Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Hades (voiced by James Woods): WHOA! What’s all this here!? (peers closely at intrusion into His domain) Ho ho, I see, I see! Nevermind honey, it’s all cool! It’s just one of my close friend Bobby K’s projects. We hang out all the time, joking about messing around with our underlings. (pulls out appointment book, flips through it) Yea, yea, we’re going out for brewskis next Tuesday.


Here’s how I would’ve fixed this book!

Instead of poisoning the wells, maybe something less racist… Have a forsaken apothecary do it instead.

They could’ve made the goblins trade NFTs that are empowered by a machine that consumes Kaldorei souls. The soul chain or something, then go in length about how Orgrimmar taxes are awful.

Then have the Kaldorei death squad get help from some worgen insurgents to destroy this machine, and quote the unabomber.

AnPrim vs TransHumanist Faction war!

People would smirk, and it would be more fun overall.

You didn’t even read what I said, but it’s fine you’re arguing in bad faith anyway.

Not really. I pointed out the night warrior did technically reclaim one zone. But you know, continue to ignore that as usual


I specifically mentioned “zones”. And getting 80% of a zone back still doesn’t count for an entire zones because the Night Elves were ignored for all of BfA just to not even fully reclaim the territory they had before the war

Back then we were told that the Night Elves reclaimed Darkshore…which is now a lie because they only reclaimed most of it.

I like the part where Zekhan is all like " I wonder why Night Elves are so mad"



The zone is still reclaimed, even though the Shatterspear live there.


That doesn’t make it a lie, reclaiming most of it is still huge considering the large Forsaken presence in BfA - Which again, suddenly disappeared without leaving much of a trace despite previous lore stating blight having an extremely long shell life.


I don’t how everyone is supposed to engage with NE fans like ethriel, when from classic up to BfA the shatterspear living in darkshore was a-okay. But after BfA it’s all a sudden Why can’t the night elves dominate everything times infinity. Hard to have a discussion when they can’t even agree on a common power fantasy.


Night Elves: points to smoldering tree

Zekhan: “I guess it will always be a mystery”


Because they literally backstabbed the Night Elves when they had the opportunity to and helped commit the genocide against them.
How can the Night Elves let them live in their zone when they know that they will try to kill them once the opportunity is there for them (as seen in the war of thorns).

My god Micah…
What is going on with you


I mean…I am going to take a wild guess here but…it might have something to do with something they did in BfA?
Something involving a big tree and burning alive thousands of people.


“The night elves were intent in destroying all the Shatterspear trolls before they could become a bigger problem”
“The death of their chieftain was the final chapter in Shatterspear tribal history.”

Survivors of the Shatterspear’s first slaughter in Cata had more than enough reasons to seek revenge in the War of Thorns, they were neutral at best prior to Garrosh’ recruitment.

Not being able to leave their vale was a position of weakness, knowing the night elves wouldn’t come to their help meant they were never alies. If the Kaldorei didn’t want to have so many enemies, why didn’t they befriend them in the first place? Sin’dorei do this with the non-forest trolls, so there is no excuse.

“Ours is a Cycle of Hatred.”

Makes you think, huh?


Speaking of the Shatterspear , their leader is a new character named Ohseso.


I am glad they survived. I hope we will help them kill more night elves. The less of them exist the better is Azeroth off.

Gonna guess here, but it might have something to do with hyperbolic exclamations of “every night elf is canonically dead, the quests specifically to save night elf souls are non-canon, every single voice line datamined is somehow proof that Tyrande is besties with Sylvanas now, Sylvanas is canonically a good girl now, and because a patch passed without mentioning those non-canon quests for the Night Fae this proves they must be non-canon. Also every night elf is dead.”

Just a guess.


I’m aggravated about some other stuff going on irl. I apologize for taking it out on you :frowning:


almost every night elf is canonically dead.

I also made a calculation already from the numbers that we have. We freed 80, then 3, then 8, then 3 again or something like that. That’s a tenth of those that died in Teldrassil and Darkshore and Ashenvale were much larger, that’s not even close to 10%!

Do I need to link the line again?..

How is Tyrande thanking Sylvanas out of anyone okay?? Just because Sylvanas helped free Anduin? Who cares?! The Night Elf souls are still suffering and being obliterated if they aren’t gone already.

Good girl? No. Treated as one? yes.

It’s okay, I just get so irritated when someone that I used to be in harmony with in the past suddenly brings up arguments that are often used by Horde players/trolls to invalidate every Night Elf fan’s opinion (Like every night elf fan wanting the Horde to be wiped out and accepting no less than that etc.).

I hope you can get your private things in order though.

I like you hun. I really do and I know I been one of the few to stick up for you. Again, I apologize. It was wrong of me.

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Thank you Ethriel for providing a wonderful example of the hyperbole I was talking about.

I appreciate it.