Fact: They know AV is unbalanced

They fixed it in TBC. They know it’s a problem. They know it’s a mess. It’s either laziness, incompetence or both. They knew back then already it was unbalanced. They didn’t care implementing it to classic. They don’t even bother.



You must really be bored with the general retail forums.


Its almost like they were trying to recreate the game as it was in 2006.


Ah so AV lasting days? Interesting.


Originally AV was biased to the Alliance. So much so it was almost impossible for the Horde to win. Blizzard fixed it so Horde has a chance now but this is a L2P issue really.

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If they did, they wouldn’t have prevented the alliance from premading, something which made AV viable, and completely possible in the 2006 version of the game.



There we go.

Classic is not supposed to be changed. If they started balancing everything it wouldn’t be classic.

Also your name checks out.


You do know the AV that was implemented in Classic only lasted for a few months untill TBC launched?
I wonder why you’re not complaining about getting the least vanilla wise AV.

Also lol:

Which one will it be fellas.

If Alliance today played like they did back in the day, they’d win every time. All you have to do is turtle the bridge forever and ever. It’s not possible to pass it.

This hasn’t changed. Just no one wants to do that. Yeah get over it soy.


So you guys can just freely call in wind riders and lokholar?

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It lasted about as long as the original version and longer than the middle version of AV in vanilla.

Lol. We try that all the time. Then Lok comes and ROFLstomps us at the bridge. Get real.


Lok needs to be dealt with before you get pushed back to the bridge. Ideally sometime during the siege of spgy.

I believe once Lok starts moving the druids should be released giving you a chance to wipe the horde and kite Lok into the cave.

Don’t pull him to a GY or you will quickly be overrun. Also don’t pull him to Vann, he will reset.

Of course this will never or extremely rarely happen in a pug AV but when it does, it is glorious.

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You know what’s funny?


We have strategically released druids on such occasions to give us an edge, by holding them in our base by spamming the open dialogue interaction.

And then Blizzard patched it out LMAO.

Whenever alliance finds a way to narrow the disgusting horde advantage in AV, Blizzard patches it out. EVEN IF IT MATCHES THE REFERENCE CLIENT!

The current state of AV rests solely on Horde fanboy Blizzard devs.


It takes a max 10 alliance mages/hunters to blockade the bridge indefinitely. If you guys cannot manage to interrupt a lok summon with the rest of your team, I dunno what to tell you. Blaming Lok for your inability to seal up the undisputed strongest choke in the game is such a cop out.

And no, you most certainly do not try to block the bridge “all of the time”. Most of your team peace-outs the moment horde get to SH.

It was a clear exploit, man. They fixed it for that reason, not because “blizz loves horde”.

Pretending it was a strategic base defense intent is just silly.
PS: Around that time blizzard also sealed the back-door, which was the previous excuse for the bridge not being a good choke. Fairly certain that was not a favorable change for the horde.

The only “fix” for AV is finding a way to get alliance pvp’ers to play it outside of BG weekends. Nobody should be surprised that horde pvp’ers dump all over alliance rep farmers.


Alliance pvpers would play it of the cave rez and sfgy mechanics were fixed we’ve made that clear


It’s almost like they wanted to snag $15/mo from a bunch of hopeful folks.

Its really no different than the local deli throwing together some chicken sandwich special in the hopes of making money on some old product before it goes bad.

Is it edible? Yea. Is it their best possible creation? Absolutely not. Best possible wasn’t the point. Ever. It was about making money with scraps that were available.

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Yeah, but AV was for fun in vanilla. People didn’t rank there back then. You got your rep and that was it unless you just wanted to screw around.

Realm only BGs also handled the afk and bot situation because you had a reputation on your server to worry about. On top of that a group of raiders or serious rankers joining an AV would be enough to turn the tide toward that side, and both of those groups were much more rare than they are in classic. The map is unbalanced, it wasn’t as obvious because there weren’t as many cheaters and afking there for honor would not get you anywhere near the top of the charts so it really wasn’t done large scale like now.

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