Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Energy Tornado thing is not an ordinary Tornado but something similar to that column of Energy flowing out of the Nexus. That isn’t going away either.

Cracks spewing out Energy continue to spew Energy and that includes the Cracks inside the Twilight Highlands.

Malfurion for what it’s worth got rid of the actual Tornado in Darkshore.

Windstorms can be dealt with. Cracks spewing out Energy will continue to spew out Energy.

Places Corrupted by Dark Magic will continue to be corrupted unless someone actively purges the Corruption which apparently the Mantid have not been doing(they spend their time stuffing N’Zoth’s corruption into the Kypari Trees over purging the Sha of Fear’s taint).

As for the Nightmare’s corruption of Val’Sharah: Malfurion is stated to be unfamiliar with the Emerald Nightmare’s Corruption not that it matters to him since N’Zoth is dead freeing those corrupted by the Nightmare of the Void’s control while retaining their mutations.

Malfurion did not think Felwood would ever heal so it’s no surprise that Fel Corruption is never leaving(especially since Tyrande’s suggestions of contacting Alexstrasza or Ysera were interrupted by Maiev Shadowsong’s agent).

The only part of Felwood purified Whisperwind Grove was only purified under the guidance of Xaravan who was a Satyr who did it to dupe the Druids he had working for him. It’s easy for a Demon to remove Fel from an Area considering the Demon could simply draw it into himself!

Demon Hunters can’t handle the amount of Fel Consumption necessary to purge the Fel from Faronaar, Felsoul Hold and Broken Shore. Furthermore their base of operations is a Fel Volcano so the only place they might even want purged of Fel Corruption is Felsoul Hold which is on their Nightborne allies’ doorstep.

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Actually, you are wrong. The “Horde version” of Warcraft 2 where cities were actually burned to the ground is non-canon.

The Alliance version(which is the more “correct” version with some elements of the Horde one being made canon) actually did not have any major city destroyed. Sure many gnomes/dwarven/elven/human towns were destroyed by the Horde but the greater whole of those races survived and all their capitals remained intact.

So in terms of actual places destroyed Warcraft 2 probably has the least. Casualty wise it was probably as big as The Fourth War.

I recall Kosak once said it was internally just called “the pandaren campaign”.

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Hm. Intriguing. Who is this attributed to? Zekhan?

It almost seems like a dig at Horde fans. Because the way the Horde has been written the past few Expansions, their motto seems to be :

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It is Zekhan writing it. No I dont neccesarily think it is a dig so much as Zekhan being a more chill character.


Based Nortwatch Expeditionary Unit still going strong. Horde near Orgrimmar defeated by their detachment led by a cheese vendor. Sad!

Typical Alliance fan.


I feel like whenever blizzard writes new stuff or something new gets revealed… It feels like a whole zone got sucked up into a black hole.

I suppose shadowlands made me forget about azeroth and I realize now how that is a good thing.

I wish my man, I wish.

This sounds like a Donald Trump tweet lol


Once the books comes out, I’ll be going through it and tallying up and listing every example of incorrect or missed use of Habitual Be in Zekhan’s writing.

In the pages we got already there’s already one missed use and one incorrect use of Habitual Be.

Will post once I do so.


Bumping this because we are now less then a week(assuming it doesnt get pushed back again) from its release.

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Can’t wait to have it confirmed that the Night Elves are doing nothing, have nothing left and that they also don’t have Ashenvale back as many here liked to claim

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And you will continue giving blizzard money to complain.


The night elves have all their leaders alive and just won Darkshore back. The Forsaken are sitting in Orgrimmar being homeless and lost the only characters they have Blizzard ever cared to develop. In terms of treatment from Blizzard the Forsaken have it worse then the night elves.

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Forsaken lost their capital city.

Night Elves lost their capital city, 2 of their zones, their entire population and the souls of their population, and their abusers got away with everything.

Nope, Night Elves have it worse.


Both of you are…something. If you are going troll, don’t be afraid and do it on your main characters.

In regards to the novel, there are several new pages, albeit in German. There is a person in discord that was kind enough to give us a summary of sorts of what they say.

https: //cdn .discordapp. com/attachments/864896454492422195/916027660877053972/743d92577077c69a. jpg

https: //cdn .discordapp. com/attachments/864896454492422195/916027661258747904/49accf747e626a0d. jpg

https: //cdn. discordapp. com/attachments/864896454492422195/916027661564907581/f6fabc25c548e948. jpg

First Page: Overall a summary of the quests of the bloodmyst isles, note is that the actions of the bloodelves here is partly also attributed on the horde (“the blood of this isles is on your hands too”) and the wyrmscar island is also mentioned with its dragonriders and there are references of an ancient home of all dragonflights which noone ever found

Second Page: the notes on the shaman set mentions how the shaman of azeroth speak for the natural elements of the world. these elementals are chaotic and a shaman must understand this nature to harmonize with them. zekhan believes that’s why the elements select the shamans - to mediate between the elements and so bringing balance. notes on the venture company: they focus on the mining and logging industry, but most of their money comes from illegal forest clearing, weapon trading and animal smuggling. the venture co. are not acknowledged as a cartel. Razdunk hoped through mining operation known as “THE MOTHERLODE” to gain the title of a trade prince. The page also notes how lor’themar helped zekhan to learn how to read and write

Third Page: Talks of the valley of trials, it’s a place where younglings can gain their first battle scars. it features a network of far reaching cave systems. the main cave is the den and it serves also as a prison. in the valley there are also shrines for the anceostors and honored veterans, to motivate young heroes to follow their footsteps. zekhan also did his trials in the valley before he could join the army of the horde.

Second page says roughly: “Proudmoore was like a tallstrider with a broken leg. Too much pain to run, not enough pain to give up. In the end, he died like a cornered animal”

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This was translated INTO German, and then translated into English again, so some things could possibly be a bit iffy.



The draenei stuff sounds iffy though. I guess Kael’thas was still nominally the leader of Silvermoon at that point in the timeline, but the Sunfury saboteurs were openly consorting with the Burning Legion on Bloodmyst and as hostile to the Horde as they were the Alliance.

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That’s messed up and bizarre. They were Legion, there was an Eradar leading them.


But are you surprised lol

Gonna be honest, the way they’re treating the Horde is getting increasingly transparent and undeniably weird


Bit of racism I suppose, since it is supposedly just a regular guard that says it. Lumping all ‘Sin’dorei’ together.