Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

So over on wowpedia there are articles being being edited with the reference being Exploring Kalimdor. As the edits do list a page number, it does suggest that a few people have received the book already or a website is leaking a few pages of the book, like Amazon did with Exploring Eastern Kingdoms.

According to these edits.

  • Deadeye Shore is confirmed to be named after Kilrogg Deadeye and contains a large patch of sand missing from the desert, shaped like a skull missing an eye - in honor of him.
  • The Quilboar were over all in control of the land that the orcs took and turned into Durotar.
  • According to tauren braves who fight them, the quilboar are willing to do anything to save their bramble homes, even throw away their best fighters.
  • Grommash Hold has several smaller rooms hidden in the keep.
  • Tiragarde Keep still belongs to the Alliance, with the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit guarding and rebuilding the keep.
  • Sahi Cloudsinger, one of the Shaman trainers in Orgrimmar, helped teach Zekhan but is currently no longer taking students.
  • The pool within the Valley of Wisdom was caused by the Cataclysm.

Edited - 11/6/21

Those who are logged in on Amazon and view https://www.amazon.com/World-Warcraft-Exploring-Azeroth-Kalimdor/dp/1950366618?ref_=nav_custrec_signin&returnFromLogin=1&asin=1950366618&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1 have the option of reading the leaks for yourself by clicking the “Look Inside” link above the book cover.

Other information not revealed by the edits but by the preview:

  • Gazlowe’s first name is Monte.
  • Gazlowe calls himself a Trade Lord, though its unclear if its Gazlowe’s personal title, the rank he held before officially becoming Trade Prince (a rank he officially at Icecrown in the Shadowlands intro), or if Trade Lord and Prince are interchangable titiles.
  • Gazlowe mentions owning the Steamwheedle Cartel, though the context makes it appear to be an intimidation tactic to ensure that the cartel goblins don’t bother Rexxar and Zekhan. Though there’s always the chance Gazlowe ensured he had some information or blackmail against the Steamwheedle so they wouldn’t bother him over his defection to the Horde.
  • Index confirmed the following Kalimdor territories (in order listed) : Durotar, Azshara, Mount Hyjal, Darkshore, Teldrassil, Azuremyst Isles, Ashenvale, Mulgore, Feralas, Silithus, Un’Goro Crater, Tanaris, the Barrens, and Dustwallow Marsh.

And yet Garrosh still didn’t think to make it as large and as grand as Warsong Hold!?!


I’m iffy on this. I hope the book doesn’t have a lot of “status quo”.




Yeah that’s my concern with that edit. That it essentially reveals that the book is a status quo with only major changes like the Burning and Mount Hyjal being the Night Elves new home.

That was my reaction to that edit.


To be fair, if those edits are true, I do like what else we’ve been given so far. If the book continues to have good details like that then I’ll probably be fine with it.

Didn’t Garrosh specifically destroy Tiragarde in one of the books or something? Or maybe it was the one in the Barrens I’m thinking of.

Regardless with all the orc and troll lowbies constantly sent there you’d have thought it’d just be gone by now.

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Yeah it was Northwatch Hold, the Alliances main outpost in the Barrens.

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Dear heavens that is stupid.


Thanks for the info! I hope we can catch some more info.


So did the Alliance win literally every mission table mission or something?

Cataclysm was a secret Elf plot to make the Orcs take more baths


I don’t know, but it does bring new meaning to this line from Nathanos at Rastakhan’s funeral and the resurrection of Derek Proudmoore.

" Nathanos Blightcaller says: My queen… reports are coming in from all outposts. The Alliance is tightening its grip. Victory is within their grasp."


i think i saw somewhere blizzard had in mind do a warfront in durotar, alliance winning that would make those destroyed keeps to be rebuilded.

they didn’t make the warfront but kept the consequences :roll_eyes:


It would be nice if all those lines in BfA post Dazar’alor about the Horde being in shambles and losing ground on all fronts actually meant something.


How did you find this stuff? Are you able to just search where the book is referenced?

I’m a wowpedia editor and I have Exploring Kalimdor on my watchlist. When it comes to the Watchlist, any time an article you have on it is edited or linked onto another page, you get a notification. Thus, by having Exploring Kalimdor on my watchlist, I received a notification for the new edits as a link was made to Exploring Kalimdor for the reference.


Oh ok! Keep us updated, lol. The wait is killing me.

Imagine if the reason they didn’t do the other Warfronts is that they realized post-fact four (4) pieces of content where Horde loses all of them would suck lmao


I shall and on that note.

The book apparently mentions Rexxar working under/with Grom in the Second War, though it unknown if it was a mistake or if Blizzard is simply grouping the Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal conflicts as the Second War.


would bet on the latter