*eyes turn black*

i can be nice to someone and not be uncontrollably attracted you worm

Well, that’s the thing: this isn’t the first mention of the Night Warrior. It has been spoken of before in out-of-game material like the Encyclopedia, in some archaeology items, etc.

I wasn’t aware of this, where can I find these mentions?

Should be on WowPedia. It’s worth noting that the Night Warrior was referred to as an ‘aspect’ of Elune though, rather than a blessing like it’s presented ingame.

sorry i am making typo after typo tonight

https:// [yeet] wow.gamepedia.[com]/Elune#Night_Warrior

See references 1, 7, and 8 for the origin.

The idea of “aspects” in WoW has been established for a long time as being some power of a god or other supreme being that can be taken on by otherwise mortal creatures to grant them godlike powers, like the dragon aspects or servants of Hakkar or […]

crikey fair enough

Hrm, I’ll read up on these.

I can.

I don’t want to make it a whole thing, but yeah, that sounds about right for Blizzard.

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Yeah, but, at least the night elves get to be badasses again. At this point we kinda have to accept that whatever Blizzard writes is going to be silly. This is silly in a way that is not insulting in the way basically all night elf lore over the last fifteen years has been. I’ll take it.

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You’ll regret enjoying this in the year when we have to read absolutely molten “the night elves deserved it because Tyrande cut off the head of a poor innocent orc” takes.


That’s the same category of thing, though. It’s gonna happen anyway and we all know it, I am preemptively getting over it.

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Whose head was that, anyway?

I always thought it was some random unlucky grunt.

Meh, we’ve already endured years of “hurr durr you make good pavement” or some asinine variation of “the Draenei deserved it” (hell I’ve been seeing “the Night Elves deserved it” since the pre expansion event).

I think we’ll be fine


Bliiinded by the Night

Revved up on Moon Juice

Rackin’ up Orc kills every fight


I enjoy it when the “Yeah but” spiral of who’s truly at blame for all the evils of the Warcraft universe just ends in the internet angst equivalent of Douglas Adams’ quote:

“The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


My favorite thing to tell people who talk about how bad things are (basically anything) is that the root cause of the end problem is being born. Blame your mothers.

It doesn’t fix anything, but it has gotten a laugh out of a few people, which is mostly the only reason I do a lot of stupid stuff I really probably should know better than to do. I’m the eternal class clown.

take a drink every time you see someone arguing “if the draenei were truly good they would have let the Legion kill them”


Edited for sake of chill.


My favorite was the guy who argued - with deadly seriousness - that the draenei were colonizers becaused they “named the planet after themselves, the egotistical bastards!”

WoD was a silly time.