’t hear, Kids? wars over.
Because I was giving examples from real life about enemies forgiving each other after atrocities and you took the chance to jump in with defending the use of the bombs (unrelated to the conversation) and state “Pearl harbour” in the same way people say “camp tajauro”
For the entire time WoW has been online there have only been two expansions where the Alliance and Horde were in open warfare with each other: Mists of Pandaria and Battle for Azeroth. In every other expansion the two factions have worked together against a common enemy (though not necessarily super friendly with each other while doing it).
Warmode is still a thing for gameplay reasons only, canonically the two factions are at peace.
The brutal reality is that for whatever reason, one faction snowballed so hard there was no coming back. WoW had a good run with its faction system and you should be proud it lasted as long as it did. You can still make faction specific groups if you want, no one is stopping you.
And tbh, this implosion happens much faster on average in other mmos. Faction systems are inherently broken: usually there’s incentive to he part of the “dominant” faction, so no one wants to roll anything else. Then there’s the added trouble of people who meet irl who play the same game but whoops, if they want to play together they have to reroll or leave their communities behind.
yea i mean wow will never be how it used to be.
these days we just hyper focus on realm pop over everything - so that people can actually play the game.
You’re way off course there “bud”. Not defending anything. By the way, I deleted that post because of the mis understanding.
But I knew what you were implying. Kept avoiding that question and still haven’t answered it.
I’m honestly not sure what you’re going on about tbh. If you want, I can delete the posts quoting you?
The way you came across was as if you were justifying actions when all I did was provide examples of people forgiving others after horrible events. It made no sense for you to jump in like you did.
Edit: the reason I keep calling out a failed attack is because due to how the Japanese army was structured (nepotism), the leaders behind the planning of the attack came up with a poor plan that led to their downfall.
If they had instead bombed the fuel supplies nearby, America would have been cut off at the knees and unable to do anything for months or years
Instead they attacked their battleships, hoping to demoralise them. America just rebuilt the fleet and went and took a dump on Japan later.
No, I was giving context to why history happened. You know what they say about assumptions, they make an a** out of u.
No, they are not on opposing factions. The Druids and Tauren that are part of the Cenarion Circle are not Horde or alliance.