Faction balance, face it blizzard messed up

It should have been part of their calculus when allowing server transfers, they should have had foresight enough to address the problem as it was happening. It is 100% their fault. 2 things can be done at the same time.

This was a short term solution that caused a long term problem, yet you are defending it? It make no sense.

They also could have had faction based queues also, that would have forced more horde to transfer based on the queue times.

So what’s your way then? Besides refusing to implement something that was in the original game on 1.12? If u believed in no changes, you are now no longer part of that thinking.

Again, how do you “fix” the server balance then? I love how you would rather not give players the choice, after all they are paying customers, and I have this feeling you are proposing forced merges etc, forcing players into things rather than leaving them to choose what they want to do and if they’d want to combine servers etc. for example, maybe some players are on there servers because they chose to be on a dominated faction server, are you going to now punish them and force them into a balanced server something they didn’t want??

Again, can’t wait to hear your idea.

Yea it’s just not fun anymore. I love the challenge, I love the fight, but the level of imbalance is just numbing. It was already though to get a good fight (although had some fun 2v1), but now it’s just straight out farming.

I ‘get’ it. For the horde, yay we control the server, alliance is not safe anywhere, etc. But at this point you just cant do anything, instances take forever to get to, neutral town are often camped, group of rogue bombing people at FP, no real place to farm aside dungeons, etc.
The other day I was cemetery camped and when I finally managed to hearthstone I got killed in the IF inn I hearted to. Granted that was pretty comical, but it’s just draining. Even if you reroll, as soon as you hit the contested zones there are barely any alliance there.

Moving to some other pvp server. I dont mind being the faction that has less player and having some challenge, but I also want to be able to play the game I pay for. Some faction-based queues would have been great to force balancing.

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Paid transfers just hurt servers more and make players more upset we need faction changes instead and free ones so long as its an unbalanced server, only offering it to the larger population.

You get your facts straight. They could have made rules creating balanced servers at the start, but they chose not to.

They can’t force people to play on a faction or server they don’t want to be on. If their characters are stuck there to try to help somebody else (like you) find more players to kill to fill your quota, they’ll simply stop logging on and find a different game to play.

I predicted we would start to see threads by horde players who want blizzard to force alliance to log on to be their HK’s. This is the first I’ve seen. We will see more and more of that in upcoming months.

How is allowing players to transfer to pve realms “evening the balance?”

when you have nothing intelligible to say, just dont say anything at all lol

caaaalm down. the paladin argument is a beaten horse. horde have better racials, better travel(zeppelins), better hubs to quest in (why tf is redridge even a flagged zone?), you have rune of the guard captain which is an amazing trinket pretty much given to you. you could say anything but saying that horde is the harder choice is just unacceptable lmfao. horde is the hard choice yet look at where we’re at. just like retail’s war mode. free bonus for horde.

Are you kidding? Hopping on a zep from Org to grom’gol, you get merced. IDK where this myth that zeps are better came from but it isn’t true, there are rogues and druids on the zep all the time killing people. Who cares about a couple of leveling zones that I skipped when I leveled an alliance on a private server.
1 trinket is not the end of the world.

Acting like the alliance do not have a ton of other advantages to counter all the things that you brought up is absurd. Onyxia attuement for starters.

There are alliance dominated servers that exist, they roll horde all day.

Alliance has far better flight point placement in most zones.

@all the shills here saying “its the players fault”, no blizzard made it 10x worse. a 55/45 or even 60/40 is okay but blizz ruined it. Also overall, its 52% alliance and 48% horde. Explain that. BOOM.

THey could have also implemented faction queues. now no more saying its players fault.

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The ignorance in this thread is magnificent.

blizzards actions almost 100% control server population and faction balance after the initial launch and settle

^^^^^^ QFT.

That’s it right there. The dev’s should let people move where they want. If not, reroll. It it’s such as issue for you, there is an Alliance dominated server right there, where the Horde is begging for players. Go roll.

Burning Steppes

You know its not the same if you have 1000 horde players roaming around looking for PvP or 10000 horde doing the same.
This is why overpopulation is an issue.

I’m sorry about the faction balance but other players are hinting at the correct action. I reckon it won’t happen, but instead of being ruthless and buying into the system, you and other horde players should have agreed to duel each other or something, or round-robin honor duel the alliance players, let 'em resurrect up or match numbers and then have a go, it’d sound much better to any alliance player instead of endless griefing. You say it’s a self feeding chain but it’s a vicious cycle that won’t be broken by “being more ruthless”

That aside, horde are very favored by blizzard, from shamans to not understanding the OP for paladins comes from the Divine Shield CD and Tier 3, to drastically overrating the Alliance side in AV. Or other things, like the repugnant 0-skill but very effective orc racial, requires 0 brain power or training, works wonders.

I play on Herod as Alliance.

On my low level character, I bumped into the first batch of Horde to have /waved to me. Once I am honorless, attitudes of the Horde here slightly change.

At Max lvl, you get hunted down like crazy. There Are Horde death squads in every zone where a high lvl can get credit for an honor kill. You can survive a 7v9 after heading north of Aarie Peak to WPL (away from many Horde FPs), then 5 min later a 20 man shows up after they call for help. If you try to farm anything, there will be 3 Horde that spot you or a mage that sheeps you until their help arrives. There are rules we keep to for travel. Want to head to BRM? Fly to Redridge. Avoid taking ships. Bubble before you hearth. Fight for Honor near instances and open mage portals in those instances so no man is left behind.

Basically, we need to run around looking for fun fights. Once we have a fun fight we keep it up until we need to instance and portal. The Horde travel far for our Honor, and in great numbers, but there isn’t enough of us to stick around for long.

The Horde needs to raid the gates of Ironforge. They might see even numbers there during prime time.

Honestly I just wanted to say fancy mc fancy pants. Happy thanksgiving!

I never said anything about allowing them to transfer to pve servers. I said if they implement server only bg queues , people will transfer /faction switch to avoid queue wait time.

Or they will just not play. You’re assuming the best but that’s not 100%