Faction Balance

Bgs are cross server (we don’t know how yet, maybe across all regional servers /shrug) so it’ll be much more even.

Well sure, and I’m looking forward to phase 3 BGs. But right now the pvp is absolutely unplayable on 90-10 servers… it’s not fun for either side.

while they might be cross server, there are more pvp servers and more pvp servers are high population in general. Alliance queues should be lower based off the fact 90% of the pvp servers are Horde bias

We don’t actually know that, far as I have heard the transfer servers are alliance bias and all the pve servers were heavily alliance bias if the census’ are to be believed.

The new transfer servers are alliance favored because they all dipped from the horde dominated servers.

Yes PVE servers are Alliance Bias. and now many people that are on a PVE server want to PVP? not many.

A surprisingly large amount of pve players like to pvp, but they don’t like to have pvp dictate their entire day like can happen on pvp servers.

Just because people roll on pve doesn’t mean they don’t pvp (or vice versa, i honestly hate pvp)

Not True, you never see on retail people on Stormrage in BG’s. yet its the biggest server with 90%+ alliance

Anecdotal evidence is useless, i live on what was once a pve server and we had full pvp guilds. I mean, still do, just there’s no pvp servers anymore.

No. Anything they do would simply be a patch on the real problem, and work at most for a month or two before PvPers find a new way to make their own servers implode.

Only chance they had to fix it was back in aug/september, too far gone now.

Faction balance issues is going to kill the population. There is nothing fun in being severly outnumbered and camped… nor is there anything fun about roflstomping n00bs when the ratio is 3 or 4 to 1.

More balanced servers makes PvP more fun, rewarding, and fair. GG classic, was fun while it lasted. When my server dies down (due to alliance quitting) I’ll get my 120s ready for shadowlands :smiley:

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I mean, propose a solution that doesn’t piss off even more people.

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lock the faction that has literally 3 times the amount of players online. it shouldnot be this out balanced. At least till phase 3, WPvP with 80/20 or 90/10 split is not fun. you can lift restrictions after it “dies down” in phase 3 when WSG comes out

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I don’t have one, nor do I want one. I am happy with playing Alliance (as much as I wanted devouring plague on my SP I didn’t want to be on a horde heavy server lel). But my server has already, as I predicted, started to QQ about being ganked and flight paths being roflstomped, etc.

These people aren’t going to stick around and play for much longer, one would think. When population dies off, we all suffer.

I guess retail is superior afterall!

I said without pissing off even more people

Retail isn’t superior lol
The only problem is imbalance.

your fault for playing on an over populated horde server. you have the option to xfer for free. take that

this. Can’t see why they don’t ‘lock’ one faction when it gets beyond 60-40. Or offer free transfers, realm or faction wise, to promote balance. It really isn’t that difficult…
