Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Why should the Shatterspear have been wiped out in the book? Just one Night Elf back in Cataclysm said that, but it seems uncharacteristic for them to actuslly do that. Also, we already knew they were still alive.

I would take that as likely they plan to focus 10.x on Lordaeron and thus have plans to do revamps in the Eastern Kingdoms for an ā€œaggressor Allianceā€ expansion. On the other hand they likely donā€™t plan to touch Kalimdor outside of perhaps Hyjal.

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The Night Warrior is the Avatar of the New Moon, that bit is pretty interesting. So Elune has different phases like the Moon and the New Moon represents Death.

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As Kaileath mention i think the WoW devs themselves do not want these books(possibly for future expac content) to majorly affect the geography of WoW. I mean the only major change in the EK book was Southshore belonging to the Alliance again.

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The Shatterspear are a part of the Horde and live in an isolated area thatā€™s part of Darkshore. The Night Elves are killing any Horde they see and that makes the Shatterspear an easy target. The only logical explanation of them being alive in Darkshore still is a miracle. Night Elves not killing a group that has attacked them which lives on their land is whatā€™s uncharacteristic.

Yeah I am guessing there must be 8 in total then. I wonder what they all might represent? Sounds like something we will find out in a Life centered expansion

But the Night Warrior representing the end of the Cycle of Life makes sense to me. To invoke that death-pact for power you sacrifice the head of an enemy, so it even begins by taking life.


Also, Elune supports anti-troll imperialism, but we already knew that.


I can see 6 phases representing each cosmic force.

Also, make sure to do Mage Tower.

The book implies that they did join, then left the Horde/waved the white flag.

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Night Elves donā€™t kill childrenā€¦ anymore at least.

If they are really thinking that, then itā€™s far too late.

They have done a world war implying that thereā€™s a ton of changes/damages whether they like it or not.

A book can reflect these changes without touching the ingame map, an evolution of the situation at a minimal cost.

Also rebuilding previously destroyed locations like Tiragarde Keep and Northwatch is already major.
Just Tiragarde Keep is as nonsensical as Ashenvale not entirely Kaldorei because itā€™s between Senā€™jin and Orgrimmar, as if the Horde will let the Alliance to rebuild a military fortress here.


It seems like Elune might not be just a Life entity but possibly the Avatar of the Cycle between all Cosmic powers.

Full moon is absolutely Light and why she may still be the progenitor of Naaru.


Someone is projecting.

Look at Horde crying about Alliance characters existing.


I didnā€™t mention children.

In order to wipe put their tribe, theyā€™d have to kill children.

Or they donā€™t have children.

Someone is projecting lol. You alliance scum are such hypocrites. I hope the next war finish you off for good. You never deserved Azeroth. Azeroth belongs to the Horde. And the Alliance will be destroyed. Lokā€™tar!

This isnā€™t the RP forum.


Pot meets kettle. You always post about hurting the Horde so I take offense about that and fight against you. Any alliance players who wants to keep the status quo is my enemy.