The devil lives in the details, and it’s in the details that you realize how poor this lore is compared to the classic-mop era. The entire plot involving these Alliance military posts in Kalimdor was well developed initially taking into account how it was of paramount importance for the Alliance to maintain its logistical capacity to supply these locations with supplies.
And as far as the Horde is concerned, the entire plot took into account how important it was for the faction to destroy the supply routes that supplied these places, to start a more effective siege on them.
Now when the Alliance has pretty much lost all its ports in Kalimdor, they simply drop an Alliance outpost inside Durotar, and by the way the supply routes they supply are never mentioned, probably if someone asked this in a Blizzcon for the devs, they would say that Jaina teleports 1 ton of supplies there weekly. The fact is that the Alliance simply has an outpost in Durotar, and by the way to make it viable to keep troops there they have solved the long-term problem of Durotar being unfeasible for growing agricultural crops.
One thing I liked about lore in the old days was the fact that principles of basic militarism were taken into account. But after these devs simply threw a Saurfang pincer maneuver into the territory of the kaldoreis, which they didn’t know was possible, even though they lived there for 10,000 years, I became convinced that these current devs don’t have the remotest notion of basic military concepts. . And that always culminates in a less interesting lore, because basically this is a game about wars.
But I would go further, do you realize that all the bombing of Theramore loses its meaning in light of this outpost still existing?
Garrosh only bombed Theramore because he simply wanted to destroy the Alliance’s supply chain in Kalimdor, and make it impossible to supply his troops in Barrens, Durotar and Ashenvale.
It may sound simple, but a simple outpost in Durotar simply turns elements of lore into nonsense.
But so what? Does anyone care about that on the writing team? They will only put an outpost in Durotar, for random reasons, players like the jerks they are will never see the discrepancies in the narrative.