Extra backpack slots. Asking for YEARS

To be fair, you did get four extra bag slots, upgrading your bag to a 20 slotter with SMS protection through authentication.

The Vulpera just get a racial. So, in reality, you got what you wanted.

A bit of history. Even since Vanilla, people have been asking for more slots on the backpack. Back then, a dev actually chimed in and said they can’t do it because the backpack slots are a “core” number that ties into a bazzilion things that regulate how wow works. The backpack is even tied into the AH in some weird way. Real spaghetti code we are talking about here. At some point, they figured out a hack and could add a few more slots, and they were added as an authentication bonus. We were told however, not to expect more, it’s just way easier to make new bags with more slots in them.

So if I were to hazard a guess, they have probably figured out another hack while revamping the internals of the AH, and they probably only figured out this hack only recently and so decided to make it a racial for the Vulpera. The Vulpera hack is speculation on my part, but the core issue with the backpack being a static core number has really stood the test of time.


I can see it now horde will start kidnapping vulpera for pack mules by tying like of them togther

It was kind of a rumor/myth.

Here’s what they officially said in 2015:

“The original WoW developers decided that there would be an array to hold your inventory. The first several entries are things that end up on the paper doll, your head and leg slots and such. After that comes your inventory. At some point they wanted to add a bank to the game, so they added that to the end of the array. Players shouldn’t be able to access their bank anywhere in the world, as it would break the code. This was handled by adding lots of statements in different places in the code, defining what the array position was where the inventory ended and where the bank begins. This value was hardcoded all over the place, but it isn’t just a simple search to find them all. Some math logic may rely on it being constant. If you want to add slots to the backpack, who knows what you are going to break? It becomes very buggy and error prone, and likely that you are going to make a mistake. This mistake would break the game in a way you don’t like. As a result, they would have to put amazing engineers that could be working on new features on a task to look through thousands of lines of code to find all of those cases, as well as the QA department testing every edge case in the world to ensure the change doesn’t break anything. This is how we ended up with a fixed size backpack.”

However, a year later at a Q&A Matt Goss stated that he brought it up at a meeting and one of their Gameplay Engineers refuted the myth, stating that it was actually an easy change for them to make and that the idea it was some kind of monumentally difficult task wasn’t true at all. Goss then stated that it was something they were “looking into”.

The following year the Authenticator bag space bonus was announced.

That’s not how we roll on the forums


It’s 8 extra slots. I don’t see how that will make or break anyone. Even as an herbalist druid carrying three sets of gear in my bags, along with all of the Mechagon crap, I still don’t have a bag space issue.

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not authenticator, SMS PROTECT. a feature which i believe was a GREATER security risk because your phone is then capable of removing the authenticator from your account. there were some posts from security people smarter than I explaining the full details. idk if they fixed their concerns but that was one of the issues early on and a reason why i never went through it.

Huh, that part i didnt know. However after that engineer stated that, it took them a year to introduce more slots?

I suppose we wont ever know the real truth, but i would guess the truth probably meets somewhere in the middle.

Well, first of all, you got a backpack upgrade. 4 slots for authenticator and sms protect. So you got extra backpack slots.

Second, its a racial that makes sense for them. How many extra backpack slots do you want baseline? 50? 100?

Latest PTR change, the loot bag racial was replaced with instead getting extra backpack slots.

Latest PTR changes axed Survival Kit for increased backpack size.


You don’t have enough bag space? 5 32 slot bags + 7 32 slot bank bags + a resource bank + void storage + guild banks + alt bags?

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How does it make sense? How can such tiny little bodies carry more stuff than other races? Another racial that makes no sense is fire resistance. An animal covered in fur with fire resistance? Should be frost resistance, not fire. But I’m sure there will be tons of fire damage in shadowlands.

Muwahaha! I am going to make so many murderous rage filled furballs of death! It will be an apocalypse of fluff! A “Fluffpocalypse!”

They could give the sand rats 1000 bag slots to their basic backpack and I still wouldn’t make one. All I want is a cool BEASTMAN, how about lizards, or birds, or I dunno elephant people or whatever, just make them large, make them cool and above all give them LORE, the vulpera have no lore other than being sand nomads and having wagons and alpacas.

Lmao. I didn’t think of that but Kul tirans do look like that one wrestler that really should have retired about…5-10 years ago and was never really in the best of shape anyhow.

Like Mick Foley.

Kul Tirans are Mick Foley.

What the fox say?

“Extra bag slots”


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Don’t you dare ever say an unkind word about Mankind! That man is a national treasure!


Being strong and being effecient are two entirely different things. Vulpera are nomadic scavengers who spend their lives constantly on the move and constantly scavenging for materials, you dont think that they would be efficient at how they pack away their goods and equipment especially because they are not as physically strong as other races?

This isnt a matter of how strong they are as it is how good they are at space management. You could be the strongest man in the world and still carry/transport less than someone who is effecient in how they transport goods and use the space they have available effeciently.

The idea in the increased space is that they are more effecient with what they have to work with not that they have more. They just get the absolute most out of what they have to work with.

They are desert dwellers, their bodies are attuned to living in great heat in the day and fridged colds at night. Honestly, the racial should cover both fire and frost resistance based upon what timr of day it is if were being honest here.

Because 1% makes or breaks thr game.

Id honestly expect more cold, holy, and shadow damage than fire anyway.

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30 slot bags are still about 900g on both my servers I play on.

So Tauren should have bigger backpacks than Blood Elves?

Get your Authenticator for 4 bag slots. :+1: