Extra backpack slots. Asking for YEARS

Given to the little fox people as a RACIAL??? Are you kidding me? /smh

I swear they do things to antagonize us.


Where are you getting this from? I’ve seen nothing about changes to Vulpera racials.

Isn’t it great? Outdoor camp for getting around the overworld easily, plus extra bag slots :smiley:

I’m looking forward to making a happy little shaman Vulpera.

Will be getting around everywhere easily due to it.

Assuming the change is real. I’ve only heard about it from forum peeps.


Uh, what?

The vulpera racial traits are:

  • Bag of Tricks: Use a trick on an enemy to damage them, or an ally to heal them.
  • Make Camp: Set your camp location outdoors.
  • Return to Camp: Teleport back to your camp location.
  • Nose for Trouble: Take less damage from the first strike inflicted by an enemy.
  • Vulpera Survival Kit: Find extra goods when you loot humanoids.
  • Fire Resistance: Take less damage from fire.

Which of those is “gives you extra backpack slots”?




I read somewhere they’re replacing the Survival Kit with the bags.


You mean like the extra slots they give you if you have an authenticator attached? Sure, not as many but you act like it’s never happened before.


Yeah just saw something on WoWhead… but there is also an item with the same name as the racial so… I’d wait before full on freak outs. :slight_smile: Maybe they get it for free but non-vulpera have to purchase it.


There is only one solution to this problem, then.

Grabs nearest vulpera and slings them onto shoulders.
Come along little buddy, you’re my new adventuring pal, you get to hold all the things now. You get bonus food if you talk like Yoda while we adventure around.

Although with this… I wonder how many Vulpera will be named Lydia and have /sigh “I’m sworn to carry your burdens.” macro’d.


Instead remove the AH dino mount, they should sell extra bag slots. 500k per slot.
It would be a better solution for the tolken price problem.


How many bag slots do you need? They added 4 to our main bag and you can get 32 slot bags rather cheaply. And if you carry that much junk, make bank alts. You have 50 slots per server


K and humans get an extra 10% rep which is unfair for every other race.

I dont see an issue with it. Its not like effects any high end preformance, its just bag slots. At this point 30 slot bags are like 400g to buy. If you are filling those up what wilm 8 slots even help with?


Pretty sure there will be regular 36 slot bags for SL tailors to make. Or 38. That always happen.

But my bags aren’t full anymore since mats bag and extra bank and more things stacking higher, etc. etc. So whatever.

I am excite. As soon as vulperas are live I’m changing this guy to one. RIP Bull rush though, gonna miss that.

I can’t count how many games I spent many of my lower levels as a loot mule. Getting XP, currencies, and exploration with a high level escort in exchange for carrying all their trash drops was actually more fun than it sounds. Once I got level capped and decently geared I headed back to the starting zone and found my own newblet to show the world.

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I’ve had an extra 4 slots for months since they gave them to everybody with an authenticator attached to their account.

The Vulpera extra slots are a bonus, sure… But we have been given the option for extra bag slots on backpack already


These devs just spend all day thinking of ways to make the horde more attractive.


I like my Tauren otherwise I might race change.

Maybe I’ll make something that isn’t a shman… but the shaman totems are so cute. @_@

If a few bag slots on one character is gonna make someone faction change, they didn’t like who they were playing with anyway.


They told people for years that they couldn’t do this though, I think that is the issue.