Explosive Shot Need Immediate Hotfix

This is not possible anymore without boon. And even then it required high end BFD gear and orc racial.
The reality now is LB hits for 140-180 depending on gear.

Btw starsurge hits harder than pre nerf explo and is on the same cd.


Haha, pathetic. :rofl: No wonder you seem to have the attention span of a goldfish, I’m arguing with a Gen-Z kid who blocks people when he loses a debate. :rofl: :rofl:

DUDE I see you do this a lot, I am a troll mage, no orc is hitting me with a serpent in hillsbrad.

I have also said starsurge is far and away one of the most broken abilities. It’s literally POM PYRO on a 6 second cd.

Tbh I’ve seen other reports and screenshots about 250+ LB hits but I don’t understand how it is even possible (again, RAP scaling isn’t that big and near bis hunters are hitting for ~180).
Do you remember the color of the pet that hit you? Gotta start with something.

The only time it’s worth using in PvP is against huge stacks of people in the Ashenvale event.

What they could do with Explosive Shot, is cause it to do less damage (the crap it currently does) when spread out between more than 5 targets. Meanwhile against a single target it’d do a good strong set of explosive hits. Either way, the shot should be upgraded by the talent Clever Traps.

Honestly, I think the best thing they could do with it is turn it into the Cata Explosive Shot.
Cata and BfA may not have been great expacs, but I loved Survival in Cata and MM in BfA from a design standpoint.

Except for when they took out melee weapons and ruined the spec. I did like some elements of it, but overall I found they were going in the wrong direction. Some of the AoE was nice though. I really could use Explosive trap right about now. I started another thread on Trap Runes that we really need right now.

If you’d like to check it out.