Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Gonna wait until the book is in my hands in English and then I will tear it limb from limb if it’s verbatim accurate


“White people teach Native Americans to read and write”?


Oh no.

Oh nohohohohooooooo…


Nice Dragon Isles reference!


I had to check on the state of things but during that point in time Kael’thas was their leader and blood elves were nominally following him. That could simply mean the draenei who mentioned this thinks the blood elves are guilty by associate. Which lets face it, the blood elves were doing the same thing to the Alliance by blaming what happened with Garithos on the entire Alliance.


ich muss lordregent theron bitten mir die worte nach unserer ruckkehr zi erklar’n. Er wirkt zwar immer angespannt und vielbeshafright der blutelfen ein zuvorkommender und redegewanter mann is’. Meine lese- und schriebfahigheit’n verdanke ich grobten teils ihm

I have to ask Lord Regent Theron to explain the words to me after our return. He always seems tense and has a lot of beauty the blood elves is a courteous and eloquent man. I largely owe my reading and writing skills to him

ein seltsamer name aber ich musste den goblins versprechen dass ich es so schreib’n wurde. danach sollte lordregent theron vermutlich auch frag’n

A strange name but I had to promise the goblins that I would write it that way. lord regent theron should probably ask about that too

google translate but… yeah…

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Some additional stuff:

• The first page about Ashenvale is all about random stuff like how Misha almost crushed Zekhan in sleep. Or how usually ever-silent Rexxar couldn’t stop talking about Ashenvale bears.

The important bit: they avoided roads because they didn’t want to get noticed by the night elves. Could have provoked a conflict.

Mannoroth glaive is still floating in that canyon (would be cool if it was gone tbh, since the dude was rocking his glaive in WoD and it’s even lootable).

• Rexxar’s wolf from BfA, who was killed a second after his introduction, is now important. The wolf was from Winterspring and he saved Rexxar from wild predators, then he became his first pet in Kalimdor. There’s an entire page of eulogy for him. If you haven’t guessed it already, the book tries to fix the travesty that was BfA Rexxar.

• Rexxar really loved Azshara before goblins polluted the local land. Zekhan isn’t angry about their actions but he fears that one day their machinery will outright kill this place.


I wasn’t expecting them to go into Ashenvale. Night Elves owning Ashenvale confirmed!


Unreasonable dissatisfaction (?) With the fact that they can walk relatively freely in the forest.
On the one hand, this is Rexxar. On the other hand … well, damn it, they are not even robbers, but even with robbers it was shameful.


There was no travesty. The real Rexxar fights for the Horde no matter what. It was Saurfang with his treacherous rebellion plot that was the travesty. He brought the Horde close to ruin because of his selfish honor. I am glad he is dead and can’t damage the Horde from the inside any longer.


I will wait for the French one (15th december), but the book seems promising at least far more than Grimoire of the Shadowloand and beyond - the later was a waste of money and when you know who wrote it, no wonder that the main storyline is just a pork work.

I’m glad there’s night elves back in Ashenvale.

…there’s another one for ye olde “Alliance victories are one line in a book.”


Seems like the Horde just moved out and graciously allowed the NEs to move back to their ruins.

So pretty anti-climactic as far as victories go.


So business as usual for alliance fans?


Yes! And we also have to balance the Allaince victory with how good it makes the Horde feel.
Blizzard: The Night Elves take back Ashenvale!
Horde Players: :frowning:
Alliance Players: :smiley:

Blizzard: But the honorable Horde gave it back to them.
Horde Players: :smiley:
Alliance Players: :expressionless:

Perfectly balanced. As all things should be - The Jailer


Avoiding roads to not alert Night Elves is the funniest thing to me.


Sentinel sitting in the tree off the side of the road “What are they doing?” :laughing:


I would wait for more information before declaring that the pair of them avoiding the roads is a sign that the Night Elves own Ashenvale. After all it could easily be contested, with Rexxar merely hoping to avoid conflict in the area.

To be fair, in the War of Thorns novels the Horde ambushed sentinels who were patrolling on the road. So the Horde would have that expectation of them using the roads.

If there is one thing I learned from the whole War Of Thorns incident, it’s that the writers had no idea why most people who liked night elves like night elves to begin with.

Which, speaking for me personally, is totally the shameless power fantasy of being one with the forest with a grave and sacred duty… and also a scary sneaky giant.


I liked the power fantasy of actually being able to do a jump and a front flip without hurting my knees.