Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Considering all the information we have gotten is in Durotar, I would say that is a safe assumption. I just hope we can find the actual amazon page with it. Mine doesn’t have any previews.


Apologies for being ‘that’ guy, but blaffing is a great new synonym. I intend to use it all the time in the future. And so should everyone else.


That I believe was part of the initial preview- along with Velen’s letter, Rokhan’s letter, and a little about what Rexxar knew of Teldrassil.

AND nevermind! I spoke too soon- that Gazlowe part is new, haha.

What the hell is a Trade Lord?

Wait… Gazlowe owns the Steamwheedles?


We currently have no idea. It could be a self title thing Gazlowe is doing or an alternate name to a Trade Prince or something else.

He didn’t before but it’s possibly that he made sure to acquire whatever he needed to keep the Steamwheedle boss in line after breaking away from the cartel and joining the Horde. After all defections generally are not treated lightly.

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I want to talk about this again. Are you sure this is new information?

Yes, I am very interested in this revelation about Gazlowe. So, I take it he doesn’t lead the steamwheedle, but as you said, has some sway over their boss.

Makes me wonder where they are near that they may need a threatening letter from Gazlowe. Would it possibly be Ratchet?

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Gazlowe is posturing in order to intimidate any low-ranking Goblin flunky who might give Rexxar and Zekhan trouble. This is standard Goblin stuff.

He doesn’t literally own the Steamwheedle but he’s counting on the assertion that he does plus the presence of a giant Half-Orc/Half-Ogre being enough to grease the wheels where necessary.

It’s not intended for Noggenfogger, it’s intended for some Bruiser who might try to shake down Zekhan

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May be true but the trade lord thing has me curious. I cant imagine it is because of the shake up at blizzard because then they wouldnt have named him Trade “Lord” etc

And I am saying there is both a gameplay and story reason this is being done. You are allowed to dislike it but are not allowed to ignore that this game was literally “orcs vs humans” and that has was an continues to be an important backbone of this franchise. (to the point even Warcraft, with all its focus on the night elves and the Scourge and Arthas still end with an Orc campaign focused on the two factions)

A HOME, not the “True home”. Stormwind and Ogrimmar are like it or not suppose to represent the two factions. They are now effectively home to every race in the Alliance/Horde, a veritable metropolis showing what we can all do when we work together. That doesn’t mean Ironforge or Exodar or the Echo Isle are no longer less important(although gameplay wise Blizzard could probably do more with them but that is a different discussion altogether) to players but it does mean we now all effectively have a goal we all share.

Or it’s because Warcraft as a story has always put “uniting” as an important narrative. It is a story of disparate groups trying to work together to defend themselves and poke the other guy.

Could it be because I have a different view then you because I have a different experience with this franchise and the stories I like happen to fit with the current Alliance narrative? That maybe me, A guy who started warcraft in Warcraft 2 enjoy the current setup of the Alliance? That I never once saw the human being the leading figure automatically meaning that the high elves or dwarves were less important? That Alleria and Kurdran for me had the same important as Khadgar/Turalyon and had epic moments?

Or maybe as a guy who enjoyed Suikoden and Shadow Raiders the entire trope of us “uniting” to deal with the big bad and realizing our petty dispute and differences were literally less important that the big bad trying to destroy all of us? No of course not, I must be a Blizzard dev.

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Even Garrosh during his time as Warchief failed to bring the greatness that he once had in WotLK!

Garrosh in WotLK had Warsong Hold as his masterpiece yet once he became Warchief his works all paled in comparison to what Warsong Hold represented!

WoW needs a Game Update where Warsong Hold Replicas are all over the Horde-owned Territories with Iron Horde-style Trains going from place to place!

Ok. Now i am kind of hyped to the idea of having more than one cartel in the horde. I always hated how the horde only got fraction of their race and i think that it is time to finally unite ( or get in any kind of way) the goblin cartel and the troll tribe.

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I do wonder what the status of the Steamweedle is now. Does this mean if another war breaks out Ratchet will stop any interactions with the Alliance?

Also, the irony of calling the Alliance “colonizers/conquerors” while the Horde doing the same to the Quilboar(which I meantioned long ago btw) is just delicious.

Semi agreed but… Yeah idk

I cant fix most horde stuff without a remade universe and breaking away certain laws of the universe. and then having a time skip.

Hell I have the fix currently for the timeline to fix the factions abit but I am at the aftermath of The first war And I have alot of decisions to make as… Well for my plan to work there would be a need for the 2nd war to end with basically the Horde as a whole fleeing to kalimdor etc.

When I wrote this stuff down and now thinking back to it I realize how blizzard got into the mess they have.

They are lazy.

Its kinda simply that.

I wrote most of the stuff about some weeks ago but I have to reread it everytime If I want to add something as simple as 3 words.

Unless I want to make it all make Dogpoop in the sense.

I mean I cant have Arthas do something that isnt in his character without going through what he has done up to that point and how he feels etc. I can homever make stuff more fun by having thrall and Garrosh grow together and have a relationship on Draenor as opposed to having thrall be on Azeroth etc. I mean stuff like that are generally fun.

I had Ner’zhul and Rulkan get sent to Karazhan by Aggramars soul and Medivh (who is uncorrupted by sargeras in this timeline as there are no old gods etc)

Did you get those from the amazon site?

yes /10characters

Could you send a link by chance?

I never said it was new information. I was just complying the edits on wowpedia that had Exploring Kalimdor as the reference. Some of it was new like confirmation of Tiragarde Keep still operational and other past facts like Deadeye Shore being named after Kilrogg Deadeye.

That would make more sense.

And we know that even with all his richest Mogul Razdunk of the Venture Company couldn’t ascend to the rank of Trade Prince. But we also know that Gazlowe had the Trade Prince title in the Shadowlands intro quest chain where players go to Icecrown and stuff.

So my best guess is that Gazlowe simply prefers going by Trade Lord.

Edit - 11/7/21

I misread, Noggenfogger is not the leader of the Steamwheedle Cartel, just a leader of it. Edited above accordingly for more accurate information.

We actually don’t know what the deal with Ratchet is. It was assumed that Gazlowe being leader of the Bilgewater Cartel meant he left Ratchet and that the Steamwheedle Cartel would have to step in some manner to appoint a new leader… but for all we know Gazlowe could have just made Ratchet a Horde town. Hopefully the book can shed some light on this.