Extra backpack slots. Asking for YEARS

I agree.
Its nice but I would never roll a race based on a touch more bag space.

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What this shows is that the devs are constantly thinking of ways to make vulpera better even after theyā€™d already decided on the racials. Is there anyone on their side saying mechagnomes look like they have diapers on or kul tirans look like rejects from the world wrestling federation? Why does the time, thought, attention to detail, effort always only go toward one side?


Iā€™ve been buying my 30 slots for under 250, usually in the 190 range.

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Well, everyone who can use the SMS with their authenticator. Not all of us have that ability, sadly.

I get what the OP is saying though. For years weā€™ve been told that increasing the backpack size is impossible. Now itā€™s suddenly a racial. Makes me wonder: do Vulpera with the SMS authentication get twelve extra backpack slots?

This is new to me, do you mean 4 slots to add 32 slot bags, or just 4 more slots in base bag?

So you just spend all day on WoW forums, telling people condescending stuff about the ā€œReal Worldā€?

Vulpera are awful furry bait.
Maghar are just orcs but brown.
Nightborne i think have the worst model out of all the allied races.
Hmt had no effort, just fancy horns.
Zandalari women are just regular trolls but bigger and cant be bald.

See anyone can point out negetives about an allied race, or even core race if they want to.

I for one think Kultirans and Mechagnomes look amazing. You dont have to agree but kultirans have a brand new model (none of the horde races do) and mechagnomes have a ton of customization options and real lore dedicated to them vs one zone where we help that one trib that the alliance almost genocides.

Yet they got no effort?


And then they stopped telling people they couldnā€™t do it when they released the authenticator bag space bonus.

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Do you believe if we had alliance loyalist devs instead of this horde guild that we would have such things as kul tirans or void elves? When I talk about thought and attention to detail, Iā€™m talking about big picture things that would excite the playerbase and make them want to play the alliance more and also WoW overall.


ā€¦ Are you seriously arguing because some people will have a whole EIGHT more slots!? Iā€¦ please tell me this was an elaborate trolling because good god weā€™ve got legitimate complaints on here about devs ignoring player wishes and you complain about EIGHT SLOTS!?


So a whole new model dedicated to an allied race, despite saying that allied races would not have unique models, is not paying attention to detail?

The only reason kultirans arent popular is because people cant get past ā€œomg fat!ā€. Their racials are great, their lore is cool (especially for druids), and we have had them in the spotlight for most of the expansion.

And mechagnomes will have the trophy for second best alliance race for me. Their lore is cool, their racials are amazing, and their customization is cool. Id much rather have them than vulpera.

I vastly preferred the passive pickpocket racial. Extra bag slots mean nothing to me.

Gonna take more than a new race for that.

Ah, so you are using the old ā€œIf it is good for the Horde it is unfair, but if it is good for the Alliance it is good for the gameā€ argument.

Hah, Vulpera are the ā€œPackratā€ race!

survival kit was nuts, lol on the PTR I was getting like 5g per humanoid killā€¦
that could be a TON of gold in the right spots :wink:

not surprising they replaced it lol

Nerf mechagnomes and give the vulpera free bag slots?

Looks up what faction Ion plays

Checks out.


You can get a bigger backpack with an authenticator and mobile ā€¦ check bnet for details.