The same is true for every single Hunter ability in the game currently except for /pet attack.
Serpent Sting does 3 DPS.
Arcane Shot does 2 DPS.
Mongoose Bite hits for 25 when my regular melee swings hit for 60-70, and it is only usable after a dodge.
Hunter buttons are a joke. People asking for pet nerfs may as well just ask for the class to be removed from the game.
I’m alright with our standard physical attacks being emphasized more to some extent, because it actually makes them feel relevant, but I don’t understand people wanting pet nerfs. Maybe it’s some of the classes that don’t have a defense against them? They probably have different priorities than me, as I’m mostly interested in what kills Horde rather than what looks good on a silly dps chart.
I haven’t had a chance to level up every class yet, so I can’t speak to the overall balance, but I’m mostly enjoying things the way they are, with the exception of these mistakes I’m finding along the way, like Explosive Shot. That and race restrictions on which classes you can be need to go.
Another thing I’d like to see is glyph for enhancing traps, but that’s for another thread. I’ll be posting that soon.
Yes, good point! I forgot to mention that one on my list of losses when acquiring Explosive Shot. They really need to think things through more when coming up with this stuff.
No it says more about how weak hunters are in general and how you people will cry and cry about a class that’s literally trash because you’re bad at the game.
only in SoD. hunters were always a S tier class in both 19 and 29 brackets and their pet did maybe 1/5th of what they do now, what nerfs did hunter receive to make them weaker than classic hunters?
If that were the case mutlishot, autoshot, conc shot, the marksmant tree, and arrows can all be removed from the game, otherwise I’m tired of seeing this false debate tactic spring up.
The hunter pet is still just a dot that you throw on people and now it has 1 or 2 buttons you can press for a spike in damage, the difference is the Dot is so overtuned that even if you LOS the hunter indefinitely the dot kills you in 1 shot. It needs a hefty nerf as I will continue to say for as long as it needs to be said.
When my hunter gets 25 and some decent gear maybe I’ll make a video showcasing the damage of just the hunter without the pet, going be hard to perpetuate this stupid notion when you have the evidence right in your face.
You really just dribble crap constantly don’t you. Your opionion on where pets should be for the pet class fully specced into their pets is a joke. The lies you spew are a joke. Pets 1 shotting you? They couldn’t even 1 shot you if you were playing without gear on. Pull your head in.
Anyone getting soloed by a pet at this stage of the game, doesn’t know how to use cc.
Ugh… tell me about it. You’d think they’d at least make Clever Traps apply to it, upping the damage by 30%. That’d make it at least a little less dog-crap.
Agreed. I don’t know where this nonsense about pets being the Juggernaut come from. Trap, scare beast, or slow. Easily dealt with.
Easy to say this on the forums as if every combat is a duel with perfecly balanced classes. In reality this black and white thinking is ridiculous. The only reason CCing the pet is necessary is because the pet does more damage than most players AND you still have to account for the hunter which also deals A LOT of damage.
Let’s run through your post logically. Take any given class, let’s use balance druids. Give balance druids a really strong spell that requires a semi-niche counter or else you auto lose. Let’s call that counter a blanket silence.
Druids in this hypothetical are killing every class save 1 or 2 which they will still leave bloodied and bruised before going down. If you fail to blanket silence the druid you die in 5 seconds to 1 channeled spell with no other counter play.
In your mind this is good balance?
Some classes auto lose
Some classes we pretend have a fighting shot because CC sounds good in our heads and removes any agency the hunter has to account for that CC.
Some classes are called counters to hunter and even they aren’t escaping a 250-350 dmg LB x 2 at the outset of the fight unless the hunter carelessly left his pet out for a sneaky hibernate.
The reason people could 1v1 pets in the past was because it was understood that the utility of the pet was very powerful, it kept you in combat, it had AI generated pathing and wall climbing, and it had other utility abilities to go with it.
What you have now stat stick pet, it’s a walking target dummy with 1800 hp and 45% armor and to make it unique and interesting they decided to give it mages’ 21pnt arcane + 11 pnt fire. Hunter’s got scaling on pets on top of pom pyro every 50 focus (with 2 up front).
If you think “CC the pet” is a viable counter to that then I was correct in assuming there are some extremely bad hunters getting away with far too much.
My experience against a good hunter is they don’t send the pet mindlessly into a sheep at 60 yards, and when they do I still can eat upwards of 600 damage. It takes my class A LOT of effort and resources to put anything close to 600 on the screen. (unless you’re a trogg)
When 1 resisted trap causes a hunter to instantly die to a warrior I hope to see you here telling the hunter to stack spell hit. Right now the hunter severely damages the warrior if the pet doesn’t win the DPS race to zero for the hunter.
CC’in the pet is always necessary because it’s common sense. Even in Retail I cc pets from even the least pet focused hunter because it removes extra damage. If it’s a group fight, the team has more than enough cc and damage to kill any stray pets who over extend, and in a 1v1 or limited number engagement, you cc the pet and focus the hunter down. People who spec fully into making the hunter stronger will win at that point.
This isn’t retail. When you have to resort to theory crafting with hypothetical crap that’s not present in the game, that’s not logical, that’s a red herring.
It’s WoW, nothing has ever been balanced. That being said, I despise that glitchy type of balancing. Sadly, it’s here. The pet is always close enough to get cc’ed, so relying on it is PvE thinking. If you want any real damage from the pet, then it requires full focus from talents and runes, which always takes away from the hunter.
Why would anyone 1v1 a pet? Kill hunter, pet goes away. This is why I prefer a stronger hunter. Only kill pets in group combat with larger numbers and if the hunter is dumb enough to let it overextend.
A little exaggeration of the damage here… And again, just cc the pet.
How do you figure? Doesn’t matter how good the hunter is, only a slim chance of resist prevents an overly pet-dependent hunter from getting wrecked. Dps charts don’t win fights, it’s not always about the numbers.
Warrior vs Pet Hunter: Charge into you, fear pet, slow you, kill you in seconds.
Rogue vs Pet Hunter: You don’t even see him coming, teleport, stun, evasion, stabby-stabby, you die
Mage vs Pet Hunter: Blink into dead zone, frost nova, sheep pet, slow you, light you up. Dead.
Warloack vs Pet Hunter: He’s like a fat mob boss, he doesn’t even have to move. Just stands there in demon form fearing, self healing, and murdering you. Dead.
Druid vs Pet Hunter: Almost same as rogue except he’s got a cat form to stealth you, a bear form to charge you, and he can’t be snared - AND he can heal. Good luck.
Other Hunters vs Pet Hunter: If he’s a Night Elf Marksman, you’ll only know he’s there after half your hp is gone. If he isn’t a night elf, I always use a boar. Just before getting into firing range, send the boar after his pet. Then move in range to bombard the hunter when he does. It all happens so fast that you don’t even know your pet is attacking the wrong target.
Not sure about priests, since I hardly use them, but I’m sure they’ve got some tricks up their sleeve. And shamans, sure you can kite them, but if they catch up to you for even a second, be prepared to choke on that windfury sandwich. Speaking of which, Druids have Windfury now too, sooo enjoy that.
Not a very well thought out or smart take, as for your second comment. If you can’t grasp a hypothetical, which is how all balance, new runes, basic intelligent thought, dialectic/socratic method is done, that is a you problem.
Do you know why nobody stops to frost nova and cleave down humunculi? Because they don’t LB every 1.5 seconds, nobody is getting dropped by the priest summon.
basic intelligent thought, is what it is.
kill command doesn’t work on serpent LB anymore, you need 1 glove rune, and beast talents are optional, it’s 20% on top of an already big number. This is just sky-is-falling rhetoric.
Like I said, hunters are not special snowflakes, every single class invests points and runes into doing their jobs, hunters are not better than anyone else or putting forth anymore effort. The pet remains a problem.
frost takes away from arcane takes away from fire takes away from frost, get over it special snowflake.
the hp and armor are from another forum poster
The screen shot I posted was a crit for 340, which means hits for over 224, pyroblast at 25 is 250 dmg on the top end. The numbers are very analogous. You are wrong.
charge is 10 yard shorter than conc shot, you also have trap that they have to charge into
This is actually a perfect example of why you seem out of touch, if you’re fighting furbolgs and get charged from an angle you weren’t looking at you are at a disadvantage, you still get a chance to send pet and possibly kill the warrior if they don’t crit/gen enough rage.
If the hunter gets the jump on a warrior at 80% hp the warrior dies before he gets to charge.
So you need a pet that zaps 500 hp in 1.5 seconds but forgot to make it a rogue exclusive counter balance, good design theory, also rogues are doing that to a lot of classes, I am open to talk about rogues being brought back down to earth also
Blink has an even shorter range than charge at 20 yards, conc is 35 on feminine hunters and 41 yards on masculine hunters. This is again a message clearly typed by a hunter main who thinks he could drop mages in 3 seconds when he surprises them, but should have a more than equal shot of killing them when he himself is ambushed. You’re not being objective or fair.
Every druid I talk to says they can’t shift more than 3 times without going oom, charge is a short range but I grant you he has stealth, you have wingclip and +20% stamina, I don’t play druid and ferals seem more rarer now that boomy is cheesing up world pvp. You might be able to force shifts with scare beast, if you drop combat the trap is probably an instant win condition, and again, currently the pet does A LOT of damage that ignores armor.
Hunters forgot to use their bow attacks and it’s starting to show. drain is 20 yards IIRC, they do not have blink. This sounds like a get gud situation.
I’m not sure how this match up works, my hunter is 22 and I don’t know all of the mechanics for things like beast mastery taunting the enemy pet, etc. So I won’t talk about this very much. It’s a mirror though, which changes things.
shamans don’t have windfury, they also can’t CC your pet, so if the insane serpent damage is balanced because “CC the pet” then hunters hard counter shamans.
For builds most are probably running WoE for tankiness and double shocks. That what I saw when I was doing WSG and that is what I run around in solo.
Now you’re comparing your lazily written WoW-lingo to Socrates?? Now you just sound desperate with this. God you people have such a low bar for intellectual conversation. Don’t confuse your ignorance with me somehow lacking something.
It was a red herring. There’s more than enough examples in game that you could have used, but instead you went with a hypothetical because you didn’t do your homework. Just admit it.
Like I said, I use cats and boars. 20% is huge damage. If you’re gonna focus on pet, then might as well make it count.
Sky-is-falling rhetoric? What are you babbling about? I don’t think you understand half the things you say, because a lot of it doesn’t apply to the situation.
No one said they were. Again, what are you babbling about? And how does stating the obvious apply to anything I said?
Get over what? I wasn’t complaining about it. Seriously, are you high or something? You’re not making any sense.
Can’t drop traps in combat… And you’ll be in that in most situations unless you’re cloaked and sniping very patiently like a Night Elf, aka me. While I do agree that warriors have an uphill battle against hunters in a strict 1v1, I find warriors in most cases to be quite deadly when pushing forward with a group. It doesn’t take them long to get a hunter down with arms spec. Engineering works wonders.
You paragraph is a mess. Edit this to mean something. You’ve reversed us in this comment. You’re the one advocating for pets, not me. I don’t even use the damn things half the time. I actually do decently against rogues when I used survival, but yeah they’re a rough fight.
Feminine hunters? Masculine hunter? Where do you come up with this stupid lingo? Yes, Blink has a shorter range, and yes, hunters in ideal situations can mow down mages pretty fast - but again, in most situations you’re not going to have the luxury of first strike at 40 yards unless you’re a sniper night elf. Any clever mage is well aware of the hunter’s advantages and hangs back until a moment to blink in close comes. Personally, I use invisibility potions later on, but for now, line of site or teammates to give me an opening.
More rarer? Is that more of your dialectic/socratic eloquence? If you spam transformations out of sequence mindlessly then of course you’ll go out of mana. Stealthing in gets you close, then you change and charge if you have to. As for Boomkin, they’re pretty disgusting, but not invincible.
Assuming they don’t get demon charge in first, they do have the endurance and healing powers to weather a hunter’s initial assault. Chaos Bolt has a way of turning fights very quickly.
It’s not even Beast Mastery necessarily. Train your pet in growl, and he’ll draw off the enemy’s pet by taunting them. Beast Mastery is even better for this, though.
I admit I haven’t touched shaman yet in SoD. I play Alliance.
The Socratic method (also known as method of Elenchus or Socratic debate ) is a form of argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions.
It literally just means asking leading questions dude, but I will stop reading there because I’m not into you the way you seem to be into me.
You weren’t asking any leading questions, you were making poorly worded, unresearched statements. Now you’re too lazy to even read the rest. It’s no wonder half of what you said made absolutely no sense. You weren’t even reading my replies lol.