Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

I wouldn’t stop it at just stormwind human. All human are a plague for this game because of the human bias and nearly everyone pay for it. Even the gilnean human have some kind of bias that stop them for being real worgen since it is way more important being human.

The NE are paying for it by not only losing a city so the human can get one back (the warfront) but are also humiliated by getting destroy only to say ‘’ yeah you beat us but you can beat the human potential’'. I know that the line never made it to the live, but it was still write at some point…

As for the horde, we are paying for it since the only thing that the enemy of the good human can be is evil. The horde can’t be good in a battle against the alliance since it would make the human look like bad people…

And i don’t think that i need to say why would the forsaken not like the ‘‘lordaeron’’ human in the alliance.


No number was ever give. You are the one that stated many time that they didn’t exist anymore…

Once again your headcanon is being prove wrong by the book.

I just wanted my viscous Victorian era werewolves. :cry:


We have “Far too few” in Elegy.

We have “Too few” to do X and Y in Exploring Kalimdor

We have Danuser say nearly wiped out.

And I have been saying this long BEFORE the latter 2 were revealed


Too few to entirely control 5 zone doesn’t mean that much, the entire Kalimdor horde apparently can’t even control any zone surrounding their capital city…

So are the blood elf, so are the gnome, so are the darspear, so are draenei,etc. Even the human soldier are suppose to be to few by the BFa cinematic…

Every race are suppose to be to few to do anything and yet… Ever heard of that orc generator in org in Mop or the same generator becoming a undead generator in BFa? Those meme happened because of how race that should be to few somehow can fight entire faction.

Edit: Just realise that this post reply to the wrong post.

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The worgen heritage questline really sealed the deal for me on how blizzard viewed the worgen… So much for the ‘‘alliance monster race’’ that you had to counter the horde ‘‘pretty elf’’ that we had 2 expansion before.


The Shatterspear were backed by the Horde and attacked first, you quite literally see them armed with Horde weaponry. The Horde armed them, wound them up, and shoved them in the direction of the Night Elves. For the entirety of their existence prior to this they were ‘the dancing troll village’, and had no problems with the Night Elves at all.

‘Why didn’t they befriend them in the first place’ as a statement is weird as hell to make at best and outright misleading at worst.


We can say that this ridiculous book along with the other book covering Eastern Kingdoms proves that there is no expectation of a revamp in the next expansion. I was already looking for more reasons to abandon this game for good, as this sterile narrative model where nothing really changes had already left me unwilling to play the game.

I don’t know about you, but for me this is a demonstration that this game doesn’t have many possibilities. What am I going to waste my time for another two years on yet another meaningless adventure in a random world that probably has no relevance to the lore?

The lore of races is what makes Warcraft interesting, these Deus ex machina adventures are downright boring. I have absolutely no appreciation for beating Jailer, and I’ve always found N’zoth totally irrelevant. Now these signs that we’re probably going to the moon to meet Elune is their project? Some nonsense involving the Dragon Isle. These are all subplots that interest a portion of the community.

A revamp would be a plot that would involve all fans. And on top of that, I hate how much these devs don’t understand the community. The little things that make the experience enjoyable. The regional lore surrounding the nightborne was for me by far the highlight of Legion. Why don’t they understand that we like this? It causes me an irritation that I don’t want to carry anymore.

For me everyone who’s been here on this forum for years talking about these issues has to understand that this game has lost its soul, and that this current lore is just what they think is epic. These meaningless villains, these cosmic forces that we never understand their true intentions. These plots that the lore is never presented to us. Complete rubbish is what the Warcraft lore has become. A waste of time and I just won’t pay for it.


I like to think of myself as plenty cynical, but I have to say, I expected there to be more… consequence for the global war they inflicted on us with BFA.

I really somehow thought there would be more fallout.

As is, guess Kalimdor is pretty much the way it looked before War of Thorns, minus one tree and a lot of civilians.

Which is vexing as both a Horde and an Alliance fan. Because the Horde got spanked out of most of night elf turf (again) and we didn’t see it and don’t really know how it happened (again).


This is very likely, but it could also be because if a revamp is happening they don’t want to tell these authors anything until it’s released. So all the authors have is the current world in the game now so it thats why it seems like we are perpetually stuck back in time unless those zones are in BFA timezone too.

They attacked first in Cataclysm, had the Kaldorei a better relationship with them he wouldn’t had recruited them to his bloody war.

A similar thing happened with the Darkspear in Cata too, they had chosen to stand against the Zandalari threat in the troll dungeon patch.

Yes, damn those Night Elves for existing in the same general region and not going over with tea and cookies for the Shatterspear so that the Shatterspear liked them more. That is entirely good justification to let the other guy convince said Shatterspear to take up arms and also capture and torture multiple Night Elves.

If that alone is reason enough for them to try and help kill their long time neighbours then the Tauren deserve to be outright nuked, by that logic.


Looking at the few pages again, Zekhan did mention that the Burning of Teldrassil may never be forgiven, and maybe shouldn’t be forgiven at all. So I probably overdid with the “forgib” memes. But, still, other bits with Zekhan not understanding or somewhat condemning the night elves’ continued defiance are still there. So it’s a mixed bag, but it’s something.


What are the consequences of never being forgiven?

Will Horde access be denied to organizations like Dalaran or Cenarion Circle?
Lose lands? Lose characters? What sort of consequence is there?


At this point I am just tired. I hope to whatever elemental lord is out there Sylvanas gets tossed into Revendreth when all is said and done.


The Shatterspear page. It’s a nice read by itself, but this story omits everything that happened with the tribe during both Cata and BfA. And while this portrayal of the tribe as so very peaceful fits the vanilla WoW description of them, since then… things had happened.

So, the chieftain died in the Cataclysm. By the way, his title was Soulripper, which is not mentioned here, probably because it doesn’t sit well with the narrative of the story. How did the Soulripper die? In Cataclysm, his tribe joined the Horde to just kill night elves and take their land, but they got defeated and were kicked out. They returned to repeat the same thing during the Fourth War, and failed again.

Long story short. Here, we read that the Shatterspear try to honor the bargains both with the night elves and the Horde. If so, how did their involvement in those wars happen then?

There’s nothing wrong with the idea of this tribe the page has reintroduced. It actually fits the original 2004 lore, and it’s a shame that the tribe’s portrayal shifted so much without explanation. But giving them the same treatment again only makes the situation more confusing, since the original portrayal is a thing from the now archived-only website, while the newer one is in-game and well known. The better move, imo, would’ve been to tie-in together the old version and the existing Cata and BfA events that portrayed this tribe as very thirsty for night elven blood. Maybe one could’ve introduced some subfactions of these fellows, maybe an inner conflict, or something that provoked them etc.

Because right now we mostly remember these people of peace who love their home thanks to their champions with charming titles like the Beheader, or their angry shaman who tried to burn the whole forest down.


I’m just going that Zekhan is not a reliable narrator/the Shatterspear did not tell him the entire truth of the matter.


I liked how the book had drawings of the Tier 2 sets, other than that it reads like a children’s book.

Which makes it even crazier considering the anti-semite goblin jokes.

This and the warlock set, man…

What joke exactly?

Goblins were poisoning wells in that book, which is a real-world accusation levied at Jewish people. Also, this racial stuff had articles made about it, so it’s not just people on the story forums seeing things that aren’t there.