Extra backpack slots. Asking for YEARS

Don’t forget what forum this is.

We just had people with 10k gold combined complain they won’t be able to purchase a 5 million gold mount next year.

They have a dedicated Horse Pocket. Duh. How can you not know these things by now?

Well I would hope you weren’t irresponsibly riding a horse on auto run while tabbed out of the game in the middle of org.

Think about the accidents you could have caused.

Man, if I had a copper for every time I have done that… well… I wouldn’t be tabbed out watching old Stargate SG1/Atlantis episodes while riding this shabby basic horse. I’d be riding a new shiny Epic horse tabbed out watching Stargate.

I’m gonna report you to the mount insurance agencies for your reckless riding! :stuck_out_tongue:

You may wanna go ahead and report me for riding under the influence of herbal and alchemical substances. For medicinal purposes of course.

Mmm, nah, that’s my entire market. I wouldn’t nark on that. Lol.

Speaking of, I’ve got a new shipment of mongoose elixers…

But you got extra bag slots if you tied an authenticator to your account

I’m unsure how you people find ways to eat the 150 bag slots or whatever it is we can get now. Use the reagent bank. Use the actual bank. Stop keeping garbage.

So… every mage on the Alliance side will be frost when comes to pvp . Nice!!

but the garbage is unique and I’ll never find another Scarlet Missive outside the instanced leveling zone!

You’re crying about extra bag spaces?

Have you seen the Mechagnome racials?

The other racial was better.

Clearly extra bag space is a game breaking racial. Can you imagine how easy this will make raiding and PvP? World firsts and the arena ladder are going to be overrun by Vulpera with these extra bag spaces

And good luck finding a spot on any team if you aren’t Vulpera. I know I won’t be running any M+ with any non Vulpera. That bag space is too good to pass up and I won’t be held back by players who don’t take advantage of it

The racial implies that they have an alpaca companion that they use as a ‘pack mule’ of sorts

Here’s what probably happened. One of the devs’ friends said, geez I’m getting so much garbage in my bags all the time I have no space, change this racial. OK here’s something way better.

Some of you complain just to complain.

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It’s not better though. The other racial was far superior.

at least 10 more.

My wife asks me a similar question all the time when I buy a new coffee mug. I always answer, “Just one more!” It doesn’t matter that I have 30 of them currently. I will always find one more to add to the collection.

Judge me by my size, do you? As well you should not, for my ally is 8 extra bag space, and a powerful ally it is!

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