Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

I’ve only heard about Barrens and Silvermoon.


This is stupid. We spent an entire expansion with both Kul tiras and Stromgarde being the main focus of the story. Legion and Wrath had Dalaran play a prominent role. If anything, I think you are just salty that it is Gilneas that never get the spotlight.

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At the end of the day the elements that made Kul Tiras different (Drustvar and Stormsong) were decentered because of Jaina

Stromgarde flavor was Extremist Stormwind, but now Danath was watered down in his extremism, so it’s just Red Stormwind

Ah yes the beacon of thematic diversity lmao


Kul Tiras’ main theme has always been its fleet. Jaina story actually accentuates it.

Actual Stormwind is effectively just less extreme of everyone of the seven kingdoms. Hence why some people feel it is “bland” but it actually makes sense for the race that is suppose to be “versatile”. The fact is, Stormwind has religion(Lordearon’s specialty) a fleet(Kul Tiras) a good army(Stormgarde) and enough industrial power(Gilneas).

That would be Stormwind for the reason I just mention. The way I see it, Stormwind is suppose to be “generic” because it is suppose to feel like a place anyone from anywhere in the reason world is suppose to feel like “home”.

Being generic has its own benefit. As an example Mario and Peach are as generic as possible but people know it and enjoy it because it’s suppose to just represent an idea. Similarly, Stormwind is just suppose to feel like a place anyone would want to defend. Despite its “medieval European facade” it more of a Disneyfied version of it and is suppose to just represent a city that anyone of could just live in.


Stormwind is like America with castles, which I heard from GD, except better because there’s no sexism or homophobia on Azeroth. They could replace their king with a president, and their nobles with a congress, and almost nothing important would change. That is why they’re considered boring.


Glad you’re finally catching up with everyone else. Like, I’m the only one who talks about gilneas and the worgen never getting the spotlight. You legit been living under a rock these last two years?


Oh no, I was being facetious. Yes I know you’re salty Gilneas(you could probably make salt mine with all of that) doesn’t get more screen time but I don’t think it is because Stormwind gets to be the faction hub. If anything, the way I see it, Blizzard just doesn’t want to spend time updating an old zone that doesn’t have current lore relevance.

Or it could be NEARLY ANY COUNTRY. Just because Blizzard is an american based city that everything they do it just suppose to center on its american audience. As I mentioned, Stormwind is suppose to be a city that could be anyone’s home city.

It would have relevance….if they updated it. That’s how this works


It would be relevant if it actually had a reason to be. As it is I think Blizzard doesn’t have a reason to update it aside from making it Operation Gnomeragan 2.0 and if they did that the goblins would have to have something similar.

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Im in the same boat. And the more I think about it, the more I’m surprised that Garrosh didn’t personally arrive to turn Tiragarde Keep into ash for being in Horde territory and being close to Orgrimmar.

It’s also very weird that the Alliance abandoned their outposts on Zandalar as a sign of good faith to the armistice but are actively rebuilding an outpost close to the main capital of the Horde.

The revelance of Gilneas largely depends on if the story Blizzards wants to tell includes Gilneas. Darkshore and Arathi were updated because they were apart of the story Blizzard wanted to tell for BfA.

The main issue with the Gilneas as a functioning Alliance Capital is its close proximity to the UC. Which may or may not be restored. If Blizzard does do a war for Lordaeron type story I could see Gilneas restored with the Forsaken claiming Stratholme.


Yep, I recently reread shadow’s rising and they specifically mention that they abandoned any outposts and don’t want to visit the continent of Zandalar uninvited since it’s Horde lands, and they want to respect the treaty. But now we learn that they didn’t abandon a fortress they rebuilt during the fourth war to fight against the Horde, placed at the center of Horde land?


You’re literally on the precipice of what should be an obvious point. You’re right there. It’s in front of you lol


And you are the one ignoring that that is the point of why people think Stormwind is “bland”. That it is suppose to feel like any other city in the real world and that you are suppose to think of it as a home.

Whooshing over your heard so hard and fast it’s like the Aerial Wild Gods and Al’akir are flying over you

What is Self-Romantization + Imperial Reduced Homogeneity vs Irreconcilable Other Whether Internal Or External for 500


What is you being pretentious?

Yes there is romantization, that is the point. Warcraft is a fantasy and we are suppose to see it in an idealized way.

No, people are not being homogenized. If anything the current setup shows how different we all are BUT still showing that we can have common ground. When you think gnomes/dwarves you still think they will be an area full of ironworks/machines. The night elves congregate in green areas of Stormwind.

And we even get the flavor text of how people end up uniting because of tragedy(like how a human was willing to offer their home to a night elf)

What does that sound like? New York, perhaps? It’s not generic. Most countries are nowhere near like that.

And yet New York is a city near the sea/have a gigantic park area. You are suppose to find CERTAIN ELEMENTS(not the entire thing) in Stormwind that you would see in your city.


Do you not see why multitude of people, arguably the visible and probably net majority, see a problem with that? That they don’t, in fact, want to be centered on Stormwind Humans and Stormwind nor Orgrimmar Orcs nor Orgrimmar?

Are you not aware of the real life parallels where often times US Diasporas speaking about ones respective “Motherland” is given more visibility and agency than the Motherland and it’s people itself?

And how these two parallel phenomenons are tied to each other where the former is a micro “virtual” version of the latter because Stormwind and Orgrimmar are not, in fact, the “home” we relate to vis-a-vis the Characters/Avatars we create for ourselves within this virtual world?

And to force everyone to accept Stormwind and Orgrimmar as the “True home™” for All Players is, in fact, part of the entire problem of modern WoW?

Because it is, in fact, a type of homogeneity of the narrative?


Kinda sad you had to spell it out for him. I was thinking the same thing, I’m just not as good writing it down like you are :wolf:


Baal can’t keep getting away with this, writing banger posts after banger post about the problems about wow representation.