Extra backpack slots. Asking for YEARS

Wow, this is actually game breaking if people can see others Vulpera camps. We could create a huge Camp city (with a group of player) in a remote area of the World that could serve as our new Horde capital city!!!

So the way this works is that this visual tent vanishes after 5 minutes and you can only return to your own camp. When you do it respawns the tent again for 5 minutes.

Its actually really cool.


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alliance never stop crying.


Someone early in the thread asked, “How many slots do you want baseline, 50? 100?” and I think my realistic answer to that question is the baseline bag should increase with each expansion’s content to match that expansions biggest (or at least next to biggest) new tailoring bag. So at this point the answer would be 32 or 30.

If that amount feels OP for new players, they could perhaps make the additional slots earned through leveling. Ya’know. Add 2 to 4 slots each time you level to hit an expansion’s benchmark (70, 80, etc from there

I think the disconnect for most people lies in the fact that our main permanent bag has roughly half the slots of our extra tailoring bags
 and there’s a certain lack of basic sense in that.

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I know we loot alot of things while been active in this game vendors on mounts or in cities/bases to free bag spaces. Why do you need more spaces?

Didn’t read all the replies.

Highly disappointed that it’s not actually extra backpack slots, but slots in the backpack

I wanted 8 more backpacks!

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If that is why they have more bag slots then they should gain a percentage more space, if you have one small bag even if you pack it efficiently then you won’t have much extra space to work with, but if you have 5 large bags then you have a much higher efficiency potential.

Something like 10% extra bag slots would be cool.

I saw you online the other day.

Lookin’ snazzy. Good luck with the fluff-pocolypse.

Problem with space is that its never enough.

Playing classic and retail i can safely say retail gives you a much more comfy amount.

Imo they could add a craft slot and make your profession items more a currency. Theres no need for 1000 different mats imo. Meat is meat, thread is thread, herbs are herbs
use the profession skill to make it into good stuff rather than the resource itself

Oh, oh! I didn’t know you played on BB! Also thank you! Gotta dress for success. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I mean, it’s the only non-PVP RP server in classic. Lol

Shadowlands needs to add a class passive for mages that increases backpack and bags slots, in honor of Hermione Granger’s Undetectable Extension Charm bag (Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows).

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Very true. If you see me again be sure and say Hi! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for you too!

That bag price depends an awful lot on server economy, though. My tailors generaly make any bags my other toons need, and I have at least o eon every server that I play on, but if they’re low on mats, I’ll check the AH (for prices on both mats andfinished bags) for what I need, and the upper-end bags are NEVER that cheap. The old frostweave bags, yeah, but those are only 20-slot.

if I do, I’ll wave again, it’ll be pretty obvious it’s me. Lol

4 whole slots
 Instead of making the back pack a 30 slot for everyone, and 40 if you have an Authenicator on your account.

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This should be in the description when you make one.

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You waved and I missed it!!! O.O Well it’s not really surprising. I have the attention span of a gnat. I may have been watching Netflix or something and been completely oblivious

Tailors will probably be able to make even bigger bags in Shadowlands. I do like being able to buy the Deep Sea bags for dirt cheap on my server, usually sell for 120 to 150 gold, love that it makes all of the other bags for sale completely irrelevant.