Fact: They know AV is unbalanced

Pretty much. When AV was discussed ad nauseum prior to the AV announcement (and long afterward), there was a large movement to have them NOT use 1.12 AV, but rather an earlier version that best represents what AV was originally intended (version up for debate of course, I personally thought 1.7 AV was the high water mark) One of the excuses being bandied about to NOT do an earlier version was that they no longer had the code, and it would have been too much trouble recreating it. Blizzard even acknowledged that players had been clammoring for an earlier AV:

Fast forward to the 15th anniversary of the game, which nearly coincided with the release of AV in classic, and suddenly there it is: a recreated representation of an early version of AV. And what was it used in? Retail.

But hey, blizzard got the “clarity” they desired, and we in classic got to enjoy this large :poop: sandwich they dumped into classic.

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