Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Gah. With you, it is always the glass is not only half empty, but the bartender also gave you a cracked one to spite you. Why can we not focus on the fact that the Kaldorei have regained footing equal to that they held before the War of Thorns, largely on their own? That is pretty impressive. They retain the military strength to hold that ground as well, enough to make Rexxar wary of the main roads.

I do not really see the issue with not claiming all of what was Ashenvale. There isn’t even much of Ashenvale beyond the Falfarren River. Its all been more or less clear cut. The Horde is not depicted as attacking. They are merely holding positions they have held for many years.

Well…they have an armistice with the Horde. The Kaldorei refused to sign it and are still in a war stance. They are doing so as a people, not as a member of the Alliance. The members of the Alliance can commit their personal standing troops however they see fit.


Because they didn’t, that’s the problem. The Night Elves were supposed to have full control of Ashenvale before the war of thorns, and the Night Warrior has been doing nothing then off screen either.

It does say “the Alliance” though.

Up until they realize that they don’t have to be wary anymore because… Night Elves are too few in numbers anyway.
If the Horde can have this mindset about the Night Elves already… then we can tell a lot about the future story…

And you don’t see an issue with that? With the Night Elves being all on their own against the Horde with no help from the Alliance and the Horde having the mindset that the Night Elves are too few in numbers anyway?
Not at all? Because that just allows the Horde to go for the rest of the Night Elves without any disruption from the Alliance.

I don’t see how I should be happy about that, or how this is in any way a good thing for the Night Elves, who are also portrayed as the aggressors after the genocide of their people.


well… no. I dont see the issue with the Kaldorei not having alliance backup. The entire Kaldorei offensive is outside of Alliance control or sanction. Tyrande literally said she would not wait when asked to, and if the alliance would do nothing she and her people would go do it themselves. And so it seems they did.

They have not signed the Armistice, so as far as the Alliance is concerned they have willingly decided to flout the consensus opinion of the rest of its leadership.

And they are the aggressors. They are apparently attacking any horde member on sight, because, again, as far as they are concerned they are still in a war position. They will be until Tyrande returns after Shadowlands.


No. With Ethel, the glass was never half-empty; it was full when the bartender smashed it over their head, then forced them to eat the broken shards, then made Ethel pay for it. And when Ethel went to the next bar, not only did the same thing happen, but all the patrons joined in. And bars have been doing this to Ethel since the first bar ever opened.

Don’t bother arguing with Ethel. Slam your head into a brick wall instead, it’s less painful.


The problem is that the Horde can just attack the rest of them whenever they want, knowing that they don’t have Alliance backup and that they are near extinct anway.
Another problem: What the hell has the Night Warrior been doing?! She wasn’t even present in Darkshore for the most part.

No, you did not just say that…

The Horde started a war, commited genocide against the Night Elves and has still been holding on to their lands to this day… but the Night Elves are the aggressors.
I just can’t…


You are right, I know. Its just. GAH.

This is my expression dealing with her.


Sounds like what Blizzard did to all Night Elf fans then.

Also, is this just supposed to be a sign of disrespect to spell my name wrong? I never get why some people do it when they mention others.

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How is your nickname read? “th” = “z” or is it two sounds?


It started when my phone auto-corrected your name. You didn’t correct me or protest, so I kept going with it because it’s simply easier to remember Ethel than Ethriel. If it bothers you in the least, I’ll do my best to spell it correctly.

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Well, I’ve seen some people that don’t like me do it when they refer to me or mention my name, so I was assuming they are just doing it out of disrespect or something

No, in this one instance, I’m not trying to be disrespectful Ethriel. I’m just not that subtle. For clarity, I’ll just go with your full avatar name, or obvious nickname.

When I’m being disrespectful towards you, I want it to be clear.

I feel this on a deep level.

That’s my current problem. I care about a few individuals in the Shadowlands – Theotar, Lady Moonberry, some others… But in total, I just cannot.

But damnit, I do care about Maestra’s Post.


lol why is the horde holding on to ashenvale, imagine if germany held on to northern france at the end of the ww2 blizzard cant write for anything


The same reason Northwatch Hold inexplicably still exists despite being an indefensible position in the heartlands of the Horde.

They are writing the book to mirror the game zones as they exist now. We should not expect any major shake ups, because that be a commitment to update the game they don’t want to make.


Yeah I am so done with blizzard they where alway lazy but this is beyond, even the books are lazy, like so done, once my sub runs out in 31 dec i dont think I’ll resub again


So are you finally willing to admit that you were wrong about just about anything regarding the Night Elves’ development and their (or rather, their lack of their) resolution?

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bull lol the horde are still in there lands, the HORDE HAS REFUSED TO LEAVE ashenvale, like lol the horde are 100% facist scum and cant even commit to change blizzard cant write
if they wanted to write a good story about the nelves being in the wrong and the horde changing they wouldnt be in ashenvale they would have left all land they dont own


lol please do you have memory of a goldfish did you already forget the summer

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I remember, yet Sylvanas facing justice wasn’t your only assumption that turned out wrong.
You also kept insisting that the Night Elves have Ashenvale back and the Horde would absolutely leave it alone in such an annoying way that I can’t resist to remind you of how wrong you were.
Maybe now you’ll realize that assuming that anything positive is going to happen to Night Elves is just unrealistic.

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i said it made more sense for them to have it back, i mean its common sense they would, the horde is trying to turn a new leaf, but blizzard doesnt work with common sense, but neither do you, cause all you do is belittle other players and try to make them feel bad for things they cant control your are just as bad

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