Faction balance, face it blizzard messed up

nah, they would probably quit because they suck in bgs instead, since they like being on the dominat faction with 40 other people to kill 1 person.

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Is it really that hard to grasp that many of us, while pushing back against stuff like transmog, flying, and raid finder, are actually ok with some changes that would actually benefit the game?

As for my idea? I have written it over and over and over again. Unfortunately it makes many who enjoy their stacked faction butthurt.

Why are you using that GIF when now sheā€™s saying ā€œthe Horde is nothing.ā€

Thereā€™s a reason for that, as someone on Stalagg I see it all the time. Even if we get a group together, maybe kill off a few Horde gank squads, roll over a raid heading to BRM because they didnā€™t expect pvp (which is fair, since Horde rarely has to on this server).

The Horde then shows up in droves- enough to surround us, enough to send wave after wave and we get overwhelmed.

And thatā€™s when it ends. Cuz when we run over a Horde group, we have to keep moving- they rez up, fully buff and heal, get back together.

When we get wiped though, thereā€™s no chance to buff and heal again- the nightā€™s over, because now thereā€™s multiple groups each bigger than our entire group running around on epic mounts waiting for someone to spawn. We already are running with all we could find, so thereā€™s no reinforcements for us.

Simply put- thereā€™s no penalty for a Horde group wiping in pvp here, but thereā€™s no recovery for an Alliance group that wipes. Itā€™s a staggering difference, and it generally means the first time you mess up or get outnumbered to a degree you canā€™t overcome, thatā€™s it- pvp done.

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Itā€™s refreshing to have somebody horde side that shares in the frustration. I am an alliance player on Herod and in most instances see horde roflstomping alliance with many people.

I chose to stay because I essentially have unlimited world pvp any time i want but rerolled rogue because being visible in the open world is like ringing the dinner bell to many many thirsty horde.

I personally donā€™t see how your fellow horde enjoy this, I also donā€™t understand why any alliance enjoy Heartseeker where the same thing is happening. The conversation was always about healthy server balance but the side that is stomping the other always makes it about people not wanting WPVP. With the classic ā€œMAyBe U sHoUlD hAvE rOlled PVE serVeR?ā€

Like no chungus i love wpvp, I donā€™t enjoy playing remember the Alamo sim where I am an American watching all the other Americans get slaughtered non stop all day every day.

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Guess weā€™ll see when Bgs come out.

Again how do you fix it without forcing people into things? U still havenā€™t said your grand idea.

As I said, I have a feeling your idea is forcing players to play once again blizzards way, instead of leaving it up to the player to choose. Isnā€™t that what started the mess of retail to begin with? Blizzard holding our hands, merging servers, merging battlegrounds, etc etc telling us where we need to play to keep things ā€œbalancedā€ and how to play?

Again oh great one, what is your idea.

Hereā€™s some ideas to start

I reject the idea that people are being ā€œforcedā€. If you are in a faction ratio queue, you have choice to either stay there in queue, or take the free transfer to where the queue would not exist.

The hair on fire antics of those bemoaning the thought of having to sit in a queue does not even touch the damage that being a severely imbalanced faction has on the health and longevity of entire servers.

Let me state once again: I have no sympathy for those who are refusing to transfer from stacked factions.

Canā€™t wait to farm those Neanderthal hordes in bgs with my 5 piece tier 1 buffed infernal. Thereā€™s going to be a lot of roasted cows :smile: :crazy_face: :smiley:

If youā€™ve read this far youredead

This week my toilet handle broke. Really.

Obviously this is BLIZZARDā€™s fault, and would never have occurred if BLIZZARD had not totally blown it.

(I just wanted to feel like you guys).