In short, the damage is WAY too low for what it costs. Sharing the same cooldown as Arcane Shot would be perfectly fine it had some kick like Wrath’s version, but right now it’s weak and it replaces Chimera Shot AND Aimed too - Which means we lose two huge moves for a garbage AoE DoT that doesn’t do a lick of damage. Why is this move even on the list if it’s this useless? There are two solutions to this problem:
Crank up the damage a LOT vs 1-5 targets to compensate for the loss of Arcane and Chimera shot and Aimed Shot. One way to do this would be to link it with the Survival talent, Clever Traps, which it’s supposed to be anyway. Beast Mastery stacks with Beast Master talents, and so should Explosive Shot with the Survival tree.
Leave it as is, but connect it with Clever Traps from the Survival tree, remove all shared cooldowns. Personally I’m hoping you choose the former.
This move is pathetically weak right now and it’s clear that someone hadn’t taken all these factors into account while tweaking it. You can’t sacrifice three potent moves for one trash ability. If you’re worried about the AoE being too strong, just do what you always do when it goes beyond 5 targets, water down the effect. In this case, the watered down effect would be what it currently is, and the effect verses single or small groups of targets would be a solid set of explosive hits.
Your pet’s damage and health are increased by 30%, and its Focus regeneration by 80%. In addition, your pet’s Growl now also Taunts the target to attack it for 3 sec.
Because they don’t understand how much more powerful Chimera shot is? If they’re using explosive shot, then they clearly didn’t do their homework It got nerfed into oblivion, bro.
Well, it’s not horrible, it’s just not great. Personally, I’m going to try out Master Marksman stacked with Sniper Training to try and get some damage out of this thing. If it crits enough, it might not be as trash.
Yes it is. It wouldn’t be a valid option even if it was in just normal classic. Pets are way more than 15% of your damage not to mention the utility they offer in tanking/kiting. Current Lonewolf by far the biggest short coming of imagination in SoD I’ve seen/found.
I suppose from the perspective of a dungeoneer/raider it wouldn’t look be as effective in the charts, but I’m thinking more from the perspective of a Night Elf hunter in PvP. That 15% goes a long way when I’m in Shadowmeld waiting to drop a huge Aimed Shot/Chimera shot nuke on someone. Sniper Training makes this particularly deadly.
They can crank the damage of Lone Wolf up if they want, but I’ll have people crying about it later, I can promise you that.
You bet I am! 100% World PvP was always my primary activity in WoW. It’s why I love having real Night Elves back, not the nerfed garbage they became. In this time, they played like Night Elves should be played. Always striking from the shadows.