Is ppl so obstinate with gear they no longer care about what’s this game is about?
It was a rhetoric question, of course ppl are. They don’t care, if you give them a feat that will make things easier and faster they’ll stick to it, and think it’s great.
That’s why a devs job is keep on to the philosophy of the game. Because down the road the game lose it’s identity and all of the sudden ppl leave, and when they do, they’ll point many reasons for it, reasons that are not actually the true cause, and maybe even reasoning that devs didn’t “break the game” enough for them.
So I return from a long hiatus (since mid BFA) and got myself into a ally team, long story short, the guys were super amazing, welcoming, and carried my noob butt into 2 M+ with patience, respect and explaining all the fights.
Done, all my heatred against allies are now gone! how I’m I suppose to fight then in the world like I use to?
I mean, It’s fun to hate the opposite faction, it’s what this game is about, but when you cut that, all that’s left is grind for gear.
Grind for gear, use to be my goal, to become powerful so I could walk in the world and hunt allies, protect my friends, pick fights.
This game is becoming way too convenient. All because devs cave into the “noisy” majority.
The headline:
The developers of World of Warcraft are finally giving in to a long-held community demand: Cross-Faction play.
“Community Demand” what is that? and how can I make one? Becouse it’s was never my demand, and not a thing I think would be healthy for the game
There’s no a entity called “Community” ppl have to stop thinking game design is a democracy.
Lots of ppl saying that WOW is about Ally + Horde vs demons and old gods.
Ok, then why, when I made my first character, I was give the option to choose between 2 factions (supposedly) in war?
Should they warn me the choice is merely cosmetic? That is the game you’re are telling I’m playing right now, have I been out for so long?