Faction Balance

Not really, it won’t bring more alliance around, just piss people off and make them quit.

They’d be more inclined to take the horde only transfers.

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If given the choice of transfering and leaving behind my well established network of contacts and quitting flat out, i’m quitting, i’m not going to spend another 3 months finding a guild that can clear MC in less than hour and building another network of over 100 people to do things with.

So, I’m not even given the choice though. I’m asking for transfers off for my faction to go play on a non-terrible realm of my selection. Basically all your options include giving me the finger. At least allowing me to pick my realm in a transfer isn’t hurting anybody.

They will, when paid transfers come out, free transfers have always been only to a select realm.

You do know that the Alliance who hit 60 and made all the same connections and networks feel it was worthless now right? Because of the imbalance? Just like you’re describing. And even worse, WE don’t have the option to transfer. Only Horde do. Isn’t it worth the sacrifice to have a healthier population?

It’s not that hard to find a guild is it?

Not really, I don’t care about the population as long as I can find groups.

Well then rip the server and your classic experience.

You can still find groups on a 50-50 server…

Not really, I rolled on a high pop horde server for a reason, stalagg isn’t going anywhere.

He doesn’t care about the overall health of the realm. As long as there’s tons of Horde there and he can do all his raiding with his network other faction be damned. Hell, I’m sure they want to turn it into retail-esque faction only servers like Illidan or KJ.


Wait a minute, are you on Stalagg Wirt?

Realms doing fine

Says so every time you reply to me, yup

So you play a PVP server to PVE… and prefer if the pop is favored… wow. You should play PVE if you want a one sided server. lol

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I would, but the guild wanted pvp, so here I am, i hate pvp


Same exact thing happened on Illidan. Tons of people who didn’t give a damn about PVP kept moving there because there were some elite Horde raiding guilds. It snowballed to the max and there were no Alliance guilds by Cata.

Herod is like 90-10 horde to alliance. If you think that’s fine I don’t even know what to say lol


I’m not saying it’s not a problem, it’s just not the hordes fault and there’s no point in punishing them.

They certainly don’t help by camping Alliance in literally every zone.