Faction crossplay a bit too far?

Is ppl so obstinate with gear they no longer care about what’s this game is about?
It was a rhetoric question, of course ppl are. They don’t care, if you give them a feat that will make things easier and faster they’ll stick to it, and think it’s great.

That’s why a devs job is keep on to the philosophy of the game. Because down the road the game lose it’s identity and all of the sudden ppl leave, and when they do, they’ll point many reasons for it, reasons that are not actually the true cause, and maybe even reasoning that devs didn’t “break the game” enough for them.

So I return from a long hiatus (since mid BFA) and got myself into a ally team, long story short, the guys were super amazing, welcoming, and carried my noob butt into 2 M+ with patience, respect and explaining all the fights.
Done, all my heatred against allies are now gone! how I’m I suppose to fight then in the world like I use to?
I mean, It’s fun to hate the opposite faction, it’s what this game is about, but when you cut that, all that’s left is grind for gear.
Grind for gear, use to be my goal, to become powerful so I could walk in the world and hunt allies, protect my friends, pick fights.

This game is becoming way too convenient. All because devs cave into the “noisy” majority.

The headline:
The developers of World of Warcraft are finally giving in to a long-held community demand: Cross-Faction play.

“Community Demand” what is that? and how can I make one? Becouse it’s was never my demand, and not a thing I think would be healthy for the game
There’s no a entity called “Community” ppl have to stop thinking game design is a democracy.

Lots of ppl saying that WOW is about Ally + Horde vs demons and old gods.
Ok, then why, when I made my first character, I was give the option to choose between 2 factions (supposedly) in war?
Should they warn me the choice is merely cosmetic? That is the game you’re are telling I’m playing right now, have I been out for so long?


This game has been about the Horde and Alliance coming together to fight Gods and Demons since Warcraft 3.

So why doesn’t WoW allow all play to be cross faction ?


Lok’tar Ogar belves have been cringey since TBC

anyways what they should do is make PVP free for all so you can attack who you want and we can see who the real hardcore players are.

Also you can continue to attack the other faction but your own faction that disagrees can fight you back. Choices are fun.

  1. Classic: Horde and Alliance team up to stop C’thun.
  2. TBC: Horde and Alliance team up to stop Illidan and The burning legion.
  3. Wrath: Horde and Alliance team up to stop Arthas
  4. Cata: Horde and Alliance team up to stop Deathwing.
  5. MoP: Faction War and then Horde and Alliance team up to stop Garrosh.
  6. WoD: Horde and Alliance team up to stop Garrosh again.
  7. Legion: Horde and Alliance team up to stop The Burning Legion.
  8. BfA: Faction War and then Horde and Alliance team up to stop N’zoth
  9. Slands: Horde and Alliance team up to stop Sylvanas and The Jailer.

The game stopped very quickly about being about the faction war even in the Faction war expansions. You, quite literally, dont have a leg to stand on.

End the needless faction divide. Unite the playerbase.


Honestly the faction crossplay was needed. You should’ve seen the amount of keys on alliance sarg vs what we have rn with crossplay.

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Why is it always blood elves too? They are the loudest Sylvanas Defenders/simps and the first to complain about “taking the war out of warcraft.”

Its always the blood elves.


You made friends and had a positive experience, and you’re mad about that?


No, I care more about the type of people I have the pleasure of playing with and not the toon they use.

Plus the game has always been about coming together with opposing faction to stop a greater threat, if anything faction crossplay should’ve happened sooner.

If Sonic and Shadow can go from enemies to allies to stop the big bad don’t see why this game can’t either.

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Hard disagree. Cross faction has made it so I can enjoy WoW playing races I enjoy (I.E night elf) and still keep my friends around.

Now I just need cross faction guilds. :slight_smile:


The biggest change is removing cross faction tagging. That is monumental in improving the game, though I hope it also extends to same faction tagging when you’re fighting against player groups.

More to your point: the faction divide has been unfavorable for a long time. The Alliance side suffered for it, but it’s also an arbitrary separation for people that prevents them from playing what they want. The whole “For the Horde/Alliance” bit was a thing for sure, don’t get me wrong, but times have changed and the game doesn’t have the support (or players) to maintain that divide. Not to mention the chosen narrative of the devs have steered course towards chosen one archetypes and it’s hard to be a chosen one while also being a war criminal.

End of the day, people want to play the race they want to play with their friends. It has been an amazing experience grouping with my Alliance friends, and I sincerely hope to see that pushed further. There’s no reason to keep the playerbase divided anymore.


I played with a bunch of alliance characters in my keys last night. NF Druid healers, NF hunters and the odd human hunter. All that mattered was they could pump.

Personally, I have decided when it comes to WoW, the continually misused phrase ‘quality of life’ has lost all meaning as it should apply to actually making the game easier that those with real physical and psychological issues but instead has been (insultingly to RL people with RL issues that need quality of life changes and assistance) reduced to ‘make this easier and faster to I can gobble up content easier and faster for quicker ego boasts and dopamine hits’.

And I am embarrassed for Blizzard courting these types of players to the detriment of the game. I understand it is a business that needs to make money in order to be viable but at least have some integrity and pride in your game and offer options to those who want to play the game for the game, in of itself, as opposed to quickly-provided self-gratification.

That said, I was initially against cross-faction play and will continue to criticize it but fear the game has gone so far down this path, there is no choice but to continue courting and keeping these types of players as they are now the majority.

Because most others have left. The only reason I am still here is because I am a solo that sticks to older content and is happy picking my way thru various out-of-date activities like collecting Outland alchemy recipes on my dwarven priest or churning out Lightning Steel Ingot to create all the reborn weapons on my human warrior.

Just My Opinion!


then why there’s still factions?
Just get rid of it already

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I mean, look at the server populations. Almost all of them are overwhelmingly one faction or another.

Players have already gotten rid of factions, Blizzard’s just late to the party.


Wonder if this thread is going like OP thought it would.


yes, i know who the noisy majority is

I don’t care much about gear at all and I wanted cross-faction play and I’m glad it’s here, and really I think they need to just go ahead and expand it to queued content as well.

I did a cross-faction Black Temple timewalking raid last night, and for 99% of the time I forgot we were a cross-faction group, because there wasn’t really a reason to even think about it.

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There’s no such thing as a “noisy majority” but for once, the minority of players and majority of players agree in terms of all of this
Heck even in the areas where folks like to do world PvP (which warmode makes into its own thing and thus’ sidesteps the entire thing about unified factions), the moment that free-for-alls became available in the game, factions died even in terms of the PvP aspect and… well, its been around since vanilla, in arenas for sure but even then you have to ask “Do people actually care about factions, or do they just want to play the game” and the answer is that folks just wanna play the game


Hopefully they do, that way I can enter Org and do Brawler’s Guild. :smile:


You can still squabble with the other faction. This is why War Mode, Battlegrounds, and Arenas exist. Later you might decide to collaborate with them for gear in dungeons and raids.

What the game is about will be different for each player and each player could have multiple goals and even different goals for different content.

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