Faction Balance

Blizz, can you do anything about faction balance on these servers? World pvp is a joke on any server with imbalance. And it was made worse when you enabled server transfers. At least make one way faction transfers or something to try and even them out?


Given the content of your post your name is very ironic.



All I’m saying is they should enable faction specific transfers to help the imbalance.


They have enabled faction specific transfers for some realms.


Have they? When?

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Oh… wow well I hope that helps :open_mouth:

On Nov 11th Bliz put in free character moves from Fairbanks, Herod, Kromcrush, Skeram, and Stalag to low pop servers and all those transfers were Hord-only.

classic . wowhead . com/news=296192/november-11th-free-character-move-update-some-transfers-horde-only

Horde aren’t transferring to other servers, at least not in numbers that will actually make a difference. They also screwed up and allowed alliance to transfer for the first couple of hours when they re-enabled the transfers making the imbalance even worse.

The only way Horde are actually going to move off the servers they are currently dominating is by introducing Faction based queues. That or they will deal with the queue’s but the ratio wont be 75% horde 25% alliance.


Agreed. Faction queues would be a good idea.


For retail, yes.

What does that mean?..

Aside from PVP. I’m on a PVE realm and the server is 90% alliance , It’s impossible to find a group as horde and the AH is terrible . The server imbalance is not fun on any level if you are the odd ones out . Unfortuantely I don’t think there is anything blizzard can actually do about it . You either have to deal or Join the ladder

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That means that Classic should remain Classic. There were no faction queues in 2004. There shouldn’t be any on Classic in 2019.


Yea sorry but you’re wrong. You think 80-20 is ok?


If I’m one of the 80, then yes. You get to pick your own experience.

Ronduwil what are you even talking about. 80-20 world pvp is just as frustrating for the 80. Barely any honor and nobody to kill. You have no idea what you’re talking about. 80-20 is unplayable for both factions…


If that were the case, they would take the free server transfer that is being offered right now. However, that’s not the case. Players prefer an easy battleground experience.

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I’m stuck on a pvp server so 80-20 is perfect for me, i hate pvp.

On the transfer thing though, people aren’t going to abandon the guilds and friends they built over the last almost 3 months. If someone is still on the server now a queue isn’t going to phase them, we sat through worse in August.

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so atm Herod is looking a lot like 90/10 horde bias. literally impossible to do anything. Faction specific queues would help as well.