Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

The Shatterspear Trolls still have their outpost in Darkshore after participating in the genocide of the Night Elves twice.

That was just revenge for what the night elves did to them in Cataclysm. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Yes, they do.

You should realize that I liked many posts you made in this thread.

You gave me 128 likes. Thank you.


Possibly! But I am not sure how they would frame that as there are eight moon phases traditionally:

  1. New Moon
  2. Waxing Crescent
  3. First Quarter
  4. Waxing Gibbous
  5. Full Moon
  6. Waning Gibbous
  7. Last Quarter
  8. Waning Crescent

Ive been trying to figure out which ones they might cut representing to get six; perhaps the Gibbous phases?

It could yeah, but I am not sure. It would be more symmetrical for the Full Moon to be Life, if the New Moon is Death.


I honestly don’t care much about child killing in fictional settings. Screw those kids, they’re in a game about war. If children die in a video game then so be it. The Shatterspear don’t have to die either, they can be evacuated to Orgrimmar. Just make the situation logical.


It seems like the Army of the Dark Moon is somewhat split between multiple fronts. For sure there must be some protecting Hyjal as a new capitol is established.

Tyrande scattered a lot of her Sentinels across the world in her hunt for Blightcaller and Sylvanas, also.


Well, we already know children died in Teldrassil.

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Or they will cut it down to three phases, new, half and full moon to match the druid ability.

I’m sure there are some Night Elves who would kill other races children as revenge for their own dying. Maybe perhaps Blizzard should go for everyone being evil instead of morally gray. All evil factions with everyone being equally bad.

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I never said that children shouldn’t die in Warcraft. They have since the beginning.

I think children die in the slums of Old Town just as regularly. This is a world at war, look at how tragic it was seeing a Highelf baby die in the Sylvanas Warbringers short, it happens everytime there’s a world threat.

One of the things I liked about Golden’s Before the Storm was how she wrote Sylvanas’s eye wandering to a plump thriving orc child as she’s having a conversation about throwing the Horde into another meat grinder of a war. (I don’t love it as in I love war. I love how at least in the books the writers don’t lose sight of the optics of war, it’s a shame that rarely ever translates ingame)


You mean when they were the aggressor and attacked despite the night elves leaving them in peace for so long. I know you ara troll poster, but come on get better material.

The forsaken attempted two genocides on the worgen. Need I remind you the worgen lost two homes due to horde aggression? What’s your point? :wolf:

That it’s ridiculous that the Night Elves allow the Shatterspear in Darkshore, even more ridiculous than Splintertree Post being a Horde outpost in Ashenvale.

Then the Night Warrior was even more pointless.

We knew the night warrior was never going to amount to anything in a two faction game. Dumb they even introduced the idea since we still know nothing about what a night warrior can even do

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Tyrande can instantly annihilate armies with her moonfires. Nathanos’ dogs couldn’t run faster than those instant moonfires, either. I don’t know why she didn’t try that on Sylvanas.


We were sold that the Night Warrior was needed to reclaim Darkshore (which was already ridiculous), and now a year later we’re told that the Night Elves don’t even have full control of Darkshore.

Well, she killed two dogs and did Nathanos a favour because he needed to die to go to the Shadowlands…

Imagine if the Night Warrior atleast did something, like reclaiming the Night Elf zones, bringing Sylvanas to justice or freeing / reviving the Night Elf souls…

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Does anyone want to tell her that darkshore was reclaimed? That there was a whole scenario about it in game? No? Okay than :wolf: