Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Gonna be honest using the ability to like differentiate both the kingdoms of Eastern kingdoms for them to be different etc and doing the same with the Blood elves the nightborne etc as well as the Orc clans (I mean I made the stormreavers into a part of the Thunderlords but it was basically they are just thunderlords but at the seas.

I also made the Bladewind clan into something more cool, by basically have them stay alive etc. but they were much like the burning blade but more to do with air elemental powers etc. I also gave warsong a “Boomer axe” (not an exploding axe but basically a boomerang axe)

that stuff was INCREDIBLY fun.

I made the whiteclaws be part of the Frostwolves instead of being their own clan but they were a select part of the clan who were warriors that were blessed by a frost wolf wild god on birth… basically making their skin frosty like the DK skin

(admittedly I got this idea when making npcs but I sort of loved it)

If the alliance was winning on all fronts, how does it get in front of Orgrimmar and Alleria says the sylvana army is huge? How afraid were they of this attack if everything was taken over? Alliance lost everything in Nazjatar? It is hard to understand.

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And the Alliance also never got to reclaim Ashenvale, but somehow they still have a holding in Durotar?


This is so stupid. Status quo is just as deadly to the lore as bad writing.


Sometimes I have a very strong impression that Zerde is a Blizzard dev responsible for writing the lore, and he’s here on the forum advocating how flawless his ideas for races lore are and we’re unable to see that.

Sounds weird to me that someone isn’t getting paid to defend this bizarre lore.


He’s part of the small Alliance Can Never Do Wrong group who are very vocal on this forum. :wolf:


They never lost control of it. It was still there under Garrosh, Vol’jin, and Sylvanas.

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IIRC there was a BFA table mission that said the Horde destroyed it

The mission is this.


“The Alliance brazenly attempts to rebuild Tiragarde Keep. Bring our full might down upon them and scour the ruins from Horde lands.”

When they say “rebuild,” it may not mean that the Horde destroyed it before. They’re referring to how the Cataclysm put Tiragarde Keep into a dilapidated state. You can tell how different it looks in vanilla and Cataclysm.

I do think that the fact it’s been there that long is a disgrace.


BfA was where Blizzard really used the “Tell, Don’t Show” approach. For example Lor’themar saying that Slyvanas has the loyalty of the people during after Baine is rescued. But then loyalists are forced to secure Orgrimmar from dissidents and there is no sign of Sylvanas receiving any reinforcements from the outside of Orgrimmar, suggesting that even with all her loyalists in Orgrimmar it wasn’t enough to stop sedation from the people.

We currently don’t know what the deal is with Ashenvale and there have currently been no edits referring Exploring Kalimdor on the page. Though should Ashenvale be Horde, it would be further blaffing to see an Alliance holding in Durotar itself.

Well I thought it was a game play-story segregation thing. Like the Horde pushed them out in Cataclysm, as the Alliance never reference the keep in Mists even when they entered Durotar and discovered the Darkspear Rebellion, and it wasn’t until BfA that we had the Alliance seeking to salvage and rebuild the keep.


Now that I think about it, it’s very possible the Horde quests in Razor Hill, where you invade the keep, represent the keep being destroyed. If so, then yes, it was destroyed, all the way back in Cataclysm.


Silgryn is of the belief that if Oculeth ever visited the Vindicaar, he would have a field day studying the ship and figure out a way to destroy it - I am wrong on this
The book reveals Gazlowe’s name - Monte Gazlowe!


That’s a Legion quote and a blatant derail attempt.

Since it wasn’t updated on wowpedia, do you have a copy already or a link to a site displaying the leak in question? For example either someone with a copy over on MMO-Champion or a site selling the book having spoiler stuff like Amazon had done with Eastern Kingdoms.

huh sorry I was getting it from https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Morderi

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Oh… Thanks.

I gotta admit, I never would have expected Monte to be Gazlowe’s first name and Trade Lord could simply be the same thing as a Trade Prince or the other Princes took exception to Thrall and Gazlowe essentially grabbing the title.

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Huh. I followed the link but don’t seem to see anything.

Also, some screenshots have shown up.

Portergauge :blue_heart::rainbow_flag: (@Portergauge) / Twitter


He posted two different links. The first is to User Morderi edits over all, and the Morderi/Lore/Books section has Exploring Kalimdor information…seen below:

  • The book reveals Gazlowe’s name - Monte Gazlowe!
    • Trade Lord instead of Trade Prince?
      • Gazlowe owns the recipient’s Steamwheedle boss (needs whole context)
  • Zekhan saw big thorn buildings in Razormane Downs in southern Durotar.

Also thanks for the link.

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sorry about the oculuth one I got that mixed up

According to Porter- I messaged him, the screens were from an amazon preview, and it was just the Durotar pages.


It’s okay. It’s just after the earlier derail I thought someone was trying to stir another. But it’s all good.

Okay, thanks for explaining.

So since it’s just the Durotar pages then we won’t know anything until later.