Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

It might have something to do with how a night elf fan was toxic to him yesterday.

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  1. When did I accuse you of being part of which problem?
  2. You just made up a false narrative about how all Night Elf fans are the same (bad)

I liked talking to you when we were on the same side, but you sometimes seem to just do a 180 turn and turn against me and make statements like “All night elf fans want the horde to be wiped out” or “all night elf fans say that they are the only ones that got a bad story” which is just extremely irritating to me.

We don’t have to be on the same side, it’s fine, but you have over 5000 comments here and you should slowly realize that making statements like those are just irritating and infuriating, unless that’s your objective…

Horde Players are toxic to me (and other night elf fans) all the time. Yet I don’t say that every single Horde Player is like that.


On the brighter side, it would be curious to see other avatars of Elune. The old theory about the Night Warrior being the avatar of only one moon phase proved to be true.


did you just reply to yourself?

This is the most interesting part I’ve seen so far. This confirms that the Horde canonically cleared BFD. Also that Zekhan’s dad was a part of the group that did it. I don’t know why the Horde gets the canon win for this though. I suppose it’s because of how close the Outpost was.

What the hell Blizzard. Not only is he brought back, but there’s a camp that might be built and named after him? If there’s any character that should’ve been removed from the game it was this guy, and even knowing why this guy is controversial they expand his presence in the lore. I don’t think there’s a lot of players that’d want to spend time in a camp named after a major misogynist. Either this was done on purpose or Sean Copeland is dumb, and with the information we’ve gotten in this book I’ve begun to think that he’s bad at his job.

I mean… Night elves handed over Azshara prior to the Cataclysm. Post-Cataclysm, there are night elves there still, in at least two different areas of the zone. In one they’re trying to make an alliance with the local furbolgs against the Horde, in another they have a small military encampment to reclaim the area.

Tyrande handed it over in Siege of Ogrimmar, in MoP. The Cata Quests take place before that.


Derp. Yup, my bad!


He still had an NPC in Orgrimmar until Shadowlands. They got rid of it for some reason. He still appears when you start the Legion intro storyline for Horde.

He’s a major womanizer, and Jediga was punished for refusing his advances. Gross.

Well, it’s confirmed in the book anyway.

I think the opposite.

If we would be back at Cataclysm then the Alliance wouldn’t hold Morshan Rampart. With how things are standing. THe book was mainly used for giving the Alliance more victories then they deserve. Alliance bias once more ruins the fun for Horde players.

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I think I owe Golden a small apology. One of my criticisms of her was how she kept status quo in some of her books. Authors only have some creative freedom in how they shape the lore when they make novels, and I’ve often attributed status quo as being her fault. Exploring Eastern Kingdoms seems to have less status quo than this book does, which makes me think that’s a problem being enforced by Copeland. Status quo isn’t always bad, but it definitely is when it doesn’t make sense, and the status quo for Ashenvale and Azshara baffles me.


Ashenvale makes the least sense of the two. You’d think after retaking darkshore, the kaldorei would’ve turned their entire might and anger against the horde and removed them since they didn’t sign the armistice and technically still at war with the horde


Alliance bias is ruining it for a lot of players, not just the horde. My favorite race still can’t get major screen time because of it. The gnomes and dwarves suffer the same problem


Lets call it human bias. I think that would be more accurate. I mean just look at the main characters of Shadowalnds.

all of them are humans.


I agree stormwind humans are a plague on storytelling. Constantly hogging the spotlight. When we have far more interesting characters like Ivar Bloodfang and Darius Crowley for the worgen for example


What doesn’t make sense is that the Night Elves took back Talrendis Point but didn’t take Splintertree Post. Taking back all of Ashenvale before moving onto Azshara is what would make sense. Now Talrendis Point is sandwiched between Splintertree and Valormok. Which means that Rexxar and Zekhan didn’t go through Ashenvale as a shortcut to Azshara, they instead went to Darkshore to check on the Shatterspear who should’ve been wiped out. AGH!


Or it could just be the WoW devs. Not wanting to commit anything concrete to the Lore and would rather have any major change reflected in game. If only we actually did go back to those zone ingame. I am not sure Copeland should be blamed for this and more the actual dev team.

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Look at alliance crying about Horde groups existing. Cute. Your salty tears are delicious. Keep crying. It is entertaining.

Hm. I am not so fond of this, no. I find this angle of “Elune is bad and evil” troubling, for reasons you laid out. The only thing I would say is this is a perspective piece and trolls would find an aloof deity-like being such as Elune strange and cold. Trolls are used to Loa who show up in person and you can talk with to strike a deal, and as a Shaman its much the same for him with the Elemental Spirits. That is reinforced by how he calls her a “spirit”, rather than a goddess.

The Avatar for each moon phase bit is interesting, at least. I guess that means there are Eight total possible Avatars? That’s a lot. Tyrande swapped to the Full Moon Avatar from the New Moon, I guess.

That doesn’t reflect Alliance gains that were made in Exploring Eastern Kingdoms though.