Faction balance, face it blizzard messed up

I would normally have empathy for your statement; but, you are criticizing Blizzard for the faction imbalance. And then you also disagree with a faction fix.

Please supply documentation on them implemented limits by server and faction so that the servers were balanced.

It warms my heart to finally see Horde players realizing that what is broken for Ally, is broken for them. I hope it gets worse. I hope masses of Horde stop playing. I hope, no, I pray to see many more posts from Horde players bemoaning the lack of balance, and soon, complete lack of alliance players. This is awesome! Only in death can these servers be reborn with balance. RIP, I love it.


Everything here is pretty poorly represented. I have two horde 60’s on Herod, and I ultimately chose to re-roll on Benediction-Alliance, US.

We are out numbered by about 10 ish % and even a slight difference is felt in the amount of horde camping groups roving everywhere frothing at the mouth for world pvp.

It is a miserable exp to spend so much time 1v 20 while also trying to get to a dungeon or to make gold.

I am active in PvP and I am not easy to kill 1v1 or even 3v1, but even that does not stop me from being exhausted by the constant spawn camping. Hell, I have since suddenly developed an interest in alt farming!
The point to this little rant is that it is beyond annoying to see horde QQ’ing about not having enough sitting ducks to camp when everyone is basically camping every fecking neutral point on the map currently. I have constantly fallen below 20 gold even with all the income I had from my farm in the past, due to the pvp release.
Horde does not seem to realize the heavy impact their actions have and why it is that most allies will not pop out to fight. Those of us who like pvp is too outnumbered most the time and when we wanna do anything else, we are corpse running to get to any pve objective constantly.

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the issue is that while many are doing it for fun we are incentivized to kill people for honor to get items we want, the less alliance there are, the more ruthless the horde have to be to get that honor, for those rewards. If only 1 alliance is around and 10 people want to get the PVP gear and rank up, then that one alliance is going to be attacked, since that is the only source of honor.

Yet again, blizzard should have foreseen this and addressed it via limiting transfers and having the proper number of servers instead of having a free-for-all server transfer system for weeks and and having the proper number of servers on launch that they limited horde, or alliance from becoming over populated on by limiting character creation.

If it is really only a 10% difference that should not allow the horde to camp every spawn in the world successfully unless Alliance has basically given up.

Arcanite Reaper is not completely dead. Not even close. It does have a lot of lower level players though, probably because it’s a newer server, so there aren’t as many 60s but the most recent data on the server has it as a near 50/50 split and I see as many horde questing as I do alliance. There are also always multiple raid groups in SW and IF at peak hours so I’m not sure why you think it’s dead.


You, and everyone else, are choosing to behave in this way. No one is holding a gun to your head. Take responsibility for those choices.

People want the PVP rewards, how exactly do you expect them to get them in a timely manner when your rank decays every week, without being ruthless, when they are competing against the people in their own faction, for not only that specific kill because there are multiple groups running around, but the honor over all due to the rankings?

This is the system we are under, we cant just not kill the people, if we want the honor rewards.

you’re a tard if you don’t understand how advantageous horde has it in pvp and how many sweaty 30 year olds like you picked it for that exact reason

horde have pvp map advantages all over, from safe continent passages, huge protected leveling zone in the barrens, direct access to STV from a capital city, an important leveling dungeon located right next to a capital city, 1 FP away from azuregos, superior FP/GY combo in the burning steppes, etc

orc racial is the single best pvp racial in the game, followed by wotf

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Herod player here.

Yep, Herod is screwed. 40 minute runs to get to any instance. Can’t farm, can’t quest. I haven’t had but maybe a handful of “fun” 1v1 fights that wasn’t me having JUST res’d from a chain gank at half health in a good two weeks.

Still trying though! Sucks being a warrior trying to get gold solo. Can’t mine, can’t kill stuff efficiently. Constant respecs just to get into groups. Slow mount. Beh


How did Blizzard cause players to play a certain faction ? Did they stop creation of the faction of your choice ? No they did not. Therefore it’s a player created issue, the fix is also on the players to either make worse or work to make better.

I hear those arguments while some of them are drastically overblown, I will raise you paladins, they trump basically any advantage the horde have. Holy Paladins are basically a 3 phase fight to kill and are fantastic healing their fellow faction members in PVP, and allow the alliance to trivialize PVE encounters and get better gear to PVP with. Then there are gnomes and dwarves that have fantasic racials also. Not every fight, has fear in it, but a lot have slows and rogue poisons are really hard to deal with many times.
So you can stop with the nonsense. There is a reason why the majority of private server guilds went Alliance.

This isn’t necessarily true. Regardless, 200 horde online at any given time spread out across zones trying to camp instances and FPs are going to present much less an issue than the current 1000.

Saturation can be just as damaging as the “ratios”.

What a dumb response.

"Hey Horde, would you like to:

Q.) Reroll a character that took you hundreds of hours to get to this point with?
A.) Nope

Q.) Actually have to work to make a winning WPVP group instead of just zerging an outnumbered faction until they log for the same amount of honor that you’d have to actually try for?
A.) Nope

Q.) Have more difficulty in making groups? Making raids? Filling guild raid rosters?
A.) Nope

Q.) Have to farm during non-peak hours because otherwise it’s a perpetual GY run?
A.) Nope

Q.) Is there any reason why any logical player who’s faction enjoys an extreme advantage over the other would factually want to stop having that advantage?
A.) Nope

Blizzard should have closed new character creation for players who didn’t already have level 30+ characters on that realm until things got more evened out.

Or they need to implement faction based queues. I’d be totally fine with a 4:1 H-A faction based queue. Meaning 4 Horde can sign in for every Alliance. That’s still an insane imbalance, but less insane than the 10 to 1 that’s happening currently on Herod. Meanwhile I have to wait 2-3 hours some nights just to log in to be camped for hours on end trying to do the most basic things.

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The absurdity of this line of thinking never fails to disgust me. Giving blizzard money so that you can further hork server ratios is not the way to balance servers.


That is simply false. It is not your opinion. It is false. “Messed up” means “made a mistake”. Blizzard did not make a mistake.

Blizzard’s server transfers were NOT about PVP faction balance. Blizzard’s server transfers were 100% about reducing queue times on over-populated servers. And they worked. They could not “mess up” something they were not trying to do.

Why were the servers over-populated? PLAYER CHOICE. Don’t blame that on Blizzard. What was Blizzard’s reaction? Allow some players to CHOOSE to transfer. Don’t blame Blizzard for who CHOSE to transfer. Blizzard didn’t pick the players.

Camp more people 10:1 at a FP and spam “go To ReTaIL” or whatever, that’ll fix the issue.


Left Herod early. Balance was far from decent.

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I knew the moment classic was announced it was going to be horde dominate on pvp servers. Just take a look at retail, its been the exact same thing for years.
No amount of regulation is going to fix servers if people dont want to pvp, they will either quit or reroll on pve servers and you end up with the exact same fiasco we are having now.