New Hunter Runes

This one is for those players who miss the trap-centric playstyle of classic Survival Hunters. Some often forget that Survival hunter was a range melee hybrid with an emphasis on traps and being strategic. #RexxarIsNot-a-Survival-Hunter. Here is a set of glyphs that Blizzard could make to accomplish this.

CHEST “Armed and Dangerous”

Similar to what was done in Legion, this glyph would add an arming time to traps, but drastically increases their power. They still have their basic effect if triggered right away, but they’ll have greater power if not triggered for a few seconds. This gives the strategic hunter a chance to create well devised ambushes.

  • Immolation: Increases the default effect of immolation trap by 300% and sends the target screaming on fire. (Damage boost and fear affect)
  • Explosive Trap: Explodes knocking multiple targets down and inflicts 150% additional damage. (Damage boost and brief stun)
  • Frost Trap: Increased radius of frost and gives a boost to Entrapment talent proc chance. Also causes friendly targets to coast across at 40% increased speed. (Provides 10% chance to root and gives 40% speed buff to friendly targets who skate across it)
  • Freezing Trap: Causes diamond ice effect, preventing anything from breaking it off the player - INCLUDING PvP trinkets this time. That never should have broken it in the first place. Last 8 seconds.

LEGS “We Have the Technology”

Allows traps to work in combat and enables Trap Launcher. (24second cooldown on Launcher) It also allows the use of more than one trap at a time. Must be a different trap element.

GLOVES “Master Tactician”

Basically Wild Spirits from Shadowlands, except it does a little less damage but the effect can be triggered by your entire group or raid while they attack the target.

Side Note: The damage bonus from Clever Traps talent points should apply to Explosive Shot, adding 30% damage. Additionally, Immolation Trap should increase Explosive Shot’s damage by an additional 30% on the burning target for as long as the effect lasts. Explosive Trap should increase Explosive Shot’s AoE damage by 5% per target hit, up to a maximum of 25%

You went absolute ham on the trap idea. >_>;;

Indeed! I’ve been a huge fan of Survival hunter since vanilla. The original concept was excellent in the first place, it just needed a bit of tweaking to get it right. That’s one of the great things about Season of Discovery, is that it’s doing that. Experimenting with new ideas and revived possibilities from the classic era. This way traps and being tactical have a place of relevancy among other specs.

Scattershot Feign Death Trap. If you can’t do this you don’t deserve a free full reset.

Uhh, I invented that technique, dude. I was a beta tester and started doing that as soon as the game went live. People were copying me and anyone else who was smart enough to figure it out.

You’re forgetting that SoD is an alternate version of classic where these runes add new possibilities. If someone wants to improve an aspect of their combat, ie: new melee abilities, or better pet powers, then they use these runes. I wanted ones for traps, so I suggest this.

You forgot the pet to passive you failed to trap.

:point_up:t3::sunglasses: :+1:t3:

Are you really pretending you invented trapping people lol

I did come up with the idea of feign death trap, and the scattershot trap on my own, and I was among the earliest players in WoW, so yeah. Out of the early hunter who came up with this, I was one of them.

Hell, I even had a scattershot disengage macro all set up, along with stopping my pet. Though I preferred not having a pet, which made it easier.

Using feign death to get out of combat and trapping things was clearly intended gameplay. You didn’t invent anything.

It was an exploit. Feign death was meant to save hunters from raid and instance bosses who turned on us because of our outrageous damage pulling agro. Using it for traps was an invention of the early hunters.

Hi hunter player from original Vanilla release. No it wasn’t an Exploit it explicitly said “Removes you from combat” Hunters also don’t have outrageous damage pulling aggro. I believe you should consider both PVE and PVP content when suggesting things, thank you.

War Stomp into Lesser Healing Wave? Yeah. That was me. You’re welcome.


Bubble into hearth? Me. I invented that. You can’t prove I didn’t invent it.


Yes it was. There was no tooltip or connection made by the devs to using feign death in this way. Not saying it was anything overly genius to figure out, but this person was talking to me like some wannabe pro, and probably wasn’t even there when hunters like myself figured this out. As for hunters not having outrageous damage, I pulled agro off tanks CONSTANTLY. I’m talking nonstop. And so did many hunters. I suspect you weren’t there in vanilla.

As for PvE and PvP, my trap ideas easily fall into both. I’m surprised you couldn’t think of ways to apply them in both. I can write a very long list of applications if you like. I thought my initial post was already long, so I didn’t get into it. It seemed pretty straight forward.

Maybe you did. Who knows. It’s impossible to say which one of us thought of it first, but I’d wager anyone with common sense to be honest. Like I said, none of this was a stroke of genius, I just found it funny having some cow try to tell me how to hunter. :rofl:

I’d like to see it. I love long, time consuming lists.

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Undead rogue? That was me, I invented that, you’re welcome btw, countering priests? Me.


Milk? You’re welcome.

Ask and you shall receive.

Trap Launcher: The uses for this move in PvE and PvP cannot be overstated. It allows hunters of all specs to launch their traps at range for additional damage and slowing effects. They can maintain a steady stream of fire while also employing their traps.

Armed Traps: In PvP we’re constantly in a push pull situation. Additionally, we’re also trying to run flags and cutoff roads.

  • Having preset traps on those pathways with magnified power can literally turn the course of a fight.
  • They can be launched or manually deployed well ahead of time based on the hunter’s tactical judgement and ability to estimate where the enemy will go nexts.
  • Setting traps on top of flags in the flag room with this kind of power is invaluable from a defensive standpoint.
  • Fantastic for world PvP and setting ambushes up for enemy players or entire groups.

In PvE, bosses can and often need to be moved around the room. Setting powerful traps in next location is critical. Especially if the tank can pull groups of mobs into the Master Tactician Trap along with Frost Trap. Additionally, diamond ice traps could affect some minor raid bosses. As a hunter, I had to kite black dragons out of the room quite often to help the team take on the boss, how about being able to kite him away and freeze him for a time, using this unique and more powerful armed effect?

Being able to use traps in combat is a no-brainer. Useful in PvP and PvE

Again…not sure what you were thinking when you said this.

So you’re criticizing a hunter with druid mechanics… Genius stuff.

New hunter rune. Applied to all hunters by default. Can’t be removed.

Balans Rune: -50% pet health and armor.

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