Faction Balance

I’m ok with giving alliance priority queue, but beyond that, no.

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ok i can agree with that

I disagree; they never had any chance to fix it whatsoever. Players themselves are the ones responsible for driving people away from servers; nothing Blizzard does will change that basic problem, and that’s the one that leads to World PvP death.

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They could have not just let every alliance transfer off the servers, they could have stopped alliance transfers.


And if we look at the reasons Alliance wanted to transfer off of the servers, we come to the conclusion that they would have eventually rerolled, anyway. A lack of transfers doesn’t magically make people do something they’ve decided they don’t want to do.

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Maybe, maybe not, we don’t know that.

Faction-based queues are a BRILLIANT idea. Horde would pretty much have to transfer off of completely lopsided realms or fight the queue boss every single night for hours on end.


Alliance priority in naturally occurring queues? Sure. Forcing queues? Never. Why punish people for sticking with the server they started on? It’s not the hordes fault the alliance fled.

It will magically convince people who left the realm to come back, don’t you see. It absolutely won’t drive more people away from the server, making it deader and deader. :slight_smile:

Yeah, priority to the less populated faction and a complete restriction on created characters on the overpopulated faction if you don’t already have a character on that server already.

Prevent people from joining their friends server, in a social game, that’ll go over well.

give permanent ressurection disease to ALL horde characters

its the only way to be sure


How about enable battlegrounds this isnt pvp its whomever has more people. So lame and boring. My server has way to many horde we have to fight near storm wind. Its a joke… i played for 30 minutes and got bored and logged off.

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I’m on a H65/A35 server. Screw these hypothetical stragglers.

Real nice person you are. Not like it would increase alliance populations

I can’t transfer as I’m Alliance and if I could I can’t select the realm I wanted to go to. Why should I feel bad for a hypothetical somebody who already knows that the faction they are planning on rolling on the server their friend is on is stupid overpopulated?

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I mean, servers were unbalanced before the faction specific transfers, if you had cared you could have transferred then.

The target server was a dead realm with garbage population. If I could pick a PST non-full/non-dead realm with decent balance I’d transfer immediately.

Then reroll, it’s still no the fault of the people who stuck around.

Or, and get this… You discourage people from rolling the overpopulated faction via faction-specific queues and stop new accounts from making overpopulated faction characters on a server. Problem will solve itself.