Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

What in tarnation

I suppose this could be interpreted as good news for Night Elf fans then because it means that Ashenvale is probably still like it was in Cataclysm

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True though in thinking about it, I could see them complaining about the Horde having Silverwind Refuge if Blizzard just sticks to the Ashenvale Cata status quo.

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I’d probably complain too. It’d just be another thing that makes no sense


justifiably so.

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The Fourth War was some weak stuff huh

1st through 3rd wars involved entire civilizations being wiped out and continents being destroyed, 4th war involves a couple of quest hubs changing hands off screen and two capitals being destroyed but not really


I do see sense in having Tiragarde Keep remain in Durotar. It’s been proven that the Horde might go to war with the Alliance again for whatever reasons it wants, and having a keep near Orgrimmar to watch them as a precaution would be a good idea. It probably was part of the armistice as Ainhin mentioned. Orgrimmar is the capitol of the Horde unlike Zandalar which is less important. Germany was occupied after World War 2 and this might be something similar to that.


It also feels weird calling BFA the “fourth war” when there was a previous all out total war between the two main factions in Cata and mainly MoP. How come that wasn’t called “the fourth war”?


It really does show Danuser’s narcissism, in that he thinks his faction conflict is greater than what came before it


Fun fact: That conflict officially doesn’t have a name. Over on wowpedia it’s unofficial name is the Alliance-Horde war. Though considering how the Third War was the fight against the Burning Legion, it’s possible that Blizzard stepped away from naming the conflicts # War and just viewed it as campaigns. In this instance the Cataclysm/Deathwing campaign and Pandaria Campaig or even the Horde-Alliance Conflict campaign.

After all if they followed the war named approach… the Fourth War would have either been Vanilla or Outland, Wrath say the Fifth, Deathwing the Sixth, Pandaria the Seventh, etc…


It could be because all three of them were caused by the Legion.

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It’s called the Fourth War in Quest Achievements at the least…

That said the Tomb of Sargeras was called the Gates of Hell in Achievements and the gate into the Firelands was called the Gates of Hell in Quest Titles so there are probably multiple Wars called the 4th War with all of them being accurately named as such.

As for how many Hells(that can be considered such by name or description) are in the WoW universe there’s:

  1. The Twisting Nether(outright called Hell)
  2. The Firelands(outright called Hell)
  3. Helheim(outright called Hell)
  4. Thros the Blighted Lands(resembles Hell)
  5. Ny’alotha(resembles Hell)
  6. The Maw(resembles Hell)
  7. The Rift/Veil(resembles Hell)

2 more to go it seems…

Just as there are supposed to be 9 Hells in Myth so too are there 7 Heavens and what does WoW have at the moment?:

  1. The Light
  2. Skywall
  3. Halls of Valor
  4. Bastion

3 more to go! Of course I’m sure An’she’s Realm once unveiled will turn out to be a Heaven leaving us with 2 Heavens and 2 Hells to introduce to the Fans!

Nine heavens, but mortals can only access 8 of them.

The 7th Heaven is so often cited because it corresponds to Saturn and signifies achievement of Wisdom due to it existing between the Fixed Stars (ie Zodiac) immediately above and able to gaze upon all the descending spheres and Creation below, ergo its use across all Abrahamic Faiths for that purpose (e.g. a prophet was lifted to the 7th heaven by an angel, etc)

Unless you’re strict with certain traditional understandings, in which case the Throne of God itself is a sphere of Heaven

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Heavens was what I was drawing on…

Of course if 9 Heavens(with the throne of WoW’s supreme deity being the 10th) are going to be in WoW then the more the merrier!

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ye cuz theologically we all use the Geocentric model with the 7 classical planets in their specific sequence (Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn)

But the Fixed Stars are also traditionally a sphere of Heaven beyond them, and then the Primum Mobile beyond the Fixed Stars

(Though some argue Primum Mobile = Fixed Stars but eh, do not subscribe to that)

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Anything new about Northern Kalimdor?

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I don’t think we learned anything yet, but OP says in the OP that locations like Teldrassil are mentioned in the index.

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That sounds like the name of the city in Monaco, Monte Carlo.

Nope. The leaks were centered on Durotar, though the index confirms Northern Kalimdor territories like Mount Hyjal and Darkshore will feature.


Not to mention, if we’re going by the static Cata depiction, then there’ll be an active volcano in the middle of Ashenvale.

I just remembered another Cata holdover: in the novel that came out pre-Shadowlands, it mentions that the energy-tornado thing in Westfall is still there. So I guess a chunk of Westfall will just be uninhabitable from now on because over a decade ago IRL some dev was all, “Dude let’s put an energy-tornado here lol, it’ll be so METAL!”


As the Tiragarde Keep result was from the BfA mission table missions, it is more likely that the Ashenvale sections will be also based on the aftermath of the Kalimdor mission table missions rather than the original Cataclysm state itself.

So we might find out how the following went:

  • Attacks on Warsong Lumber Camp
  • Investigations of Blackfathom Deeps
  • Defense of Stardust Spire
  • Siege of Splintertree Post
  • Night Elf defense of Astranaar
  • The fight over Maestra’s Post (though this was literally a Cataclysm rehash)
  • Depth charges around Zoram’gar Outpost
  • Defense of the Shrine of Aessina with the Ancient of War, Big Baobob (who was also there during Cataclysm, but defending the shrine from the Legion)
  • And control over Silverwing Refuge