We have a problem when it comes to mythic+. The extreme shortage of tanks. Ive never seen more pugs groups filled with 4 people just waiting on a tank to grace them with their presence. You dont even bother to look at their score now you just thank god you got one and take what you can get instead of wait another 20 minutes.
This needs a solution and fast
Those tanks already found a solution, don’t pug with a bunch of ungrateful complainers.
I have to laugh at the player created problems.
Y’all done kicked all the tanks out of the dungeons already.
All Blizzard needs to do is add incentives for tanks to complete M+. Significant incentives - I would consider spec swapping depending on the reward.
I just don’t want to memorize M+ pathways when I can just DPS or heal and be reactionary.
Tanks do homework, give them a cookie for it.
Be nice to the tanks. That’s all you gotta do. But that’s too hard for many.
What irks me the most is when I do the homework, then someone wants to deviate from the studied path and I end up looking lost.
I would imagine a lot of people are finished with people being total buttholes in group content. The community itself has created this problem over the years. You reap what you sow. Enjoy!
The reward has to be much higher and worth it since this is mythic plus we’re talking about. In heroics, tanks get gold just for fulfilling the call to arms bonus.
Go roll a tank. Problem solved
The solution is people need to roll a tank instead of DPS which are 95% of players.
Tanks are living it up playing with their dedicated guildies and friends and skipping the pug scene altogether.
Incentives might help, but in my experience any incentives Blizz tried to provide were mostly enticing people who weren’t really well versed in tanking or healing. Not always, but mostly.
You know how math works right? It’s not the community making tanks not apply. There just arnt as many tanks as dps. Like always. This is nothing new.
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right, but there are roughly as many tanks as there were last expansion. you’re just not seeing them in LFG because they’re playing with guildies and friends.
this is what GD wanted. you (collectively, not you specifically!) wanted tanking to be less fun and more dependent on healers. this is what that looks like. enjoy 
You know how nasty people chase off potential players right? My friend is a bear tank and his desire to play in group content is almost nil because he is sick of the community being nasty.
Always true, but the community mistreating and abusing tanks is making a bad situation worse.
It is the community. tanks keep getting treated like garbage.
plus i wouldn’t be surprised that one of the main reasons people don’t wanna tank is they don’t wanna run into the same problem us tanks do.
Issue is tanking is one of the most gameplay lacking skill less things you can do in wow. That isn’t a knock on people who enjoy it. People enjoy fishing but its very easy for even a abysmal tank to tank 6 or higher off the bat.
This makes starter keys a nightmare. Especially for pure dps classes.
This is, and only is a pug problem. Tanks don’t want to put up with the junk that goes on in pugs, I don’t want deal with it as a DPS. Most tanks are guilded, and do stuff from the safety and comfort of their guild. It’s what I do, and my overall enjoyment of the game has increased dramatically in the past year or so thanks to being guilded.
Or, hear me out. They just don’t enjoy tanking. Why is everything boiled down to how they are treated. As if that’s any different than dps with low dps or not interrupting or doing mechanics. Same with healers not dispelling. We all deal with it.
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