Faction balance, face it blizzard messed up

I am Horde on Herod, currently Horde vastly out number alliance on Herod.

I am very annoyed that PVP rarely happens, the alliance only sporadically and for limited amounts of time have a group large enough to do anything in PVP. The vast majority of the time is spent looking for PVP to happen, then when it does it is over in seconds, then the alliance leave and you are back to hunting for PVP again.

This started the day they allowed name reserves and had so few servers when they did that it was game over, people were locked in with their name reserves and were not changing, then when they allowed server transfers off the servers, they allowed alliance to leave and boy did they, horde already outnumbered alliance, then they allowed the alliance to transfer off. Now the 2 available servers to transfer to, are 1 alliance dominated, and 2 dead. Like 31 60s in Orgrimmar at peak times on a weekend dead. I logged on and typed /who Orgrimmar 60 on Arcanite Reaper at 8pm Saturday night. only one group was in MC trash farming and 25 total people were in all of Blackrock mountain including all the instances because I typed /who Blackrock. 15 total guilds, majority alliance show up on warcraft logs for clearing MC and they were not full guild runs.

So, options are, stay on Herod, were the balance was decent, then blizzard without foresight allowed the alliance to transfer away in droves, long after launch or transfer to a completely dead(AR) or nearly dead (Earthfury).

Will I be told to transfer to PVE in the responses? Will I be told “this is what you signed up for” even though I have no issue with the queues or high population, just the faction balance because blizzard messed up the server transfers and failed to forsee what they were warned about for about a year when they announced classic. “Millions will come back” they expected tens of thousands with the number of servers they released.


They simply need to open up paid transfers just like we had back in classic 1.12

It will allow everyone to go where they want and stop all this complaining.


Make a better MMO and show us how its done MR. I have the anwsers fancy mc fancy pants.

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They didn’t transfer alliance. Horde were able to transfer too. Blizzard can’t control who rolls what faction on what server. Get over it.


They actually can, they have locked the alliance from transferring since then. The alliance currently cannot transfer off Herod. So, get your facts straight, they could have locked it from the start or regulated the transfers more than they did.


Roll alt on new server and stop wasting your time playing as ghost class

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Can’t blame Alliance for bailing on a scuffed server.


Nah, this started long before. It started with players who claim they want balance, but prioritize not wanting to be on the “losing side” (aka the faction with less players). The moment realm names and types were known, all sorts of people started doing everything in their power to try to figure out where to roll that would give them the experience they wanted. Discord servers had ways to identify as Horde or Alliance and kept track of their ratio. Reddit did all the things Reddit does.

And what do you think the reasonable options are for the Alliance? Stay on a realm not balanced in their favor and show up in the world just to be your cannon fodder? Pray that not too many transfer to the only Alliance-dominated realm so that it doesn’t just become one more Horde-dominated realm?

In a sense, you’re part of the problem. The imbalance will never cease to exist because a vast majority of Horde players on imbalanced realms do not want to reroll, do not want to transfer, but expect OTHER PEOPLE to bite the bullet and roll Alliance and have their entire time in-game turned into corpse runs.

(CAVEAT: I have no skin in this issue. My largest group of characters is Mankrik-Horde, a PvE realm that has some imbalance but being PvE that doesn’t matter. My only PvP characters are on RP-PvP realms and Grobbulus has a pretty great balance.)



You and other posters are blaming Blizzard for giving the players the ability to choose which server and which faction to play. If they didn’t then there would be whine posts with players complaining that they could not play on a specific server or as a specific faction.

You are blaming Blizzard because more players chose Horde instead of Alliance.

If you want more balance, convince your guild, “Final Destiny”, and other Horde guilds to state that their entire guild is willing to change their Faction to Alliance. Produce numbers that can justify for Blizzard to implement guild faction change.

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Now they are complaining about a dead PVP server on their forums asking for mergers, I already outlined why the problem started from them releasing so few servers for name reservations.
It was compounded by allowing alliance to server transfer off instead of only horde or throttling the alliance until a specific amount of horde transferred off. Then on top of that, they split the community that transferred off, by allowing them to transfer to 2 different servers. They should have allowed them to transfer to 1 server. Have multiple servers able to transfer to that 1 server.

This falls squarely on blizzard’s shoulders, yet people want to blame players for things that blizzard has already regulated and should have regulated from the start. It is like they ignore the things that blizzard has done already (noted in a previous post where a guy said blizzard cant control who transfers) and claim it is all the players fault.

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Lol, I can promise you it won’t stop any complaining.


Yes, I am blaming blizzard, because they messed up. They literally caused this problem from the start, they can control who plays where by limiting character creation and server transfers for specific factions, they have a lot of control. I would rather deal with the complaints about not being able to roll where they want, and have a curated and more balanced faction distribution, than have people complain about being camped 24/7 or being unable to find any PVP on a PVP server.

Blizzard dropped the ball on this entire launch and what has happened post launch because they have a completely different team running the show and they are not as good as the guys in the early 2000s making the decisions.

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Give me Blizzards fkn budget and itll be no problem.

You see they created a company worth something and got investors and built a game and made money, no one just hands it to someone. Go do something productive and stop asking for hand outs mmmmmk?

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you picked the popular pvp faction because you didn’t want a challenge
horde players deserve more suffering than they’ve ever received


The players messed it up. Blizzard didn’t force everyone to roll Horde. We all knew there was going to be an imbalance and everyone still rolled Horde.

You messed it up.


I played back then. There was no imposed limit on which server and faction to play on (minus not allowing players to play both factions on Pvp realms).

I am enjoying Classic so I don’t endorse my following statement: Have you read the other posts about bugs and class imbalance.

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If they can’t control the faction imbalance, then it’s bad game design. IT’s their game and it’s entirely up to them to ensure there is a good mix of both alliance and horde players.


Actually, alliance were favored because paladins were fantastic back in the day, they trivialized content and did really well in PVP. You can say things that are factually incorrect all you want, but it is not the case. Horde is the harder choice. Alliance is the easy mode.
They literally trivialize all PVE content with paladins and do really well in PVP and you make silly statements like that.

More like the best faction