Extreme Tank shortage

Flip side of that though is (generally speaking) self-sustain tanks make for boring healer gameplay, wrecking the trinity, and causing toxic behavior.


I have seen this on the weekend when looking for a Black Temple timewalk group:

  • when looking for a group as dps it took 20min and more
  • when looking for a group as tank you get insta invite
  • when there were no groups open I created one as tank and got 24 other people in 5min

Took most time to find the other tank and heals, there are enough dps, so I could pick what I want…

well well well

its funny just a week or two ago people were telling tanks that they werent the main characters and need to do as the group dictates

how the turn tables


all the people who wanted tanks nerfed in dragonflight are the actual reason why nobody like to play tanks. Its the reason i haven’t put much effort into my tank character.


if they made it where tanks have a high chance of getting bonus loot sign me up ill tank non stop keys

As someone who actually enjoy’s tanking, I can live with the hate we get from wiping and I can live with being yelled at for pulling to much. But what makes me not want to play tank the most is that almost every single pug match DPS decides what the group can handle for me by rushing ahead and pulling mobs on their own. THEN they get mad when they die. If DPS wants to tank so bad they should Q for Tank. Im sure its different for others that tank but for me this is the sole reason I dont Q for Tank anymore.



Seriously YOU are part of the problem.

Most of your good tanks, are in guilds with people they run M+ with, just so they don’t have to pug. Pugs are the most toxic thing in this game which is why Blizzard has been trying to put things in place to penalize people who leave and brick keys. That still doesn’t stop those who don’t even take time to learn a specific class, dungeon, or raid before they go in, and no one wants to slog through that.

Perfect example of why tanks don’t do pug groups anymore:
My friend (who is a guardian druid) was doing Ara-Kara with me. Our ret paladin who mind you, was tunneling the boss decided to blame the wipe on my friend for being “under geared” when the boss enraged from the adds getting to it.

Another example: Same friend (bear tank) had a rogue in our group. Rogue died from not dodging the waves on the 3rd boss of Siege of Boralus. Blames him for not moving the boss fast enough so he could continue dpsing.

Another Example: Me and friend were co-tanking LFR. DPS blamed us for not moving the boss right on top of the eggs so they could continue to dps while breaking them, instead of just running out and stopping for 2 seconds to break them, but it’s our fault they weren’t broken.

Another example: Tirna Scythe: Apprently it’s just the tanks job to figure out which copy is the right one, ccing the fox and the maze. DPS blamed my friend for that.

Another example: Stonevault last mobs before last boss room: DPS blamed tank for not moving the adds out of the direction of the dps when they randomly point with a giant blue arrow.

Should I continue?

DPS especially, take no responsibility for their own mistakes and quick to point finger at tanks and healers. This has been ongoing for idk, the start of wow? It’s gotten even worse over the newer expansions. So, if you all want to complain about a lack of tanks, change your attitude or better yet, learn what YOU did wrong instead of just assuming it’s someone else.


I don’t know if this is helpful or not for anyone, but just as a data point:

I only play tanks. I have a DK (main) Pally and Warr. I don’t do group content anymore. I’m very content with solo play, farming old content, etc. In fact, the more solo content, the less likely I’ll ever do group content again.

Unless it’s a good guild or group of friends, I just have no interest in playing with strangers. And as a end of day stress relief, solo content ticks all the boxes for my subscription.

I love playing tank specs, but I would -never- tank for anyone outside of my guild and/or friends. I’ve seen the way tanks are treated and what is expected of them by pug groups and I’d rather spare myself (and them) the trouble. Delves have been great for tanking too, after recent changes.


Self sustain tanks reduced healer stress by making it so they only had to worry about 4 health bars. Dps self healing and defensive bloat has lead to boring healer gameplay.


Lol its because every tank who thought they were a god in heroic dungeons switched to dps the second they got deleted from existence by trying to chain pull in m+ now you have this void where we go back to only seeing real tanks in dungeons.

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As a long time player who very much enjoys the tank role, I see an additional reason for the tank “shortage”.

Yes, pugs can be grossly toxic. But look at the numbers:

1 Tank : 3 DPS : 1 Healer = 20% of group is tank

Raids (20 man) (Your numbers may vary a little)
2 Tanks: 15 DPS: 3 Healers = 10% of group is tank
You literally need half the number of tanks for this content than you do for all prior content.

If I want to main a tank in all PVE content, I can get groups quickly in dungeons and mythics and gear up to do raids. Then I try and find a raid group, static or otherwise, that needs a tank, and unless you are starting your own raid/static/guild/etc as a tank, it is very rare to find a group you can bring your tank. They usually already have tanks and are not looking for more. At best, the answer is typically “bring a DPS spec” for that class (or just play something entirely different). A role you don’t want to play and haven’t been gearing for …

The answer, without changing anything about group composition, to the question of “Do you want a good chance at finding a spot in a raid group? Role DPS or heals… Don’t bother gearing a tank.”

This isn’t something new, but for me it is one of the main reasons we see a tank shortage. Tanks are frequently a dead end role if one of your game goals is to raid (and play your tank).

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OK, by this point in the conversation I think people can agree on toxic behavior in groups, no matter who it is from, is the reason for less tanks.

So IDK, jus spitballin ideas here but maybe, just maybe, we learn to be less toxic towards one another?

Nah, screw it, the masses will never buy it.

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Yeahhh, no.

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Yeahhh, yeah. That is how it worked through most of df. I was the least healed in any M+ I did, because the whole self… sustain… thing. Which meant my healer could focus on dpsing, or healing the dps.

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Sorry, still no.

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Please explain how boring healer play somehow = creation of toxic behavior??

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Salution? Roll a Tank see how it is to play one then get back to us:P

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