Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Basically, the gnolls and the Gordunni ogres remain a constant, ever-present threat there. Whatever parties of adventurers do, it only buys some time.

The Horde Council sent Belgrom Rockmaul (the guy who gave that (now removed from Classic?) vanilla-era questline to kill blood elves in Azshara) to address the situation in the area. Belgrom wants to build a third camp in the zone, named after him. Zekhan talks about how it reminds him of wartime expansion and doubts that it’s the answer.


And what about the already established Horde settlements/outposts in the region, has anything changed with them?

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Any update to Darkshore?


From the Rise of the Horde paperback version page 342.

"The great orcish army that had so decimated the draenei was reformed.
Some clans had been requested to remain behind. Gul’dan had done his best to convince the chieftains of the Shatter Hand, Shadowmoon, Thunderlord, Bleeding Hollow, and Laughing Skull clans that they were needed here. Grom and the Warsong had been particularly hard to convince to remain. "

The Horde already has three bases though. Camp Ataya, Camp Mojache, and Stonemaul Hold. So does that mean Belgrom wants to make a fourth base named something like Camp Rockmaul, simply doesn’t see Stonemaul Hold as a camp, is dismissive of Camp Ataya because of it’s small size, or did the Horde lose a base or something?


I think that’s from W2 BotD manual. This is the description Bleeding Hollow clan has there:

“This clan has achieved legendary status for battling the forces of Azeroth throughout both the First and Second Wars. Kilrogg was able to avoid capture by the Alliance after the defeat of the Horde in the Second War, and with the help of Ner’zhul was able to lead his clan back to the safety of Draenor. The Bleeding Hollow now serves Ner’zhul and will stop at nothing to bring his dark plans to fruition.”


To be fair this is vague enough so that it could be interpreted that he tried to get the Bleeding Hollow to remain but failed/at least failed to get Killrogg to remain/some of his forces.

Oh I understand how you feel, both factions feel like the idiot good alignment, there have been real consequences, and having to deal with a Menethil, and no undercity feels worse than not having a Gilneas or a Darkshore.

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“Justice been denied to them, so they cannot heal”

Exactly what I’ve been saying and people said I was wrong about Night Elves being unable to heal

“Throwing away their precious few lives into a fight neither Horde nor Alliance want”
Uhm… Horde started the war and commited genocide, yet it’s the Night Elves that want the fight… nothing new, typical victim blaming for the night elves.

“The forests roads were once highly patrolled, not they’re mostly left alone”

Yea I wonder why… because Night Elves are almost extinct because of the Horde, but that’s obviously their own fault according to the previous line

I’m not even surprised anymore at things like those…


Another possibility could be that Blackfathom Camp was destroyed when the Horde pushed towards Darkshore.


Zekhan confirms he was taught to read and write by Lorthemar.

No mention of An’she, but an odd sudden mention of the Sky Father and Earth Mother regarding funeral practices when Grimoire literally JUST changed this to the ashes going up to An’she and the Sky Father retcon’d out.

Re-separation of Wild God from Loa.

Zekhan using Elune over Mu’sha.

No mention of the Bloodhoof Runespear, with changes to the totems thereby.

No mention of Earthen Ring with regards to Mulgore history.

There is at least one error in use and one error in lack of use of Habitual Be on every single page.


Also, Splintertree Post is a Horde outpost still, so Ashenvale is in fact contested and the Night Elves don’t have Ashenvale as many liked to claim.
The Horde is still actively fighting in Ashenvale.

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Is there any mention of the Forsaken in this book, or the Eastern Kingdoms one?

Since the general consensus seems pretty dim, I don’t think I can buy this.

That they smell bad and make the spirit pools smell bad in Thunderbluff

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Only tauren believe in Mu’Shu, no? The Zandalari had a cult of Elune, something like that, right?

Pretty much what I expected. I was hoping they’d just go ahead and make it wholly Kaldorei controlled, since it’s not like they’ll ever update it in game. We’ll be stuck with the Cata-era zones for the rest of WoW’s life, so I thought they could at least give us a line in a book saying the Kaldorei took back all of Ashenvale. Guess not.


So you’ve already read the whole thing?
Thanks for the info, but what exactly do you mean by re-separation of wild god and loa?

Ashenvale isnt fully in Kaldorei hands, no. But the Kaldorei have reclaimed a good 80% of it, likely up to the Falfarren River. On top of that they fortified Astranaar into a more defensible position.

All things said this is way better than a few peeps were doomsaying.

I’d chalk this up to the brokers being weird and wrong. They have distorted understandings of the Material plane to begin with.

That’s the trouble with perspective pieces; they often will conflict like stuff does IRL.


lol I just realized I have more interest in the status of Forest Song than I do in the entirety of Shadowlands.



Is this it really?

The Horde still actively fighting for and contesting Ashenvale is more of an issue than it seems like. First of all, it shows that the Horde is still willing to attack Night Elf territory even after the genocide and after they were given Azshara for their ressources.
The Horde fighting in Ashenvale is also just laughable after the line that blames the Night Elves as the aggressors in that book. Can they stay consistent with their narrative in a single book?

Furthermore, it makes the Alliance once again look like idiots for having a peace treaty with the Horde thinking they have changed, meanwhile they are still attacking the remaining few Night Elves in Ashenvale.
The Alliance seems to not care about the Night Elves at all, as I said alrady previously…