Extreme Tank shortage

A long time ago in a company far, far away someone decided it would be a good idea to match up 3 dps with 1 healer and 1 tank. They could have designed content for 8 peeps or 10 peeps, with one tank and one healer per group, but apparently they decided that one-fifth of the player base would want to play tanks in group content and the same for healers.

And they were wrong.

I like playing tanks in open world leveling because they survive well, but I’ll probably never take a tank into a dungeon because I don’t have the time or ambition to learn all the dungeons and there are just too many jerks in the online “community.”

Maybe Blizz should reassess the viability of 5 person content. I mean 20 years later it’s beginning to seem like their original expectations aren’t lining up with reality.

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Blame the toxic wow players who treat tanks like trash and pull for them.


As a tank that finishes each season in the top 50 in region (I know, not the best but far from the worst), I get to chose three healers, a dozen of DPS from three different groups each day just for M+, not counting guild members. I don’t do pugs.

And there’s a lot of reason for not wanting to do pugs.
I don’t want to deal with randos stealth pulling because they think I’m pulling too slow or not enough even when we’re ahead of the timer.
I don’t want to deal with people that can’t break KSM and to a extent, KSH telling me how to play.
I don’t want to deal with people telling me they know a better route that involves some obscure skip and ending up missing a good chunk of % by the end.

See where I’m getting with this? These behaviour is just a tip of the iceburge tanks have to deal with when pugging. Now add in the toxicity and passive aggressiveness from your average Joe. There’s a very clear reason why tanks don’t want to deal with pugs.


You’re acting like there’s DPS that want to put up with tanks or healers that are bad.

It balances out.

Should be as many people of every role excluding themselves from pugs because everyone else but them and their friends suck.

i dont feel it so much, i just apply to groups that already have a tank in.

I’m playing my BDK alt, but I don’t feel like doing dungeons for 5 hours straight. I log onto it, run a few dungeons, then log off. I did a Heroic last night (it’s not very geared) and accidentally left because I thought the dungeon was over, got deserter and then just logged back onto my main. That tells you how used to the dungeons I am.

But sure, lemme go jump into keys immediately.

Current dungeon, healer and tank design means tanks cannot carry a group without massively out gearing the key. This isnt an issue for guild/friend groups but for a typical pug group its a major issue.

Same goes for healers… they cannot carry bad players.

If people are not doing mechanics and using every tool in thier kit to prevent damage then its GG go next or a very long and painful key.


You’ve got people landing randomly in Dawnbreaker and pulling 5000 things. The design is bad, they’re not reading the room.

The only solution would be one, you the hardcore players would hate.

Make the dungeons easier, Tank shortages happen when the content is too difficult, its the canary in the coal mine.


the tanks are starting to ping where they land. it helps

Play one you are a druid

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Go Bear. Ez job done. Be the change you want to see!

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It’s about making the price of failure less punishing, right now failure is steep.

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We get near instant invites.

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Be glad you don’t lose xp or drop items on death like many other games.


You could do easy content rather than nerf hard content so that it is easy.

Oh man, corpse runs were the days!


For bosses, they have the same mechanics (mostly), but they don’t live long enough to see them. As mentioned - the Rookery, with the steel cube sliding back across the ground to reset. I’d never seen that before.

That’s a dev mentality that needs to change. Raiding needs to stop being the ‘prime’ loot method. Heck, return badges to the bosses at the end so we can /buy/ our loot ala Awakened Tokens.


Then don’t complain about being short of tanks?

The whole point of this thread is that the harder content is lacking tanks who want to participate. Giving proper onboarding so that tanks don’t feel absolutely slammed and needing to spend hours relearning how to play to proceed is needed.

This is a game, I shouldn’t need to do homework to play it non-competitively.


I’m not experiencing a shortage of tanks.

Increasing raid composition to needing 1 tank per 5 players would do plenty.